The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 63 - Prince Ranku (Part III)

A day after the arrival of Prince Ranku in the Golden Moon Pack Mansion, Selene is also back to her usual routine in the Golden Moon Academy.

The news about the arrival of Prince Ranku in the Golden Moon Pack has already circulated around among the members of the Golden Moon Pack and the students of the Golden Moon Pack.​​

Most of the students are talking about how the younger brother of their Alpha Prince would look like.

Aside from Selene, Lance has seen how the younger brother of Prince Alcyd looked like. During the dinner, he was able to get a glimpse of what the younger brother of Prince Alcyd looked like. Though, he was not able to see the initial greetings and impression of Prince Ranku towards Selene.

One among the female students could be heard giggling with other students talking about Prince Ranku and the royal siblings.

"Oh my god! Have you heard that the youngest brother of Prince Alcyd looks so adorable and rumor has it that Prince Alcyd is fond of Prince Ranku. So, if you girls want to impress Prince Alcyd then we better get Prince Ranku's affection and favor."

Selene was walking along on the hallway hearing giggles and different information about Prince Ranku. It seems that the royal family of King Viktor is a hot topic around.

The spirit wolf of Selene, Sylvia, is not happy to overhear some students mention about trying to impress their mate.

'Selene! Are you letting these girls mention our mate and scheme their way in getting his attention? How could you let them say this? Are you not concerned? Don't you feel anything at all?' Sylvia asking Selene.

'Will you stop over-reacting? Have you forgotten, we are trying to be careful that no one finds out that Prince Alcyd has found his mate and I am their soon-to-be Luna? So, hush! Do not blow our cover!' Selene reminding her spirit wolf about their priorities.

Then Selene went ahead to her class. As she tries to find her inner peace since everyone is so hyped up about the arrival of Prince Ranku in the mansion of Prince Alcyd.

After the morning class of Selene,

In the meantime, while Prince Alcyd and the rest are pre-occupied with strategizing how to counter Prince Alarick's plans against his allies, Selene encounters something new in the Golden Moon Academy.

"I do not understand why others suddenly decided that it is a good idea to spend their lunch here in the rooftop." Selene asks Chloe while pertaining to Lance with his group of friends who also set-up a picnic-style on the rooftop for lunch.

Georgie knows exactly the reason for Lance since it was his suggestion to Lance when he was asked about how to get closer to Selene since he is closer to Selene compared to Lance. He kept his silence while eating his own lunch.

Chloe smiled at Selene and told her, "Don't you like it, we have audience."

"We picked this spot because I wanted some peace of mind and away from any curious eyes." Selene explained it to Chloe.

"I did not know, you can be territorial! Hehe!" Chloe teasing Selene who is a little bit irked from Lance following them on the rooftop.

Selene shakes her head after hearing the attempts of Chloe teasing her.

"Or maybe, our dear Lance is missing your presence since you stopped spending your lunchtime in the cafeteria so here he is trying to get more of your attention and having a good view of you as his dessert! Haha ~~" further attempts of Chloe in teasing Selene.

"Will you just shut it, Chloe? At least the rogue brothers are not annoying me today. Sometimes, I really wonder if it was a good idea to befriend you." Teased back of Selene towards Chloe.

Chloe held her mouth in a gasp for the attempt of Selene to tease her back. "Oh my! Oh my! Miss Bad Ass has a dangerous mouth too." Laughing at the attempt of Selene to tease her back.

The rogue brothers seem to behave nicely for the entire day which Selene appreciated. Freddie is the typical laid back guy who prefers to rest all the time while Georgie is silent due to his secret collaboration with Lance. Lance begged Georgie to help him to get closer to Selene in exchange for truce and time to train him in his battle skills. It truly piqued the interest of Georgie since he thought it will be a harmless collaboration.

One thing that was new as well for Selene is the sudden presence of Scarlett during their lunchtime.

"Anyways, who invited you to join us?" Chloe straight away asked Scarlett.

"Excuse me!" Scarlett raised a brow as she replies Chloe with attitude.

"Yes, you heard me! Who told you that you can join this exclusive lunch circle? Can you see Lance over there who made a separate lunch spot, can't you do the same?" Pointing out the current situation which is clear that Chloe is not that fond of Scarlett since she was not treated nicely before by Scarlett.

"I intended to join in because of Selene and not you. So do not flatter yourself too much, four-eyes!" retorted back by Scarlett towards Chloe.

Though, Selene interrupted and mediated the situation before Chloe could further worsen the situation, "Chloe! That's enough! It is okay for Scarlett to join us. She is also my partner in our task in the orphanage. We both spend our weekends together in the orphanage and in the daycare."

"Thanks, Selene!" gratefully expressed by Scarlett as she sips her tea.

"I know you have not been treated well by Scarlett before but you can never correct a wrong thing with another wrong thing. Sometimes giving someone a second chance allows us to see a better version of ourselves." Further pointed out by Selene which made Scarlett and Chloe silent.

While everyone is being silent, Lance gathered all his guts and approached the group of Selene and tried to get Selene's attention through something he knew about Prince Ranku.

"Selene, did you know that Prince Alcyd's youngest brother is the most curious person you will ever meet. His observation skills are on a high level. That is according to my older brother, Caleb" Lance sharing his thoughts about the younger brother of Prince Alcyd.

"You mean … A curious prince …" Selene stated after hearing what Lance has to say.

"Yeah, something like that!" Lance looking satisfied that Selene conversed with him and Georgie is just trying to keep it cool but he could not stop staring Lance and giving him a sign through his eyes that his hands are on Selene's shoulders which reminds Lance that Selene does not like tactless movements.

Good thing, Selene was pre-occupied conversing with Chloe and Scarlett which allowed Lance to put his hand back to his pocket to where it belongs.


Meanwhile, in the main office of the mansion of Prince Alcyd, all Executive Officers and Prince Alcyd are present with the younger brother of Prince Alcyd who has important information about Prince Alarick's plans against the allies of Prince Alcyd. Prince Ranku is sitting in front of Prince Alcyd with Garrett, Beta of Prince Alcyd, standing beside him.

"Before we start this meeting at all, big bro! I just want to ask something." Prince Ranku mentions to Prince Alcyd.

"Sure ask away!" Prince Alcyd replied to his younger brother as he tries to take a sip of his coffee.

Everyone was taking a glance at each other, curious about what Prince Ranku will ask.

"Hmm… Have you found your mate already?" directly asked by Prince Ranku causing Prince Alcyd to spit out the coffee he was drinking due to his surprise from Prince Ranku's query.

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