Prince Ranku is sitting in front of Prince Alcyd with Garrett, Beta of Prince Alcyd, standing beside him.

"Before we start this meeting at all, big bro! I just want to ask something." Prince Ranku mentions to his older brother, Prince Alcyd.

"Sure, ask away!" Prince Alcyd reply to his younger brother as he tries to take a sip of his coffee.

Everyone was taking a glance at each other, curious about what Prince Ranku will ask.

"Hmm… Have you found your mate already?" directly asked by Prince Ranku causing Prince Alcyd to spit out the coffee he was drinking due to his surprise from Prince Ranku's query.

It was an unexpected query from the younger brother of Prince Alcyd.

The Executive Officers of Prince Alcyd fell silent and nervous with the direct curiosity of the young prince.

"Whaaat ??!!" surprised response of Prince Alcyd from his younger brother while wiping the coffee he spilled to himself.

Garrett snorted after hearing the query of Prince Ranku and immediately started to put an act as if he is doing something important with the documents in his hands.

"I said, have you found your mate already?" Prince Ranku repeatedly asked his older brother.

"I heard what you said but what I mean is that what made you ask such certain questions. What made you think that I have found my mate." Clarified by Prince Alcyd in a defensive manner which made Prince Ranku more curious about it.

"I did not say, you found your mate. I was just asking if you found your mate already. You sound defensive big bro! Is there anything wrong with my question? Have you really found your mate already?"

"Ahem! No, I have not found my mate yet and I am not being defensive!"

"Okay! You say so." A hint of sarcasm could be heard on Prince Ranku's tone.

Even though Prince Ranku dropped his query regarding if his older brother found his mate or not, it just made the young prince more curious regarding the matter.

And deep inside, he plans to delve into the matter more in the future on his own initiative.

"Anyways, let us get to the real issue that we should be putting our attention at the moment. I was told that you have information about Alarick's evil plans against my allies." Prince Alcyd tells his younger brother in a serious tone.

Prince Ranku discussed how he was able to spy on their eldest brother, Prince Alarick.

He even mentioned that through his special ability,

<<< _Beast Possession_ >>>

A special ability of Prince Ranku to transfer his soul to any animals and possess its body. A full control over any animal once the possession is complete. It takes a few minutes to complete the process of possession. The stronger the animal is, the longer it takes for Prince Ranku to complete the process of possession.

It is the first time of the Executive Officers of Prince Alcyd to hear about the special ability of Prince Ranku since Prince Alcyd thinks that it is better for only a few individuals to know what each can do.

An element of surprise in every battle is highly believed by Prince Alcyd as one of the greatest weapons to use against an opponent.


In royal palace, Prince Alarick arrives with his entourage.

One of his minions approached him and informed him about certain movements within the royal palace.

Prince Alarick assigned someone as well to monitor the movement of his royal siblings around the royal palace.

It made Prince Alarick uncomfortable knowing that among his siblings has left the royal palace during his secret meeting with his allies.

Though the information alarmed Prince Alarick more since it is Prince Ranku who left the royal palace and went to the Golden Moon pack where Prince Alcyd resides.

"You mean Ranku left and he went to the Golden Moon Pack days ago?" Prince Alarick asking his minion whom he assigned to monitor and spy discreetly on his siblings.

"Yes, Prince Alarick! Prince Ranku left with only a few warriors with him. He seems to be in a hurry." nervously mentioned by the minion of Prince Alarick.

A worry started to form in Prince Alarick's mind since he suspects that his youngest brother may have found out something that made him go personally to the Golden Moon Pack.

And for sure, Prince Ranku is planning to report something to Prince Alcyd whom he rivals with in terms of candidacy for the next heir of the King of all Alpha werewolves.

"You look worried, Alarick!" Princess Shiveena appears out of nowhere and greeted Prince Alarick.

"And why do you look so happy, Shiveena?"

Prince Alarick could not hide his displeasure and worry about the certain movements of his siblings.

A curious prince who is trying to figure out what does Prince Ranku knows?


Right after the class of Selene, she is picked up on time by Lady Sonja with her red truck and headed immediately to the mansion.

On their way to the mansion, Lady Sonja gave a quick briefing to her future Luna, Selene.

"I just want to inform you Miss Selene that Prince Alcyd said that we should be extra careful around Prince Ranku."

Selene expressed her confusion, "Why? What's wrong?"

"Well, Prince Ranku's curiosity can be very intense and he might start making some drastic moves just to quench his curiosity." Lady Sonja explaining to Selene how intense the curiosity of Prince Ranku.

"I was told by Lance as well that Prince Ranku can be very observant."

"One thing you should know about the royal siblings Miss Selene, A curious prince is never a good thing …" pointed out by Lady Sonja.

When Selene was about to express her reply, the driver's side of the truck took a hit from raging bulls causing the truck to topple down and crash to the side of the road.

Fortunately, Selene and Lady Sonja were not that badly hurt but it took them both by surprise, and still a bit disoriented from the sudden crashing of the truck.

As they both get out of the truck, Selene could sense few rogue werewolves surrounding her and the scent is familiar.

"No way! Why?" Selene expresses her confusion while staring at the rogue werewolf that is preparing itself to attack Selene with its loud growl.

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