Immediately after the incident, Prince Alcyd and Selene went straight ahead to the mansion with Lady Sonja. The Alpha Prince decided to confront his younger brother about his foolishness.

While they walk their way to the main office of the mansion, where Prince Ranku and Garrett are waiting for them, Prince Alcyd could sense his mate worried for the rogue brothers.​​

So before they entered the main office, Prince Alcyd tried to comfort his mate.

"Don't worry, I instructed my warriors to bring your friends to the hospital. Plus, they were not hurt that much. They fell unconscious due to my Alpha's Roar. So, basically they will only feel over fatigued since they were forced to use all their strength and reserved energy for sure." Prince Alcyd trying to comfort Selene on the hallway of the mansion before entering the main office.

"Thank you! For not hurting my friends and saving me back there. If it weren't for you I would have been hurt for sure. But, how do you know that they will just be over fatigued and you seem to be aware of the effects on their body as if you have seen this already." Selene expressing her curiosity.

Indeed, Prince Alcyd already knows who is responsible for the situation that Selene and Lady Sonja went through.

It was confirmed when Garrett, the Beta of the Alpha Prince, informed Prince Alcyd through the mind-link regarding Prince Ranku's scheme of finding out about the information of Prince Alcyd's mate.

"Yes, Garrett told me about it through the mind-link. I hope you let me handle this."

"Okay!" Selene's reply to her mate.

Ever since the last encounter, the spirit wolf of Selene and Prince Alcyd has remained silent all throughout their way to the mansion.

As soon as Prince Alcyd and the others entered, Prince Ranku is sitting by the chair while Garrett is sitting in front of him and at the same time, Athena and Caleb are standing behind Prince Ranku in making sure that the young prince will not try to escape.

It seems like Prince Ranku is held up for the interrogation of Prince Alcyd.

"Ranku! What the hell were you thinking? Why would you do such a thing? You used your unique abilities on rogue werewolves. Don't you know how important it is to keep the details about your unique abilities contained?" Prince Alcyd scolding his younger brother.

"You lied straight to my face! I thought I am important to you. Why would you keep such important matter from me? Unless, you had to which means your mate is not yet ready to accept her role as the future Luna of Golden Moon Pack or much worst, not yet ready to complete the process of mating." Prince Ranku expressing his frustration towards his older brother for keeping the truth about finally finding a mate.

Only a loud and deep sigh could be heard from Prince Alcyd realizing how spoiled and self-centered his younger brother is. He forgot that the curiosity of Prince Ranku can be lethal even for him.

"I am sorry if I had to keep it even from you but since you stay in the royal palace so I cannot risk it for anyone else to know aside from my trusted circle. Especially, when we have not yet completed the process of mating." Explained by the Alpha Prince to his younger brother.

"So I was right! Tell me big bro, is she your mate? That platinum-haired girl?" Prince Ranku pointing towards the direction of Selene.

"Ranku! Do not be rude! Do not forget that she is my mate. Even you are a favorite of mine, you can outweigh the value of my mate." Prince Alcyd warning his younger brother.

Everyone in the room becomes nervous from the argument of the two royal brothers. They could not even interrupt the heated discussion between the two royal siblings.

Then it even got worst as Prince Ranku stood up from his seat.

While the two brothers are having their heated discussion, Selene was already trying her best to hold her temper after knowing that this young prince caused all the trouble and almost risking her friends' life from a mere curiosity.

It doesn't get better when the young prince decided to confront Selene.

"Now you tell me, Selene, why would you not accept my big brother completely? The way I see it, you are fortunate to be fated as the mate of my big brother. Don't you know how many she-wolf out there wishes to be in your place right now? I do not know what is so special about you that you have to play coy with my big brother. If this is your way in trying to seduce him and wrap him around your palm because it is a disgusting attempt. So, please do us a favor and stop with the hard-to-get attitude." Arrogantly and coldly said by Prince Ranku facing Selene who is facing down the floor and doing her best not to lose her temper.

"Ranku, enough!" Prince Alcyd has become agitated from Prince Ranku's rudeness towards his mate.

Prince Ranku had always thought that his older brother deserve all the happiness and the best things in the world.

"What? I am just telling the truth. This is all her fault. If it wasn't for her stubbornness and coy attempt in trying to charm big brother Alcyd in such lame way then I would not have resorted such scheme to control those rogue werewolves just to confirm my curiosity…" before Prince Ranku could finish his statement,

A loud and stinging slap was released by Selene towards Prince Ranku's cheeks.

Silence was deafening from what just happened.

No one could say anything or do anything since it is Selene who slapped Prince Ranku with such might and emotion.

Even the young prince is shocked from what happened and he could only hold his left cheek which received the stinging slap from Selene.

"How dare you! How could you use my friends for your curiosity? How could you even treat such a life of others as if it's nothing? How could you act so carelessly and treat others like just a mere pawn of your schemes? There could have been another way to know things and not through risking the life of others." Selene vents out her anger and lecturing Prince Ranku while he keeps holding his left cheeks.

This was the first time they saw someone lecture a royalty and do such a thing like hitting a young prince. They did not expect Selene to do so.

"You think I am acting coy and seducing your big brother? Too bad, you are not informed that I am held captive by your brother in the first place. I lived for a long time on my own and trust does not go by easily so it must be earned before I grant it to your big brother. He is lucky I did not reject him as a mate… I have thought over and over again, why not just reject him and move on with my life in solitude just the way I have been living my life." The last statement got everyone nervous and looked at each other.

Prince Alcyd clenched his fist in anger that Selene thought of rejecting him.

Regret on Prince Ranku's face was starting to form after realizing his foolishness.

Before Prince Alcyd could even vent his anger out, Selene further explained.

"But I chose not to reject your brother. I chose to give him a chance. Despite the pain and experience that I went through before, I was willing to gamble my fate with him. Even though I have more important priorities to accomplish, I stayed by your brother's side.

You should be on your knees with gratitude because I did not let him experience the pain of rejection that I went through before…" Selene turned her back before anyone could even talk or comfort her. Before she discloses any details further from her past, She decided to walk away.

Selene said her last words before leaving the room. "I am sorry if I had to slap you. It was the only way I could think of in order to stop your foolishness. Caring for your brother is not an excuse to hurt someone else. I hope you learn your lesson!"

The main office was completely silent and everyone was stiff in their places even after Selene left the room.

Guilt and shame were painted all over Prince Ranku's face.

But there was something that everyone has to worry.

Their Alpha Prince is on the verge of losing his cool after such realization.

"Did everyone hear that, right? Selene just told us that she experienced rejection."

Anger seeps into Prince Alcyd which has become apparent to all.

"Who dared to even think of rejecting my beautiful mate?"

A dark and threatening question held everyone fear for the worst.

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