Immediately after the heated discussion and confrontation in the main office of Prince Alcyd, Selene went to her room.

Lady Sonja went after Selene.​​

While everyone was left speechless with how things transpired.

Prince Ranku could not even utter a single word in his shame and guilt for acting rudely towards the mate of his older brother. He sat on the couch speechless.

If everyone was still trying to register what just happened.

Their Alpha Prince is bothered with the last statement of his mate before she walked out of the main office. Her words about being rejected before kept troubling his mind. He could not even think about reprimanding his younger brother because at the moment he is bothered about his mate getting rejected by someone.

Causing so much pain to his mate which could even be a reason why his mate having trouble trusting someone else.

Garrett, the Beta of Prince Alcyd, could see how bothered their Alpha Prince currently. He made signs through his facial expression towards Athena and Caleb to assist Prince Ranku in his room.

And both Executive Officers followed the instruction of Garrett. Both officers of Prince Alcyd are confused with the things going on around them. They could barely keep up with the developments around their Alpha Prince and Selene.

"I want to find out who caused so much pain to my mate. No wonder she could hardly trust me with anything. I must know who and once I find out, I will put his head on a serving platter." Prince Alcyd expresses his thoughts to his best friend.

"Do not think too hasty. Why don't you look at it positively? If it were not for that rejection, you will not be blessed to be with her. I doubt Selene would appreciate you doing that. Remember, you are getting closer each day now and do not let this get in the way between the two of you." Garrett convincing his best friend to think positively.

The advice that Garrett gave towards Prince Alcyd made sense.

A deep sigh was released by Prince Alcyd and clasped his hands as he placed his chin right above it.

"We need to make new arrangements then. I want to put another special team on the search for Selene's older brother. Even the rogue brothers have a piece of limited knowledge regarding Selene's past. It is understandable that she will not easily open up about it. So, finding her older brother will be a top priority." Said seriously by Prince Alcyd.

"Yes, I will inform Caleb about it." Garrett replied Prince Alcyd's instructions.

"Then, tomorrow I will announce a new set-up for the upcoming war against the rogue werewolves. Lastly, I have to talk with Ranku regarding a new arrangement that will keep him away from anyone. Hoping that my younger brother will be able to preserve this secret of mine. Until the right time, my younger brother will definitely be less visible in the royal palace from now on."

"I will make arrangements for Prince Ranku. But you are right, it is better to talk to him first tomorrow. With Prince Alarick's scheme and the upcoming war too, I do agree that new arrangements should be in place for our preparation." The Beta of Prince Alcyd, Garrett, expresses his concurrence and nods along as he writes down the key points that Prince Alcyd wanted to include for the new arrangements.


In the strategy room while most of the ministers and allied Alphas of King Viktor are discussing strategy with the King of all Alpha werewolves for the upcoming war against the rogue werewolves.

A messenger came rushing towards King Viktor and shocking news took his attention.

"What you mean Midnight Pack got attacked by the rogue werewolves?" King Viktor is in shock and his expression was apparent to everyone.

Every minister and Alpha werewolf present started whispering to each other.

No one could believe that one of the strongest wolf pack got defeated by rogue werewolves in just one night.

The strategy room of King Viktor was filled with tension and surprise from the unbelievable news about the defeat of the Midnight Pack.

"Send a message to every allied wolf pack to prepare and strengthen their defense. This is indeed alarming. There will be new arrangements for sure. We cannot let another incident happen." King Viktor trying to reassure everyone present in the strategy room.

Nods can be seen by everyone who is showing that they agree with King Viktor.

It was something that shook everyone's confidence since the Midnight Pack is considered as one of the strongest wolf pack in the world.

The King of all Alpha werewolves can be seen clenching his fist and looking upset.

This was something that could affect the tide in the upcoming war.

And King Viktor is not fond of having a blemish in his reputation. He was planning for a flawless victory against King Lucius.

But due to this current development, doubts may arise towards King Viktor's reign.


Selene was so upset that she could not even discuss with her spirit wolf.

The confrontation with Prince Ranku made her disclose something about her past and she was not happy that she had to slap the young prince.

One of the things that Selene never liked was using force to get something across.

But there was a limit to her patience.

Though it was not a proud moment for Selene, she thought that no one should ever risk anyone's life.

While Selene was pondering on what happened with Prince Ranku, a knock could be heard from her door.

Lady Sonja asked if it was okay for her to come inside. And Selene replied politely to the chief of staff of Prince Alcyd. "Yes, you can come in!"

"I am sorry if I had to disturb you." Lady Sonja tells Selene.

"It is okay, Lady Sonja. I am sorry as well for how I acted towards Prince Ranku. I know I should not have done it. I do not know what got into me and I had to do that. How may I help you?" Selene explaining her actions to Lady Sonja.

"Oh, you do not have to worry! We understand why you had to do it. I came here because I want to ask you something personal. And I hope you will answer me. I do not want to resort to what Prince Ranku did. So, I will ask you directly about it." Nervously said by Lady Sonja to Selene.

"Sure, I will try my best to answer your questions."

"While you were preoccupied with the rogue werewolves and when your spirit wolf took over. I noticed something and I hope you clarify this to me since I am only concern with your welfare."

"What was it?" curiously asked by Selene who is clueless about what bothers Lady Sonja.

"Are you keeping something in your shadow?"

When Selene thought that Lady Sonja already asked her with a surprising question, another question made Selene gulp for her sanity.

"Have you not shifted into your wolf form yet?"

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