Instead of spending time in the orphanage with orphan kids and teaching them different kind of children's play like Marco Polo Game and Marbles, Selene is in the training grounds with the other warriors of the Golden Moon Pack.

All warriors of Golden Moon Pack are assembled in the training grounds of the mansion of Prince Alcyd for a special announcement from the commander of the warriors who had direct instructions from the Alpha Prince.​ ​

While everyone is waiting for the special announcement of Caleb, each warrior is settling down to their chosen spot.

Though the eyes from other warriors could stop looking at Selene.

Selene is looking mesmerizing with her platinum hair tied back into a ponytail. She started tying her hair with the lace given by Prince Alcyd.

Even though everyone is wearing a black training suit, Selene stands out from the rest with her radiating beauty and platinum hair.

If everyone is trying to take a glance at Selene inconspicuously from their position. Selene is daydreaming about her and Prince Alcyd while standing leaning against a pillar. She keeps thinking about how Prince Alcyd gallantly and bravely saved her from the rogue werewolves. Her confrontation with Prince Ranku does not bother her anymore since she has seen Georgie and Freddie are back to their normal selves.

Lance approached Selene who noticed her mused expression. And it seems that her mind has traveled miles away already.

"Hey there, looks like our mind is off to somewhere already." Lance trying to cheer Selene.

"Oh, Lance!

Was it too obvious?" Selene smiled in her worry that her thought is being occupied by her mate these days.

"Oh well, if you ask me, someone should stop disturbing others peaceful moment." Scarlett joined in the conversation between the two.

"If it is not the great nagger, Scarlett. No one asked for your unsolicited advice. Can't you see, Me and Selene are conversing. You are not included in the conversation. So will you mind your own business?" Lance showing Scarlett he is annoyed with her.

"Speaking of minding your own business, you should be the one minding your own business and leaving people alone." Scarlett retorted towards Lance.

While the two are exchanging banters toward each other, Selene who is in the middle between Lance and Scarlett released her arms from the folded position and stood properly in acknowledgment of the arrival of Caleb, the commander of the warriors of Golden Moon Pack.

Caleb is having a last-minute discussion with Athena, the mate of Garrett. Selene noticed that Caleb has a brunette natural hair color.

"You know Lance, dying your hair and acting tough in front of others does not make you look cool." Selene said nonchalantly towards Lance.

Scarlett and Lance were surprised by the casual manner of Selene.

"I prefer people keeping it real and natural rather superficial. If you are scared to show the natural you then do not worry, I will like the way you are. Same as for you Scarlett!"

Lance was mostly stupefied with Selene's words and she smiled at Lance. Selene tapping on his shoulder made all the feeling of spark worst.

Everything suddenly went into slow motion for Lance while looking at Selene.

'Can she be my mate? Please be my mate! Oh God, please make Selene my mate!' Lance told to himself silently in his mind while looking at Selene.

On the other side, Caleb took the attention of everyone and requested them to all come forward and near to the platform.

"Everyone, we have a special announcement to make.

By the command of the King of all Alpha werewolves, 50 best warriors of Golden Moon Pack will be chosen by Prince Alcyd. These 50 warriors will join Prince Alcyd on behalf of the Golden Moon Pack for the upcoming war against the King of rogue werewolves.

And lastly, according to Prince Alcyd, there will be a ranking event for the entire warriors of Golden Moon Pack. Thus, this will determine the 50 warriors that will represent the Golden Moon Pack and the top 10 ranking warriors …

Will determine the new -GOLDEN CREW- of Prince Alcyd."

A burning desire in each warrior of the Golden Moon Pack present in the training ground of the mansion is clearly painted all over their faces.

Their eyes are filled with burning desire.

But Lance is burning with a different kind of desire towards someone.


While others are spending their entire day training diligently and passionately for the upcoming -Rank Event- of the Golden Moon Pack, Prince Ranku and Prince Alcyd are having a serious discussion in the main office of the mansion with Garrett.

"Ranku, I have decided to assign you in a very important –recon mission– with 3 other warriors of Golden Moon Pack."

Prince Ranku has been silent the entire time.

Garrett, the Beta of Prince Alcyd, noticed the dejected mood of the young prince. He immediately nudged the Alpha Prince to anticipate the mood of the young prince.

"What!" Prince Alcyd exclaimed to Garrett.

His Beta and best friend, Garrett, explained through the mind-link that Prince Ranku is looking upset and dispirited due to the confrontation and how he acted towards Selene.

'Look at your younger brother, he is clearly not himself and he needs some older brother vibes now.' Advised by Garrett to Prince Alcyd through the mind-link.

'Thanks for that! Yes, I will try. Though he needs to realize that what he did cannot be tolerated.' Explained further by Prince Alcyd to Garrett.

"I know both of you are talking about me through your mind-link but you do not have to worry about me. I know what I did was wrong and I regret what I did. I also understand why you had to keep it from me too due to my tactless behavior." Genuinely expressed by Prince Ranku towards his older brother.

Both Prince Alcyd and Garrett are surprised by the professed realization of the young prince.

"Then what is bothering you? Why are you looking so dejected and down?" asked by Prince Alcyd to his younger brother.

"I was just thinking how to apologize to Selene. And the things she told me. Am I evil, big bro?" Prince Ranku asked his older brother while looking at his own hands.

While Garrett smiled, Prince Alcyd heaved a deep sigh before replying to his younger brother.

"One thing you should always remember Ranku. Sometimes we need to commit mistakes in order to learn and grow. Even I had done worse than you can imagine. I am not in the right position to say what is good and evil but father always used to say.

Never be ashamed of your mistakes. Embrace it, make sure you become better than you were yesterday.

Your mistakes do not define who and what you are, it just teaches us how to become better."

Prince Ranku trying his best to hold his tears because it is his first time to feel so wrong and guilty about something he did.

Only today he realized that it is never okay to risk or play with other people's lives. And that he acted so rudely towards the mate of his older brother. He always feared to be evil like those who caused the death of his and Prince Alcyd's mother.

So after hearing his older brother say such things, it triggered his emotions and tears to come out.

"Do you understand, Ranku?" reaffirmed by Prince Alcyd.

"Yes, big brother! I understand!" still trying his best to hold his tears while looking up and covering his face.

Garrett could not stop appreciating this side of their Alpha Prince.

Not all the time Garrett could witness such a beautiful moment as the two brothers having at the moment.

"I will be better than I am yesterday!" Prince Ranku passionately declared to his older brother.

A burning desire to be better filled Prince Ranku's eyes.

"Good! Then let's go back in discussing your mission." Prince Alcyd smiled as he starts to explain the mission of Prince Ranku.


Due to the large territory of Golden Moon Pack, there is a wide and beautiful lake that is located within the territory.

Selene is in awe of the view of the lake while walking towards it.

Everyone just arrived for the training but Selene looked for a spot to meditate and appreciate the nature around her.

Every warrior was supposed to begin their training but Selene secretly told Caleb to instruct everyone to have fun and swim on the lake.

Then the noise of people swimming and having fun could be heard from the position Selene was standing from.

As she was about to walk further from the stony bedrocks of the lake, Selene accidentally slips but got caught through someone's arms.

Sparks were going haywire and the familiar intoxicating scent made Selene realize who it is.

"Alcyd!" uttered by Selene.

"Careful there! I do not want my beautiful mate to get hurt." Said by Prince Alcyd towards Selene.

"Thank you, once again! You have a habit of always saving me! But you should be careful someone might hear you. Remember, we need to keep this information discreetly." Selene reminding Prince Alcyd about it.

Though, while Selene was reminding her mate, she could not help it but stare at a topless Prince Alcyd while he is wearing black beach shorts.

Topless Prince Alcyd exposes the firm muscles and tanned skin features that causing unexplainable feelings inside Selene. Even her spirit wolf is going crazy in her mind and howling non-stop.

Prince Alcyd touch is making it all worst.

"Selene, I cannot help it anymore but I have to tell you…

I am starting to fall for you, even without the pull of a mate…

I think I am in love with you!" openly professed by Prince Alcyd.

Selene looked like a deer caught in red light, surprised and speechless.

But Selene took courage and replied while blushing.

"Me too, I think I am starting to fall for you." Selene admitting her true feelings while smiling in her mate's touch.

Then both decided to go for a kiss while everyone stopped what they are doing because they see Prince Alcyd is about to kiss Selene.

A deep and passionate kiss happened between Prince Alcyd and Selene.

Shock and cheers started to reverberate all over the lake while everyone was watching.

Selene could not stop pondering what is she feeling at the moment while kissing her own mate out in the open.

Is it Lust … Love … Need …

But one thing for sure, it is a burning desire that Selene is ready to surrender herself into.

Letting herself drown into the pleasure of the kiss and exploring touch of her mate.

Pleasure took over and sparks were all over her senses.

*** Selene wakes up ***

"Oh my God!" Selene expressed while sweating and panting.

Finally, Selene came to a realization that everything was all just but a dream.

She could feel the bedsheet completely wet as she looks around the bedroom.

At this quiet and chill night, one thing Selene is sure of …

There is a feeling that has completely dominated within her senses lately…

It is no other than …

Burning desire for Prince Alcyd …

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