The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 71 - First Heat Cycle

[In the Golden Moon Academy]

Due to the incident with Prince Ranku, the Alpha Prince of the Golden Moon Pack replaced the old truck of Lady Sonja after getting wrecked from the incident.​​

Before Selene could go out from the new truck of Lady Sonja, Prince Alcyd's chief of staff tried to get Selene's attention.

"Selene, I just want to ask if you are okay to go to class right now. You look sick right now." Lady Sonja worriedly asked Selene.

"I appreciate the concern Lady Sonja but I am okay!" Selene reassuring Lady Sonja of her condition.

"But your lips look a bit pale and your eyes look stressed. Are you getting enough sleep? Having enough sleep …" Lady Sonja was not able to finish her last sentence. Selene interjected her words.

"Kindly stop nagging, I am not in the mood for it right now. Can I go now? I will be late if I do not go off right now." There was a hint of agitation in Selene's voice.

"Okay…" surrender reply by Lady Sonja.

Watching Selene goes off from the new truck.

A mixture of worry and surprise was painted all over in Lady Sonja's face. Her worry and concern were more dominant than her surprise from the sudden attitude which Selene is exhibiting since early morning.

While Selene walks through the hallway, she tries calling for her spirit wolf.

'Sylv! Sylv! Are you there?'



'Why are you not responding Sylv?'



'You have been silent on me lately!'



'Please, girl! Tell me what is going on. You are starting to make me worry'



No one could hear but Selene is desperately calling for her spirit wolf to appear.

After numerous desperate attempts of Selene, there was no response at all from her spirit wolf.

Georgie spooked Selene while she is preoccupied with putting her things in her locker and desperately calling for her spirit wolf at the same time.

"Boo! Whatcha doin'?" Georgie's attempt of spooking Selene.

The young rogue wolf has no idea what Selene is going through in her head.

Georgie succeeded in spooking Selene because, to her surprise, she dropped some of the things while she was taking it.

A burst of laughter could be heard from Georgie after pulling a prank on Selene.

"Damn it, Georgie! That was not funny! If you think you look cute and adorable, you are not! So stop being childish already and act like your own age. You are not a kid anymore!" Selene vented out her agitation and closed her locker hard enough for everyone to hear such a loud bang.


Students nearby started looking at Selene and Georgie.

"I am sorry. I did not mean to annoy you." Georgie expressed his apology to Selene.

But Selene ignored him and just left for the class.

Freddie is just standing beside Georgie and he is surprised how Selene acted towards Georgie.

"That is strange. I never see her vent out on you like that. We both know that you are Selene's favorite person in the world." Freddie tells his younger brother about the strange behavior Selene exhibited.

"Yeah, this is my first time seeing her go off at me like that. Did I annoy her that much?" Georgie asked his older brother.

"Well, you are annoying me every day! So that is not new to me. Just go to your class and stay out in trouble." Freddie trying to cheer up his younger brother as he brushes his younger brother's hair.

Georgie goes to his class pouting.

As Selene enters the classroom, she immediately went to her seat and wished for her spirit wolf to respond already.

Chloe sees Selene take her seat. And she notices how bothered Selene is looking.

"Are you alright? What's bothering you? You look unwell." Chloe genuinely expressed her concern.

"Just mind your own business, Chloe! I am not in the mood to talk about it." Selene retort towards Chloe's concern.

"I was just concern for you." Chloe explaining herself to Selene who is looking agitated.

"No one obliged you to be concerned for my well-being. Just do me a favor, keep it to yourself!" Selene's mood was clearly off and others could clearly notice it.

"Harsh much?" Scarlett who was passing by across them could not help it but express her thoughts.

"You know what, I know you were not given so much attention at home, but please do not beg for it. Desperation does not suit you." Selene did not hold back her agitation towards Scarlett.

A loud gasp could be heard from everyone in the class.

-Whoah- was in everyone's mouth after they heard Selene express her agitation.

Scarlett just went to her seat looking defeated and embarrassed.

Chloe was totally speechless seeing Selene behave the way she is exhibiting so far.

"Don't mind her, she is on a mean streak. If I were you, stay clear from her." Freddie tells Chloe as he takes his seat.

"Can't I have a peace of mind here?" Selene flips her hair to the side.

The ring of the bell signified the start of the classes.

And the entire morning class went by with students staying clear from Selene and left her on her desk.

Though it did not stop Freddie, Chloe and Scarlett to worry for Selene.

Selene was resting her head on her arm by the desk while waiting for the professor who is clearly late for the last period.

Few minutes passed…

By the last period, the professor comes in late and greeted everybody.

But Selene remained silent and her head still on her desk.

"Miss Selene! Time for nap is over. It is now time for class." The professor is trying to get Selene's attention.

Unfortunately, there is no response from Selene.

"MISS SELENE!" the tone of the professor starts to rise.

Chloe did not want the professor to get upset and angry so she tried to gather her courage to disturb Selene's peace of mind.

"Hey, Selene! The class is starting!" Chloe taps Selene's shoulder.

As Chloe taps Selene, she realizes how high Selene's temperature is through her touch.

It made Chloe stand from her seat and checked Selene properly.

"Sir! Selene is unconscious! And her temperature seems to be high!" Chloe informs their professor.

Immediately, Professor instructed Freddie to bring Selene to the infirmary.

After Chloe informed their professor, the other students' attention fell on Selene.

Freddie was quick on his feet and acted swiftly while carrying Selene towards the infirmary.

Chloe and Scarlett accompanied Freddie without being told.


After being informed by Lady Sonja regarding Selene's condition, Prince Alcyd immediately instructed the nurse on duty in the infirmary of Golden Moon Academy to transport Selene to the hospital.

Preparations were made for Selene's admission to the hospital.

Prince Alcyd even called the chief doctor of the Golden Moon Hospital to check on Selene.

Immediately Prince Alcyd went to the hospital with Garrett, Athena, and Lady Sonja.

There was a separate floor in the hospital designated for VIP patients. To provide privacy and enough protection, this was made ever since the late Queen Esmeralda built the hospital during her days.

Freddie, Chloe and Scarlett were not permitted to come along to the hospital.

By the time Prince Alcyd arrives at the private room where Selene is laying down unconsciously, the doctor is already waiting for him.

"Doc, what is wrong with her? I hope you do not mind the discretion required from you." Prince Alcyd tells the doctor straight away.

"Do not worry, I can keep a secret and be discreet about it. After all, I have been the resident witch of this pack ever since your mother was the Alpha. I even told my granddaughter, Chloe, to remain in the academy." Explained by the chief doctor.

"Thank you, doc! So what is wrong with her?" immediately expressed by Prince Alcyd who is looking very worried for his mate.

"Aside from her fever and clear body pains, should I be aware of her behavior today or recently?" query by the chief doctor of Golden Moon Hospital.

Prince Alcyd looked at Lady Sonja since she was with Selene most recently compared with others.

"Since this morning, she was looking sick and was acting a bit agitated and irritated." Lady Sonja explaining to the chief doctor.

"Why did you not inform me immediately about it Lady Sonja?" Prince Alcyd asked Lady Sonja who is clearly worried for Selene.

"I am deeply sorry, Alpha!" Lady Sonja expressing her apology to Prince Alcyd.

"So far, based on the symptoms she is currently displaying at the moment with her recent behavior. The future Luna of Golden Moon Pack is currently having the early signs of her First Heat." Explained by the chief doctor.

"Doc, how is that possible? From what I know, first heat supposed to happen right before a she-wolf experiences her first shifting into wolf form. So, you mean she has not yet shifted?" curiously wondered by Prince Alcyd.

"Precisely, Prince Alcyd! And she is already 17 years of age. In other words, we have a rare case of late bloomer here. So I suggest that you transfer her to a secluded area where no male werewolf around except for her mate only. Usually, when the heat of a she-wolf occurs the presence of their mate could ease their pain and bring comfort to them. Thus, in her first heat, your presence will tremendously help her." Further explained by the chief doctor.

"Thank you, doc! I am grateful for your help." Gratefully said by Prince Alcyd.

"No worries! Let me go check my other patients. I will visit again and check on her from time to time." The chief doctor shook Prince Alcyd's hands before excusing herself out of the room.

Everyone looked surprised with the new piece of information they just found out regarding Selene but except for Lady Sonja who is already aware of this information.

This made Prince Alcyd wonder and could not help himself but confront Lady Sonja about it.

"Lady Sonja, I want to ask you since you are tasked to look after my mate.

Did you know about her not yet shifting into her wolf form?" directly asked by Prince Alcyd with a serious tone in his voice.

Lady Sonja looked nervous and regretful. As she looks away, she took all her courage and replied to their Alpha Prince.

"Yes, I was told by Selene about it. She made me promise to keep it a secret while she has not yet found the right time to tell you about it." Lady Sonja tells Prince Alcyd in a calm manner.

"Since when?" further asked by Prince Alcyd.

"Since the incident which Prince Ranku caused." Answered immediately by Lady Sonja.

Prince Alcyd did his best to keep his cool and avoid any tension between Lady Sonja. Since he knows that if he hurt Lady Sonja for not telling him earlier about Selene's rare condition, Selene may despise him for it.

Garrett and Athena expected Prince Alcyd to get angry at Lady Sonja and scold her about it.

Even Lady Sonja was preparing to take a huge scolding and even to such extent, she was expecting for Prince Alcyd to go rampage on her for keeping an important piece of information about his mate which he deserved to know.

But surprisingly, they see Prince Alcyd sit calmly beside Selene while holding her hand.

They were completely amused and speechless by the display of calmness that their Alpha Prince is currently exhibiting.

"Lady Sonja kindly coordinate with Athena regarding the preparations for the stay of Selene at the Lake House. I want her to be transferred there as soon as possible.

Garrett, coordinate with Caleb and assign patrols around the area and make sure no one will be allowed near the premises of the Lake House.

Athena, you will be heading security around the Lake House. So make sure that there will be no unwanted presence around the Lake House. We all know how vulnerable Selene will be, especially this is her first heat and definitely, her first shifting will follow through. The full moon is a few days away.

Is everything understood?" Prince Alcyd commanded them while holding Selene's hand and looked at her with so much worry.

"Yes, Alpha!" replied altogether by Garrett, Athena, and Lady Sonja.

Immediately they gave Prince Alcyd and Selene some privacy and started acting on Prince Alcyd's command.

'Don't you dare leave our mate's side! She needs us now more than ever. Especially this is her first heat. Luckily, we can help her from it.' Kratos, the spirit wolf of Prince Alcyd, reminds him with a serious tone.

'I know! There is no need to remind me!'

A worried Alpha Prince is holding on to his mate with so much care and concern.

"Why could you not trust me, Selene?" Prince Alcyd talking to Selene despite knowing that she is unconscious.

"I will not leave your side …

My love!" finally admitting his true feelings.

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