The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 72 - Selene's First Wolf Shifting

The thorough transfer of Selene to the Lake House of Prince Alcyd has begun. It is located nearby the lake which is right beside the border of the Golden Moon Pack Territory.

No one from the Executive Officers nor Lady Sonja could dare tell Prince Alcyd to go back to the mansion to rest because they understand the worry and concern of the Alpha Prince towards his mate. So they let their Alpha Prince spend his entire time looking after Selene, his mate.​​

Selene is in writhing pain due to her high fever and constant body pain.

Time to time, Athena has been personally changing Selene's bed sheet and her hospital gown. She has been sweating a lot.

Good thing there is dextrose for the rehydration of Selene. Due to her excess sweating and high temperature, the chief doctor of the hospital did some preventive measures to avoid dehydration. Her instruction was to make sure that Selene is in constant fluids to restore the body fluids lost due to her condition.

Full moon is fast approaching. Thus, it was highly recommended to transfer Selene as soon as possible because once the full moon takes place, her heat cycle will become worst. And since she is not yet officially mated, her scent may attract unmated male werewolves and may trigger sexual attraction.

Only the presence of Selene's mate can ease her pain during the entire process of her first heat cycle and her first shifting into wolf form.

In other words, Selene must be secured and isolated with Prince Alcyd in a secluded area which is the Lake House.

While waiting for the arrival of the ambulance, Prince Alcyd tries to remember all the instructions and recommendation of the chief doctor as he hold on to the hand of Selene.

His touch creates a wave of comfort to Selene.

Every time Prince Alcyd releases his hold on Selene's hand, she starts writhing in pain and cries in discomfort again. So, Prince Alcyd tries his best not to let go of Selene and clings to her like a glue.

*** Flashback ***

"It is important to remember that she must be in constant fluids since she is excreting so much sweat. And she is not in a condition to personally intake water, the constant rehydration of fluids through the dextrose will help her a lot. Even though she vomits seldom, do not be alarmed. Her body is going through changes since this is her first heat cycle. Then you add up that this is her first shifting experience and it is a rare case due to being a late bloomer." Reminded by the chief doctor to Prince Alcyd.

"Thank you really doc! I just could not take seeing her in such a state. What else should I be aware of?" asked by Prince Alcyd after expressing his gratitude.

"Well, you have to prepare yourself because there will be a stage of her heat cycle that she will be extremely flirtatious or her sexual urges will be heightened. With the occurrence of the full moon, it will make her hormones active and her sexual urges in a very high level. Her scent will become enticing for unmated male werewolves so you make sure during those times, your mate is secured and only surrounded by female staff. Of course, you should be beside her to comfort her. Usually, during these stages, pairs of werewolves consummate the process of their mating completely. If you plan to complete the process of mating with her, maybe this can be the perfect time for it. Unless you prefer to wait for her to be back to normal." The final explanation of the chief doctor.

"How will I know that her heat cycle is over?" further asked by Prince Alcyd.

"Once she finally shifted into her wolf form, then her first heat cycle is over. Just be there for her and secure her surroundings, she will be okay. My only worry is her first shifting process. I am curious about how she will fare during the process of her first shifting. I may ask for your permission to be present in the Lake House to make sure that everything goes smoothly." The chief doctor requested from Prince Alcyd.

"No problem! It will even be better, doc! To have you around will make me more confident and at ease that you will be there with us." Prince Alcyd expressed his relief for having the chief doctor around the Lake House during the entire heat cycle and the first shifting of Selene.

The chief doctor formally excused herself from Prince Alcyd. She reassured Prince Alcyd about the condition of Selene and informed him that she will just get her things before going to the Lake House.

*** End of the Flashback ***

Suddenly Kratos, the spirit wolf of Prince Alcyd, appeared out of nowhere.

'Hey, it looks like this is our time to finally complete our mating process with our mate. I can't wait for it!' Kratos gleefully expressed his excitement. He could not contain his excitement as he keeps howling in Prince Alcyd's mind.

Prince Alcyd had no energy to even reprimand his own spirit wolf. He is too worried and concerned for his mate to even think about arguing with Kratos.

Garrett enters the room and informs Prince Alcyd that everything is ready for the transfer of Selene.


Ever since Selene's hospitalization, the rogue brothers and other friends of Selene have become worried for her.

The news of her not feeling well has spread through the entire staff members of the mansion and among the students of the Golden Moon Academy. Prince Alcyd gave his orders to Garrett and Caleb to contain the real details about Selene's condition.

This was something that bothered Selene's friends and the rogue brothers because they have no other clue regarding Selene's condition.

Scarlett and the rogue brothers are hanging around Chloe's house waiting for any news about Selene. They found out that Chloe's grandmother is the chief doctor of Golden Moon Hospital where Selene is admitted and currently a strict no visitation policy was implemented in the hospital which raised so much curiosity for Scarlett and the rest of the members of Golden Moon Pack.

Though, all of them thinks that due to Lady Sonja's position in the Golden Moon Pack and her closeness to the Alpha Prince, a favor was granted to Lady Sonja by the Alpha Prince himself.

Chloe has been serving tea and biscuits to her visitors since all of them have been waiting for any news on Selene. As they hang out by the terrace of Chloe's house.

Even Lance has finally become aware of the news regarding Selene and went immediately to Chloe's residence so he could find out further details about Selene's condition. No one in the mansion knows what is really going on with Selene.

"Look, even the red-haired monkey is interested to know Selene's condition." Freddie pointing towards Lance who is approaching to the terrace where the group is waiting for Chloe's grandmother.

Everyone looked at Lance who is looking worried as well.

"Chloe, is there any news yet? Did your grandmother told you anything about Selene?" promptly asked by Lance towards Chloe who is sitting beside Scarlett while the rogue brothers are positioned to the side.

"This is the first that Selene got sick. And it does not look good as well. I could not believe that she could eventually feel sick too." Georgie expressing his own concern.

Both of the rogue brothers have their own initial suspicion that Selene may be going through her first heat cycle and most probably her first shifting soon as well. They are both aware as well that Selene has never shifted yet but they could not disclose any of this information because they promised Selene not to mention about it ever until she say so.

Then the arrival of the grandmother of Chloe took all their attention and got them anticipating for any updates.

All of them stood as they wait anxiously for Chloe's grandmother to finally tell them about Selene's current condition in the hospital.

Chloe's grandmother knows exactly what the others are expecting to hear from her.

"Wow! So many visitors today. Look, there is nothing to worry about. Selene is already recuperating and getting better now. She only needs rest and proper care." Chloe's grandmother trying to reassure and dispel their worries for Selene.

"But what's with the strict -no visitation policy-? And why will they …" Lance was supposed to ask further but Chloe's grandmother interjected and further explained the situation.

"Lady Sonja is just being careful with her niece. Since Selene is under her care and responsibility, she just wants to look after Selene in the best possible way as she could. Remember, Selene is her only blood relative right now in Golden Moon Pack. Let us give Lady Sonja what she wants for her niece.

Now, go home and soon you will be notified once Lady Sonja permits anyone to visit. So far, only the Executive Officers and the Alpha are allowed to be even near or around Selene. Per request and favor for Lady Sonja by Prince Alcyd. It is not often Lady Sonja asks the Alpha for a favor." Reasoned out by Chloe's grandmother.

All of them started to go back to their home and thanked Chloe's grandmother for the update.

As soon as Chloe and her grandmother enter their abode, Chloe immediately asked her grandmother.

"Grannie, I did not want to ask this while they were around but based on my observation regarding Selene's condition, is she going through her first heat cycle and most probably her first shift as well?" curiously asked by Chloe.

"Yes, you are right! But Lady Sonja wants to keep this secret as a favor from Prince Alcyd" replied by Chloe's grandmother. She does not want her granddaughter to be involved in such a serious matter with the Alpha Prince.

"I will be staying there for the entire process. Please behave and do not share any details with others. It is not our position to share and disclose such sensitive matter." Instructed by Chloe's grandmother to her.

"I hope she recovers and endures such an excruciating process."

"That is why being a werewolf has its trade-off. Pain becomes a normal part of their life whenever they shift. Thus, the first shift will be the most painful shifting for any werewolf."


[In the Lake House]

After all the preparations were made, Selene was secured in the master bedroom of the Lake House.

Lady Sonja, Athena, and Jane are all present in the Lake House. They make sure that everything is provided and goes smoothly according to plan.

Athena is in constant contact with Garrett and Caleb who are supervising the patrol team around the area of the Lake House. To make sure no one tries to get near to the Lake House.

No one has been permitted to get close around the premises of the Lake House except for Chloe's grandmother alone since she is the chief doctor and the resident witch of the Golden Moon Pack.

Lady Sonja has already prepared all necessary things for Selene and Prince Alcyd's stay in the Lake House.

Jane was assigned to make sure in detecting any unwanted presence around. She has the second-best tracking skills and sensory skills among the warriors of the Golden Moon Pack. She is second best next to her mate, Jackson.

While everyone is preoccupied with their duties and making sure of things to go smoothly and according to their plan, Prince Alcyd is lying down next to his mate. Clinging to her, in trying to give her the comfort that she needed.

After they arrived, Prince Alcyd immediately refreshed himself in preparation for looking after Selene in the entire process.

Prince Alcyd looked outside the window and realizes that it is night time already.

'Full moon is about to appear!' Kratos informing Prince Alcyd.

Before he could reply his spirit wolf.

Selene started holding Prince Alcyd and finally had woken.

"Selene? How are you feeling?" Prince Alcyd immediately asked his mate while holding her close to him.

His beautiful mate looked at him and asked something that Prince Alcyd wanted to hear these past few days.

"Please hold me closer to you. Oh Alcyd, I want your kiss! " Selene desperately requested the Alpha Prince while trying to embrace him and placing her lips closer to Prince Alcyd's.

At the same time, Selene rubs her legs against Prince Alcyd's thighs making it even more difficult to resist Selene's advances and desperate pleas.

Despite the clothing and shorts covering Prince Alcyd's full glory, he could feel his growing male member hitting against his mate's entrance which he could also feel getting wet while trying to restrain his desperate mate.

But Prince Alcyd is also fragile as any male werewolf against their mate who has a limit in resisting their own mate's plea.

"Selene …" Prince Alcyd could not even refuse but give in as well to his own desire.

A passionate kiss took place while Selene tightly embraced Prince Alcyd.

Only shorts and a white sleeveless shirt that was covering Prince Alcyd's full glory. While only underwear and a nightgown were covering Selene's heated condition.

Despite these coverings, Prince Alcyd could not stop himself but feel Selene's heat. Their body is in constant contact as they drown themselves in a passionate kiss that both have been craving for.

Even Selene starting to become more intimate in her touch and kisses.

Moans and heavy breathing were resonating all over the room.

The smell of arousal has become apparent.

Selene's stares had become seductive.

Prince Alcyd tried his best to resist but the pleasure and intoxicating sensation has taken over the moment.

"Oh, Alcyd! I want to feel you inside me. Please, take me already." A whisper from Selene that signaled for the most crucial decision which Prince Alcyd has to make.

"Mark me!"


Author's extended note:

Warning for Next Episode: parental supervision and guidance is needed. There will be sensual and explicit parts in some scenes next chapter. You can skip the next chapter if any of you are not interested to read an explicit and sensual scene. Some scenes for the next chapter may become a little bit sensual and explicit.

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