The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 73 - Silver Wolf Form

*** Warning! ***

Some of the scenes contain sensual and explicit parts. If you are under 18, Parental supervision or guidance of an adult is needed.​​


Both Prince Alcyd and Selene are deeply immersed in the sensation of the intimate moment that they are both having right now.

Passionate kisses…

Lustful caressing…

Unrestrained touches…

Everything was all becoming too sensual and too much to handle for Prince Alcyd.

The Alpha Prince gasps for air and held Selene's both wrists to the bed in his attempt to restrain her movements.

But her legs are wrapped around Prince Alcyd's waist and he could feel through his skin the attempts of his mate to rub her legs against his. And what makes it worse is that he could not control his own cock to grow stiff and his mate is trying to take advantage of his carnal desire.

"Oh, Alcyd! I want to feel you inside me. Please, take me already." A whisper from Selene that signaled for the most crucial decision which Prince Alcyd has to make.

"Mark me!" lustfully expressed by Selene.

Seducing her mate further.

These words came ringing into his head in such an irresistible feeling.

'What are you waiting for? She is asking for it! Let's give it to her. Mark her!' Ecstatically said by the spirit wolf of Prince Alcyd, Kratos.

The spirit wolf of Prince Alcyd is more than willing to grant Selene's request and give in to the temptation.

Prince Alcyd is in such position where it is too difficult to resist such temptation.

While Prince Alcyd is holding Selene's both wrists, he is on top of her seeing all the vulnerability of Selene. Her nipples getting stiff and apparent against her night dress.

From Prince Alcyd's view, he could see the look on his mate's seductive and sensual expression while breathing in such a teasing manner.

Even the breathing and blushing of Selene beneath him is making Prince Alcyd struggle for control. He could even almost see her breasts get exposed since the lace of her nightdress is starting to fall off.

'What are you waiting for? Mark her already! This is our chance!' impatiently reminded by Kratos, the spirit wolf of Prince Alcyd.

'Shut up!' Prince Alcyd trying to set his spirit wolf aside.

A memory of Selene flashes into Prince Alcyd's mind where she tells him,

"I hope you can earn my trust, I really do! I cannot wait for you to prove me that you are worth the risk." Selene telling Prince Alcyd in the memory that he suddenly remembered.

Then Prince Alcyd finally decided,

'No, we will not take advantage of her vulnerability. We will not mark her. She is not in a rational state of mind right now.' Explained by Prince Alcyd to Kratos.

'WHAAAT !! YOU WILL LET THIS OPPORTUNITY PASS? To finally mark her and complete the mating process with her.' Kratos could not hide his frustration towards Prince Alcyd's decision.

'Kratos, our mate is currently on heat and she is not thinking straight. Sylvia, her spirit wolf, is nowhere to be found because their first shifting is about to take place any time now. Don't you want to experience the best mating moment with our mate? Won't it be the best if she is in her rational state of mind and could exchange with her spirit wolf as we do it?' further pointed out by Prince Alcyd to his spirit wolf who became silent from his explanation.

'Fine, you have a point there! Just make sure you stay beside her all the way of this process of her first shifting.'

'Don't worry, I will! You do not have to remind me about it.' Prince Alcyd reassured his spirit wolf, Kratos.

After the internal discussion of Kratos and the Alpha Prince, Selene started to seduce Prince Alcyd more.

"Please, take me already. I want it now! Why can't you give it to me?" Selene begging for Prince Alcyd's favor.

Prince Alcyd remembered the reminder of the chief doctor that during the final stages of the heat of his mate, Selene will be extremely flirtatious and her sexual urges will be extremely heightened.

"I am sorry, love! I can't." Prince Alcyd refused the desperate plea of Selene.

From the lustful expression and extreme flirtatious look on Selene's face,

Selene started to scream for pain.

"Aaaaarrgghhhh!! Aaaaaaaah!!" loudly screamed by Selene while bracing herself.

Tears and sweat starts to flow as she writhes more in pain.

A dumb-founded look fell on Prince Alcyd's face.

Confusion …

Oblivious …

Then panic sets in.

"LADY SONJA !! CALL FOR MAGDELINE!! SELENE IS IN EXTREME PAIN!!" Prince Alcyd instructed Lady Sonja through mind-link.

Vomiting plain liquids …

Trembling in pain …

And then floating of things around the master's bedroom including the bed is happening …

Prince Alcyd could not help himself but panic at the sight of his mate suffering in front of him.

Only thing he could think of is the thought that his own touch could comfort Selene from the pain.

Outside the Lake House, the full moon is at its brightest form.

Lady Sonja came rushing in to the room with the chief doctor, Magdeline.

"Alpha …" Lady Sonja could not finish her sentence after seeing the phenomenal occurrence in front of them.

Even the chief doctor, Magdeline, who is also the resident witch could not hide their astonishment in regards to what they are witnessing at the moment.

Things floating everywhere with an aurora wave of light surrounding the room. Beautiful it may seem to look like. The writhing pain of Selene makes everything less magical and enchanting.

Unfortunately, the embrace of Prince Alcyd has no comfort or effect on Selene's pain.

Screaming and writhing in pain is still happening.

"I thought the touch of a mate can comfort Selene. Why is she still in pain? Somebody TELL ME!! WHAT TO DO ???" Prince Alcyd panicking at the sight of Selene suffering in pain.

Despite the fascinating phenomenon, Magdeline started to rationalize her thoughts once again.

"Prince Alcyd, it is only effective during her heat cycle. She has already passed through the heat cycle. Her first shifting is now taking place." Explained by Magdeline to the Alpha Prince.

"But why it is taking too long? Isn't it supposed to be happening already? I am not even seeing her body change." Prince Alcyd nervously asking the chief doctor, Magdeline.

"Your mate is a rare case so we do not know what is causing the delay of her shifting." Magdeline response to Prince Alcyd's query.

Then things starts to become chaotic.

Furniture and things being thrown here and there.

A louder scream took place which made all window glasses to break.

Prince Alcyd could not bear the sight of Selene suffering. He held her tightly, then gently caresses her face.

"Pleaaasee, shift already my love!" begged desperately by Prince Alcyd as he hold Selene.

For the first time, Prince Alcyd shows his tears in front of Selene.

All the things that were floating started to fall back to the ground including the bed.

The eyes of Selene started to open and were gleaming brightly.

As soon as the sound of bones cracking started, everyone knew what it meant.

Prince Alcyd immediately went off the bed and gave his mate the space of her own.

Transformation into wolf form due to the shifting begins.

They all witness Selene bend and start to transform into her wolf form.

Selene's first shifting is indeed beyond ordinary.

"Woooah! A silver wolf!" Jane who is also present at the moment expressed her amusement.

Magdeline looked fascinated with the discovery that Prince Alcyd's mate is a silver wolf.

This only signified for one thing, a possibility that the mate of Prince Alcyd belonged from the Silver Aurora Pack.

Though, the prophecy of the Great Oracle came into Magdeline's mind, all the signs of the next chosen one started to refresh her memory.

Only the Silver Aurora Pack had silver furred werewolves. There were only few souls knew about the exact location and identity of the possibility where the next chosen one could be found. But most of those souls have died already.

A firm determination came into Magdeline's mind, she has to confirm her own discovery. But before that, she has to allow the mated wolves to have their own moment for the mean time.

On the other side, Prince Alcyd and Kratos are speechless with the breathtaking beauty of their mate.

Selene is currently still shaking off her silver fur.

Curiosity settles in and awkward uneasiness of her being in a wolf form is taking over her senses.

'What the hell? Why am I seeing silver wolf paws? Where the hell am I?' Selene confusedly thought and pondered on while being on her silver wolf form.

Everyone noticed Selene is getting confused and whimpers in her silver wolf form.

"Prince Alcyd, I think you need to calm her. She is getting confused on her own form." Magdeline advising the Alpha Prince of what to do next.

Then Prince Alcyd tries to approach Selene in her silver wolf form.

The silver wolf looks at Prince Alcyd approaching closely.

"Selene, it's me Prince Alcyd. You just successfully performed your first shift." Prince Alcyd informs Selene while approaching slowly.

'WHAT I JUST SHIFTED!!! I am in my wolf form!!' Selene started confirming through checking every part of her.

Though, others starts to chuckle and smile to see a huge silver wolf checking itself weirdly and behaving awkwardly.

But the sight of their Alpha Prince caressing his own mate's silver fur exhibit such an intimate and touching moment.

At the same time, Magdeline could not wait to confirm her suspicion.

That the silver wolf, the mate of Prince Alcyd, could be no other than …

The prophesized next chosen one.

"Oh sister Grizelda, I may have found the next chosen one." Silently announced by Magdeline to herself, who remains in awe at the presence of Selene's silver wolf form.

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