Since the heat cycle and first shifting of Selene, Prince Alcyd has been exhausted accompanying and comforting his own mate. He never knew how tasking and draining it would be for him to be in such state.

Though it might be tiring and exhausting, Prince Alcyd remembering the whole time he shared and spent with Selene during these past few days, it is rewarding and fulfilling to be at your mate's side.​​

Seeing his mate doing well and taken care of, is something that makes the Alpha Prince persevere from all the exhaustion and stress that he is going through.

"You look like a zombie, big brother!" Prince Ranku tells his older brother who just arrived from the Lake House.

Prince Ranku was left in the mansion to take over in his absence during the days of the heat cycle and the first shifting of Selene.

No male werewolves were allowed to be near the Lake House of the Alpha Prince. In order to avoid any unnecessary situation or entanglement with Selene who was not in her normal self.

"It's okay, at least the worrisome part is over and as long as everything went well. I really do not care how I look or smell right now." Admitted by Prince Alcyd to his younger brother while sitting on his special soft chair in the main office of his mansion.

"So where is your mate, -- Selene?" curiously asked by Prince Ranku towards his older brother.

"She is on her way with Lady Sonja. We could not risk for anybody to be suspicious if we both arrive together." Replied by the Alpha Prince to his younger brother.

"You mean, you have not completely mated yet?" Prince Ranku expressed his surprise that his older brother was able to resist not to mark nor mate with his mate during her heat cycle.

"Nope, we have not done it yet. But at least everything was worth it." Prince Alcyd proudly said while smiling.

"WOOW!" Prince Ranku is totally impressed with his older brother's discipline and resolve.

The Alpha Prince was beaming in happiness despite how tiring and haggard he looked at the moment.

All Prince Alcyd could think of is the night he spent with Selene during her first shifting.

Both spent time running in their wolf form together.

*** Flashback ***

After few moments of getting used to her silver wolf form, Prince Alcyd offered Selene a run together so she could stretch in her wolf form.

Selene nodded in agreement with the offer of Prince Alcyd.

Prince Alcyd had instructed Garrett and Caleb through the mind-link to make sure that the perimeter around the lake is secured from anyone. He told both of them that he would grant death to whoever dares to disobey his command.

It was a terrifying command that both Executive Officers immediately responded through the mind-link.

Immediately after Prince Alcyd removed his shirt, he shifted into his wolf form and leaped outside the broken window of the master's bedroom.

Then the silver wolf followed in pursuit of Prince Alcyd.

Both Prince Alcyd and Selene in their wolf form started sprinting around the edges of the lake.

While both are busy sprinting, Selene remembered Sylvia and tried to call for her spirit wolf once again.

'Sylvia? Are you there? Please heed my call!' an earnest plea of Selene towards her spirit wolf.

'Sylvia … Pleaasee, are you there?'

Selene whimpered in her wolf form while sprinting right behind Prince Alcyd.

'Yes, I am here. Forgive me, if I made you worry.' Response by Sylvia, the spirit wolf of Selene.

At long last, Sylvia finally appeared in Selene's mind and responded to Selene's call.

This made Selene pause in her track and howl in her celebration that her spirit wolf is back.

In her excitement, her werewolf nature took over and howled from happiness that her spirit wolf has finally returned to her.

'I missed you, Sylv!' genuinely expressed by Selene

'Me too, girl! Finally, we shifted into our wolf form. I really thought that we will not be able to experience the feeling of our complete wolf form.' Sylvia shares her thought with Selene.

Then Selene went near to the water of the lake so she could show her spirit wolf how they look like in their silver wolf form.

Sylvia, the spirit wolf of Selene, expresses her amusement in seeing their reflection against the water.

Kratos took Prince Alcyd's attention making him aware that their mate has stopped sprinting and they have to go back for their mate.

'You dumb ass! Our mate has stopped sprinting, go back!'

Immediately after realizing that Selene is no longer behind their tail, the Alpha Prince dashed back towards their mate.

From a distance, Prince Alcyd and his spirit wolf is at awe of the breathtaking presence of Selene in her silver wolf form. They could see her muzzle towards the water attempting to drink from the lake.

It seems that their mate felt tired from the sprinting which they could not blame her for.

As they approach their mate, both Prince Alcyd and his spirit wolf realizes that Sylvia may have taken over currently in Selene's wolf form.

'Hey, do you think Sylvia has taken over at the moment?' curiously asked by Kratos, the spirit wolf of Prince Alcyd.

'I have no idea, Kratos. It seems though, by the looks of it and the gleam of her eyes kind of Sylvia's' honest response of Prince Alcyd towards his spirit wolf.

Then both were surprised when a voice joined in their conversation.

'Yes, it is me. Sylvia, spirit wolf of Selene. I requested Selene to let me takeover for a while so I can experience the feeling of being in my true form.'

'HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE? How could you talk to us through mind-link without being fully marked and mated with us? You have not been formally officiated as member of the Golden Moon Pack yet. How could you mind-link with us?' curiously asked by Prince Alcyd.

'I do not know too, maybe one of our unique abilities. You have to know, Selene is more capable than you think. She can even …' explained by Sylvia but Selene interrupted right before her spirit wolf could disclose further.

'Sylvia !!! Don't !!' interjected by Selene through mind-link.

'Come on, why don't you trust them? I think it is time for us to finally trust our mate. He has shown us enough already that he deserves to be trusted.' Justified by Sylvia towards Selene.

'YA! WE DESERVE YOUR TRUST!' said in chorus by Prince Alcyd and his spirit wolf through mind-link.

Silence fell on Selene.

'I will tell you but not now. Can't we enjoy this moment for now and discuss about it next time?' reasoned out by Selene to them through mind-link.

'You promise that you will tell us about it?' asked by Prince Alcyd.

'Yes I promise! So now, let Kratos takeover and let our spirit wolves have their moment together in our wolf form.' Request by Selene to her mate.

'Awoo- Totally right! You heard our mate. Let me takeover now, hurry! I want to spend time with Sylvia too.' Kratos expressed gleefully towards the Alpha Prince.

'Fine, just don't do anything stupid. Just make sure you lead our mate and Sylvia only around the lake. Don't go too far!' finally Prince Alcyd gave in and allowed his spirit wolf to takeover.

The two werewolves came close to each other and caressed each other's fur with their muzzles.

A beautiful moment between mates took place under the full moon beside the glowing bright lake of the Golden Moon Pack.

*** End of Flashback ***

"You really look happy despite how haggard and disheveled you look right now." Said casually by Prince Ranku based on his observation.

"Yeah I am…" Prince Alcyd's genuine reply to his younger brother.

Though, the arrival of Garrett and Magdeline in his main office interrupted the story-telling between the royal brothers.

"Alcyd, Magdeline has an important matter to discuss with you that requires full privacy." Garrett informs their Alpha Prince in regards to the request of their resident witch and their chief doctor in the Golden Moon Pack.

Prince Alcyd immediately gestured for Prince Ranku to go with his Beta and also his best friend, Garrett.

"We will continue our talk later, Ranku!" said by Prince Alcyd to his younger brother.

Right after the two left the main office.

Magdeline performed a spell which created a bubble surrounding her and Prince Alcyd.

"What the -- ." Prince Alcyd became defensive after Magdeline performed a spell.

"Do not worry Prince Alcyd. I just created a force field that will protect us both from any unwanted eavesdroppers. It is time for you to know something that requires complete discretion." Carefully explained by Magdeline to Prince Alcyd.

"What do you have to tell me that requires so much secrecy?" asked by Prince Alcyd.

"I want you to confirm something very important. Did you notice any sign of crescent moon mark, right behind Selene's back?" directly asked by Magdeline.

Prince Alcyd was perplexed and confused from Magdeline's query,

"What is the big deal about her crescent moon mark?"

"So there is a crescent moon mark, is it?"

"Yeah, right at the back of her shoulder. It was actually shining brightly during her first shifting. Did you not see it? I was planning to ask you about it too what it meant." Prince Alcyd told Magdeline.

The eyes of Magdeline widely opened in realization that her suspicion was right.

That the mate of Prince Alcyd is no other than the prophesized next chosen one.

"Who have you told about this?" asked by Magdeline in a tensed manner.

"No one yet, why? What's wrong about it?" Prince Alcyd started to feel worried from the reaction of Magdeline.

"Promise me, you will not tell a soul about it. You must keep what you have found out about Selene's crescent mark. Do not ever share that piece of information. I will give your mate an enchanted bracelet that will hide her silver fur towards others' eyes. It will serve like an illusion whenever she shifts into her wolf form. The bracelet will adjust and fit accordingly despite her shifting. You have to make sure you do this or else …" Explained by Magdeline to Prince Alcyd.

Prince Alcyd became even more confused.

"Or else what? Why we have to hide another part of her identity? I am already keeping from others about her being my mate. And now this? Tell me!" Prince Alcyd demanded from Magdeline.

"Based on what you have told me, your mate seems to be the long awaited prophesized next chosen one that will rule over the entire supernatural world." Further explained by Magdeline.


"Yes, all the signs of the prophecy points to her. So now, will you still risk telling others about it at the expense of the safety of your own mate? Be warned that even your father must not know. Danger and death will follow through Selene once this is let loose." Magdeline warning Prince Alcyd regarding the threat on Selene's life.

"Why? Not even my father?"

"Oh, yes! Especially your father. If he finds out, he will kill your mate in a heartbeat."

"No way!"

The beautiful day of Prince Alcyd has just turned into an ominous dark cloud which indicates the forthcoming dark storm.

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