The current Ranking of the -Leader Board- has been flashed on the screen of a huge monitor.

Current standing on the -Leader Board- is the result of the performance after 2 rounds of the Rank Event.​​

"Here are your Top 50 warriors qualified for the final part of the Rank Event and guaranteed in representing the Golden Moon Pack in the upcoming war against King Lucius and his army!" announced by Kassandra to the audience.

{Top 50 Warriors}

[1] Selene – 4,982 pts.

[2] Garrett – 4,331.4 pts.

[3] Jackson – 3,643.2 pts. (From TOP 4)

[4] Caleb – 3,640 pts. (From TOP 2)

*Despite Caleb being a top 20 in the second part of the Rank Event, he still managed to retain his top 5 high ranking amongst the warriors due to his great performance in the first part of the Rank Event.

[5] Athena – 3,554 pts.

[6] Theodulf / Theo – 2,952 pts.

*After Top 6, there are rankings that have been shuffled greatly and significant changes took place.

[7] Freddie – 2,543 pts. (From TOP 8)

[8] Lance – 2,491 pts. (From TOP 9)

[9] Georgie – 2,238 pts. (From TOP 10)

[10] Oliver – 2,193 pts. (From TOP 7)

*Oliver was one of those who greatly fell from their previous ranking.

[11] Jane – 1,800 pts. (From TOP 10)

*Jane is the only Executive Officer of Prince Alcyd that did not place amongst the Top 10 highest Ranking Warriors.

[43] Scarlett – 628 pts. (From TOP 98)

*Scarlett was one of the most surprising qualifiers for the final part of the Rank Event. She was one of those who was expected to fail in the second part. It boosted Scarlett's confidence because she was able to make it all the way to the final part despite the discouragement from the other warriors.

After announcing the qualifiers for the final part of Rank Event, others started to congratulate their friends and some started expressing their disappointment.

Many aspired to be part of the Top 50.

These Top 50 are already considered as the warriors that will represent the Golden Moon Pack in the upcoming war against King Lucius.

The staff members handed out the ranking tag number for each warrior who qualified for the final part of the Rank Event. It is a round-shaped tag with a number that signifies the current ranking of a certain qualifier.

Among those who qualified were Georgie and Freddie. They are the only submitted rogue werewolves that reached Top 50 despite the other trained warriors of Golden Moon Pack. The other rogue werewolves approached Georgie and Freddie.

Even though the other rogue werewolves did not qualify for the final part of the Rank Event and not be able to take part in the upcoming war, they congratulated Georgie and Freddie since they felt so much pride seeing two rogue werewolves excel in the Rank Event and even accomplish to be amongst the top 10 highest ranking warriors of Golden Moon Pack.

No one dared to cause a scene or complain because most of the warriors knew that the rogue brothers earned their spot in the top 50.

But there are two Executive Officers who are not happy with the results.

Oliver and Jane felt embarrassed about being outranked by the other warriors. Especially, the rogue brothers. Both of them felt that they have disappointed Prince Alcyd for not proving their worth as his Executive Officers.

Their respect for Prince Alcyd is so high that they do not want to disappoint him.

Both, Jane and Oliver, looked at Prince Alcyd from a distance.

"Babe, it's okay! Just do your best in the final part of the Rank Event. It is even your birthday today. Do not ruin your day just because of the placements in the Rankings. Be positive and you will be able to do better." Jackson trying to comfort his mate who is clearly upset with the current results.

"Easy for you to say 'coz you ranked higher. You do not how it feels like to be disgraced and embarrassed in front of our Alpha. I bet others think that I am a laughing stock for not ranking amongst the Top 10." Jane expressed her frustration regarding the results.

"Oh, come on! Do not mind what others think of you. As long as there is a chance to improve and do better, then do not let things take the best of you." Jackson kept comforting his mate despite her bad temper and complaints.

On the other side, Prince Ranku praised his older brother's mate for performing constantly well and shared his thoughts regarding his own assessment for the final part of the Rank Event.

"I am truly impressed with Selene! She never ceases to amaze us. She was able to help her friends and at the same time keep her own ranking." Prince Ranku told his older brother regarding his praises towards Selene.

The Alpha Prince smiled in pride due to the excellent performance of his own mate.

"Of course, Ranku! What else do you expect? …" Prince Alcyd started boasting his mate to his younger brother.

"Speaking of praises. My only worry at this point is that your Executive Officers may utilize all they have just to prove themselves that they are worthy of your praise. In other words, your Executive Officers may do some drastic measures this final part of the Rank Event." Prince Ranku shared his thoughts with his older brother while squatting next to him.

"Hmmm… We will see in this final part. I just hope they will not do something stupid like harming Selene or else they will see how terrifying I can be. I think this final part of the Rank Event will be interesting to watch." A serious look was painted all over the face of Prince Alcyd while telling his younger brother his thoughts for the final part.

Kassandra started to step forward to the platform and signify the beginning of the final part of the Rank Event.

"Congratulations to our TOP 50 WARRIORS!

Now, we arrive at the final part of the Rank Event.

As you can see, I set-up a large customized arena. Inspired by a coliseum design, which is perfect for the final part of the Rank Event!

For the final part of the Rank Event is …

Golden Rumble!

The objectives for this final part are simple.

[First] Collect 4 ranking tag numbers that belonged to your other fellow qualifiers.

[Second] Do not lose your own ranking tag number. Protect it, at all cost!

[Lastly] Accomplish the first-two objectives within 3 hours.

All Warriors must remember the rules,

[First] Shifting into your wolf forms will not be permitted for the final part.

[Second] Your spirit wolves will not be allowed to take over your physical body.

[Lastly] Killing someone along the way will be punishable by death as well.

If there is someone dares to violate the first-two rules, that warrior will automatically be disqualified and will be struck by a paralysis spell. Each of the ranking tag numbers is coated with an enchantment that I cast that will cause paralysis to any violators of the rules.

So I hope all qualifying warriors will fight fair and square.

By the end of the 3 hours-countdown, the 10 warriors that would accomplish the objectives for the final Rank Event…will form the new GOLDEN CREW of Prince Alcyd.

All qualifying warriors of the final part may proceed to the arena." Explained by Kassandra loud and clear.

Then she performed a spell which immediately transported ALL AUDIENCE to the bench of her customized coliseum which she built within the training grounds by the use of her specialized magic.

Kassandra's specialization is transfer magic. She is able to transfer and alter the position of her targets within a limited distance, whether it be non-living things or living things.

"Let the Golden Rumble begin!" declared by the Alpha Prince as he stood mightily.

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