For the final part of the Rank Event, 50 individuals will battle it out to rank as one of the top 10 warriors of the Golden Moon Pack and become part of the new Golden Crew of Prince Alcyd which will stand along his side in the upcoming war against King Lucius.

Each warrior of Golden Moon Pack treats so much respect and honor in serving Prince Alcyd and represent the Golden Moon Pack.​​

Golden Moon Pack has so much reputation among the werewolf society as one of the strongest and the wolf pack with the largest territory and man power.

Having the chance to bring honor and represent your own werewolf pack is something common to see among members of the Golden Moon Pack.

In this moment while the audience watch the TOP 50 warriors enter the arena, most members of the audience are curious how Kassandra was able to create such coliseum-like arena within the training grounds.

What others do not know is that Kassandra with the help of the staff members of Prince Alcyd,

All of them started bringing the materials that Kassadra needed and she was immediately able to create the arena with her magic. While everyone was preoccupied observing on the second part of the Rank Event.

As the TOP 50 warriors started entering the arena one by one, Selene looked at Scarlett looking nervous and worried.

"Are you okay?" Selene asking her blonde friend who has been fidgeting approaching the arena.

Unlike the rogue brothers who are looking pumped and excited to do good in the final part of the Rank Event, Scarlett is clearly fidgeting and looking nervous for the final part of the Rank Event.

"I am just nervous! I do not know if I will even stand a chance against other trained warriors who have great training and experience in battle. I also want to make it without you carrying my back whole time." Explained by Scarlett.

"What you mean?" Selene demanded clarification from Scarlett.

"I am thankful for your help last round but I want to succeed without looking like a useless warrior. Unlike Athena who has her incredible strength that rivals against other strong warriors of Golden Moon Pack, my strength is below average. Then, Jane who is the second-best tracker of the Golden Moon Pack due to her incredible senses but compared with me, my senses are below average compared with the likes of them!" Scarlett expressing her worries and insecurities with Selene before they finally enter the arena.

"You know what, you do not need superpowers or abilities to be better than others! Winning does not require you superpowers or better abilities.

Sometimes only it takes in winning is believing in yourself! In your own way and capabilities, I know you can succeed. Remember, all of us have our own weaknesses so use that against your opponents. In other words, know your opponent's weaknesses and strengths.

Do not underestimate yourself too much! The worst thing you can do is give up on yourself without even trying." Selene advised Scarlett with so much sincerity.

Scarlett fell silent in awe of Selene's words to her. She thought how inspiring Selene's presence has become for her ever since she arrived in Golden Moon Pack.

A lot of things changed in Scarlett's perspectives due to Selene's presence and actions.

Somehow Scarlett found some courage in her to hope for the better in the final part of the Rank Event.

While the final qualifiers for the final part of the Rank Event enter in the arena, Prince Alcyd started to communicate with Garrett and the other Executive Officers through the mind-link.

'I remind each of you to look after Selene and warn you all 7 of you if somehow you hurt her, I will make it hell for any of you. Remember that!' the Alpha Prince threatened and reminded his Executive Officers at the same time which Garrett did not appreciate.

Even how scary or threatening Prince Alcyd gets, his best friend, Garrett never feared to express his own thought to him and do what he wanted and thinks that is right.

Right after their Alpha Prince reminded them, Theo and Garrett looked at each other which meant something that both agreed on. It even included Athena, since she nodded after the Beta and Delta looked at each other.

Since Garrett and Theo have worked together closely because they are the Beta and the Delta of Prince Alcyd, a three-way alliance for the final part of the Rank Event was formed discreetly between Garrett, Theo, and Athena.

As soon as everyone was instructed to stand in a certain white spot, there was an oblong formed by the TOP 50 qualifiers while standing looking at one another like a certain piece of meat that they could not wait to take down. But most of their stares landed on the -Ranking Tag Number- which hanged somewhere around their training suit.

All of them were wearing this tight black training suit. For the female qualifiers, some were wearing training shorts but some were wearing full training suit.

There was only few number of female qualifiers. It did not even reach more than quarter of the current qualifiers.

While Selene was contemplating on the her disappointment that only few women qualified for the final part of the Rank Event, it made her decide to train the female warriors once the Rank Event concludes.

"Good luck to us, guys!" gleefully expressed by Georgie who is standing in the middle of Freddie and Selene.

Both, Selene and Georgie's older brother, smiled due to Georgie's positive attitude.

"Let the Golden Rumble begin!" declared by the Alpha Prince as he stood mightily.

As soon as Prince Alcyd commenced the start of the final part of the Rank Event, the intense battle began.

Each of the Executive Officers did not held back and went all out against the warriors around them.

Freddie and Georgie were attacked immediately by the nearby warriors and the rogue brothers had to work together as a tandem against their opponents.

Lance headed towards his older brother intending to challenge his own older brother and take his older brother's -Ranking Tag Number-

Though Scarlett is struggling hard to hold her own side but the audience are surprised to see a female trainee warrior to fight well and hold her own part. Scarlett tried to remember Selene's words to believe in herself and never give up so she decided to focus on evading instead and stealing the tag numbers rather than engaging in a battle with the other warriors.

Among the qualifiers, Scarlett has an incredible flexibility and evasive skills. Focusing on stealing the tag numbers, she was able to steal 2 successfully without getting hurt and at the same time evading the attacks of other final qualifiers.

On Selene's side, she was handicapped not to use her magic powers but only her own sheer strength since it is equivalent of shifting into wolf form.

In the final part of the Rank Event, it is only allowed to use weapons and werewolf abilities except for shifting into their wolf form. There were variety of weapons displayed on every corner for the choice of each qualifier to use.

Selene chose to use a whip. She was able to utilize it as best as she can. Within few minutes passed, she was able to steal all 4 tag numbers she needed and knocked out her targets.

[10 minutes passed]

Only few minutes have passed more than half of the final qualifiers have been knocked out and lost their own -Ranking Tag Number- from the other warriors.

All Executive Officers did not hold back and were able to overpower other warriors with their own superior skills in battle.

Prince Alcyd expressed with so much pride for his Executive Officers after his younger brother complimented the Alpha Prince for having such reliable warriors in Golden Moon Pack.

Though, Oliver and Jane are not yet able to complete the objectives of the final part of the Rank Event.

While Freddie and Selene were already able to collect the required -Ranking Tag Number- but all they have to do now is protect their own so that they could finally succeed once the time is over. But Georgie starts to worry if he will be able to collect any at all since he prioritized having the back of his older brother.

An intense aura became apparent in the arena when everyone witnesses the three Executive Officers decided to surround Selene.

The Alpha Prince expressed his curiosity through the mind-link,

'Hey, Garrett! Athena! Theo! What are you planning and you three are surrounding Selene as if you are intending to attack her?'

But his Executive Officers ignored him. He saw a surprising exchange of attempts to steal each other's -Ranking Tag Number- and make a trio tag team against Selene.

Even though the rogue brothers wanted to help Selene, but they are held up by the other Executive Officers who are intending to steal their -Ranking Tag Number- and get attacked.

"It is over for you boys! I must admit, your fighting skills and potential are impressive. But we cannot let you humiliate us further. We cannot let mere rogue werewolves become part of the new Golden Crew." Jane said to the rogue brothers while planning to attack them with Jackson by her side.

Oliver is also planning to attack and steal Georgie's -Ranking Tag Number-.

The rogue brothers gathered their courage and made a defensive form to prepare themselves from any attack.

Scarlett was able to sneak up behind Jane and steal her -Ranking Tag Number- and a surprised look was made by Jane who was so focused on defeating the rogue brothers that made her unaware of Scarlett's presence coming on to her.

"Damn it!" exclaimed by Jane, the mate of Jackson.

"Go get her babe! Let me and Oliver handle the rogue brothers." Jackson reassuring his own mate that they will succeed in defeating the rogue brothers.

Immediately Jane went after Scarlett who ran off after sneaking behind and stealing Jane's tag number.

Oliver prepared himself to attack, "Jackson, just aim for their -Ranking Tag Number- because I will be attacking them short-range while you attack them from mid-long range. With your superior senses, I am pretty sure those two are in for an intense battle."

Jackson started to prepare as well for an attack.

When Caleb was planning to help Jane, his fellow Executive Officer, Lance appeared in front of him.

"What are you doing? Get out of my way!" demanded by Caleb towards his younger brother.

"NO! It is time for me to finally get out of your shadow, BIG BROTHER!" declared by Lance.

A loud gasp of surprise from the audience to see Lance challenge his older brother for a showdown.

No one expected for things to escalate this way.

Not yet half of the time limit has passed, an intense battle is about to implode between the final qualifiers.

"Wow! This has become interesting. Don't you agree, Big bro?" said by Prince Ranku to his older brother.

But his older brother is starting to show his agitation towards the attempt of his Beta, Garrett, to ignore his command.

While all of these were happening, Kassandra was observing Prince Alcyd's behavior and was able to discern the importance of Selene to their Alpha Prince.

"We have to talk, Prince Alcyd! I think I have an idea why my mentor has left the Golden Moon Pack out of a sudden and you covered it up as an errand." Kassandra suddenly informed the Alpha Prince.

"Wow! Indeed this has become interesting now!" Prince Ranku expressed his sarcasm.

"I am not in the mood at the moment Miss Kassandra. So, will you please keep to yourself your own curiosity or suspicion? It will be a shame to replace you as well." Prince Alcyd showed his disinterest to entertain Kassandra's query and was showing his threatening fiery aura.

Any moment by now, the Alpha Prince may lose his own temper and may cause a rampage if his patience is tested further.

Indeed a climax that is about to reach its breaking point.

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