The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 93 - First Mission (Part IV)

In the royal palace,

The King of all Alpha werewolves is surrounded by his ministers and his Beta, Nolan.

All of them are walking their way towards the royal court where the other Alpha from different allied werewolf pack are gathered.

Ever since the news broke out that the Midnight Pack was attacked.

Each Alpha from different allied packs, started to worry in regards to the preparations made for the upcoming war against King Lucius.

For the Midnight Pack to lose in battle and almost losing their current Alpha is something that alarmed other Alphas regarding with their own security and support from King Viktor.

It was a total surprise for everyone to find out that the forces of King Lucius were able to overpower a renowned Midnight Pack in terms of strength and prowess in battle.

Midnight Pack is considered as one of the feared werewolf pack in the entire kingdom of werewolves. Thus, its defeat is tantamount to the vulnerability of other werewolf packs from rogue werewolves.

'Is everything going smoothly on both ends?' King Viktor asked Beta Nolan through mind-link so the other ministers could not hear their conversation.

'Yes, your highness! Everything is going smoothly.' Beta Nolan reassuring the king of all Alpha werewolves.

'The envoy of Alpha Gerald? Who is escorting him back to Midnight Pack territory?'

'Prince Alarick, your highness! He has volunteered to escort the Alpha of Midnight Pack with his warriors.'

'Good thing, my eldest son is being useful once in a while!' King Viktor expressing his underwhelming impression towards his eldest son, Prince Alarick.

Then he continued his query with his Beta, Nolan, through the mind-link.

'How about Mia and her first mission without you? If I remember right, this is her first mission without your supervision. Are we expecting some good news from her as well?' curiously asked by King Viktor.

'We can expect good things from her as well. She is accompanied by our best assassins. I have confidence in the success of her mission as well.' Beta Nolan reassuring the success of the things that King Viktor wanted to be accomplished.

King Viktor stopped right before next to the closed entrance of the royal court.

The loud voices of the different Alphas from other packs could be heard from the position where King Viktor is standing at the moment.

'Great! Because I cannot afford any bad news at this point. I need things to go accordingly to my plans. I have sacrificed too much to reach this pedestal of mine. And there are things to be accomplished to achieve such pinnacle of power that I know I can attain once I guarantee the success of my master plan.'

King Viktor smirked with such a sinister look on his eyes while telling Beta Nolan through the mind-link all the schemes he intends to do.

Before going ahead to finally enter the royal court, the King of all Alpha werewolves took a deep breath then walked forward while being escorted by his ministers and Beta Nolan by his side.


While King Viktor is having an important meeting with the other Alphas of the allied wolf packs of the King of all Alpha werewolves, Alpha Gerald decided to return to his territory and assign his Beta to attend the general assembly with King Viktor in his behalf.

Weeks have passed since their defeat against the rogue werewolves which was led by Lucas.

Alpha Gerald could not disclose the identity of Lucas to King Viktor and to anyone else because Lucas was his best friend. He still values and respects the friendship they both had in the past.

If anyone finds out about Lucas, it will only raise suspicion from the other Alphas that may twist his association with Lucas. Alpha Gerald could not risk his own pack to be suspected for any connection to any rogue werewolf.

After all, Lucas is still Selene's brother. If the brother of his former mate becomes a target by everyone because of his doing. It will be more difficult for him to gain Selene's forgiveness.

The Alpha of the Midnight Pack intends to gain the forgiveness of his former mate, Selene. And hoping that a second chance could be a possibility between the two of them.

"You look too serious, Alpha Gerald. It seems that your mind is occupied with such an important matter. Will you share it to us, who is this lucky lady for such strong Alpha like you to even bother including in your brilliant mind?" Prince Alarick trying to tease the Alpha of Midnight Pack while both sitting in the limousine.

"Forgive me if I have allowed my mind to stray too far. Was there anything you wanted to know?" Alpha Gerald was apologetic towards Prince Alarick.

"Do not worry, Alpha! I was just saying that this is actually my first mission to volunteer for." Prince Alarick informing Alpha Gerald about his importance towards the eldest prince.

In an attempt to gain favor from Alpha Gerald, Prince Alarick knows exactly that having Alpha Gerald as an ally and be included under his faction would help him strengthen his political clout within the royal court for his grandeur plan of attaining the official declaration of being the next heir to the royal throne of the werewolf kingdom.

"I am truly humbled and honored for such gesture, Prince Alarick! I never thought of myself that important, for such royalty to even bother volunteering in escorting me back to my territory." Alpha Gerald expressing his gratitude towards Prince Alarick.

"Of course, why shouldn't I? You are an important ally to me and to the throne!" explained by Prince Alarick.

"Absolutely, Prince Alarick! I am an ally to you and to the throne." Alpha Gerald reassuring Prince Alarick with his loyalty.

Then the car stopped and a warrior informed them regarding with their arrival in the Midnight Pack.

As soon as Prince Alarick and Alpha Gerald got out of the car, the damage that the mansion took from the previous battle against the rogue werewolves was very apparent due to the sight and view that welcomed their arrival.

"Will you excuse me, Prince Alarick? My warriors will accompany you for a while and escort you around. I just have to check something which I am responsible for. You are a special guest in our territory so I cannot bother you with such obligations of mine." Alpha Gerald informed Prince Alarick and instructed his warriors with such a task to accompany him around.

The warriors of Alpha Gerald immediately complied with the orders of their Alpha.

Then Alpha Gerald took off and intended to check something that plagued his mind all throughout his stay within the royal hospital.


Selene is in her wolf form leading her own squad for the first time.

For her first mission as the captain of a squad from Golden Moon Pack, she is indeed looking formidable and graceful with her actions.

All warriors of the Golden Moon Pack was told about the unique ability of Selene to mind-link with other werewolves without being formally officiated as a member of the Golden Moon Pack.

Only a fellow member of a wolf pack could mind-link with the other werewolf.

Thus, another reason for other warriors to be impressed with Selene.

'Everyone, scout the west area of the border while Scarlett and I will try to check the east side of the border!' Selene instructing the others in her squad while they are sprinting in their wolf form.

As soon as they received their instructions from Selene, the rest sprinted their way to the west border of the Midnight Pack.

'I just want to ask you. Why did Prince Alcyd swap squads with you?' Scarlett curiously asked Selene while they are sprinting in their wolf form.

Selene decided to ignore Scarlett's questions,

'Let us head to the east side of the border. There is a cemetery right beside the border based on the map given to us. We will check the perimeter if it is secured from any lurking threats.' Selene declared to Scarlett.

A sudden voice popped into Selene's mind,

'Nice thinking! We can visit your foster mom's grave.' Selene's spirit wolf sudden remark.

'Yes, I never thought that I would have this chance to visit her grave. I just hope everything goes smoothly.' Selene's reply to her spirit wolf.

At the same time, Alpha Gerald is also sprinting around the territory of Midnight Pack.

The Alpha of Midnight Pack is trying to check around the territory.

While checking around, he is reminded of how intense his battle with Lucas during their last encounter.

*** Flashback ***

"Lucas! I do not want to fight you. Please, let me explain first!" Alpha Gerald desperately and nervously begged at the sight of his best friend.

"What is there to explain? It already came from your own mouth! Laquisha died because of you! And my sister is nowhere to be found. You promised me that will look after them while I am gone. Remember, I also promised to kill you if something happens to them." Lucas not letting his best friend explain.

Then a battle ensued between the two.

Lucas kept attacking Alpha Gerald while loud noises of the explosion could be heard from their battle.

Alpha Gerald then saw from afar the view of his territory in smokes. He realized that Lucas was not alone and brought an army of rogue werewolves with him.

"Do not tell me, you are serving King Lucius?" Alpha Gerald looking surprised with his realization.

Only an evil smirk was the reply of Lucas towards the query of his best friend.

*** End of Flashback ***

'I hope your gravestone was not damaged, Laquisha!' thought by Alpha Gerald loudly.

Midnight Pack's Alpha started sprinting his way towards to the cemetery of the Midnight Pack.

The same place where Selene also intended to go as well.

Dark clouds looming above the territory of Midnight Pack.

An encounter that may soon take place.

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