The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 94 - Necromancer (Halloween Special Part I)

The night before Prince Alarick escorted Alpha Gerald back to the Midnight Pack.

A horrifying encounter took place in the middle of the forest.

Surrounded with dead werewolves.

Blood …

Corpses …

Hanging bodies on the tree …

Death is all over the place while one woman remained standing with her emerald torn dress.

In the middle of the night terror and death took place.

Among the assassins that were sent to spy on Persephone, one assassin survived.

Seeing the horrifying scene to how Persephone killed the assassins spying on her,

The survivor shook in fear at the sight of Persephone covered in blood.

"Lucky you!" Persephone made an evil smirk as she tries to approach the survivor.

A deafening scream while the survivor tries to crawl away from Persephone.

But Persephone was able to stop him and grabbed his hair.

"Now, do you think I would let you get away like that and tell my mate about what you saw?" such vicious and fearless vibe could be heard from Persephone's tone.

"P-p-pleaaaseee! I will do anything, just spare my life!" begged desperately by the assassin who survived Persephone's savagery.

"Hmm…" Persephone contemplated on what to do next.

Then she started taking out a scroll from the gold belt that she has been wearing.

Before handing it over to the assassin, she took the knife stabbed from the lifeless assassin next to her.

"Give me your hand, NOW!" demanded by Persephone from the assassin who survived.

The assassin nervously extended his hand to Persephone and had no choice but to follow her demand.

Persephone took the hand of the assassin and cut his palm with the use of the knife.

"Arrrgggghh !!" screamed in pain by the assassin while his palm is bleeding and smoke is coming out from the wound which Persephone caused.

"That wound will not heal even with your regenerating skills as a werewolf because I used a lethal poison that will kill you within twenty-four hours. Hand this scroll to my son who will be at the Midnight Pack tomorrow. Make sure that you hand this over to him and ask him for the antidote. Tell him I poisoned you with BW-12, he would know what antidote to give you.

So, if I were you … If you really want to live, then make sure you get to Prince Alarick as fast as you can. Or else, it will be OVER for you. Do not attempt asking from my mate's help because all of you should know by now that my poison is personally made by me and the only person can give you an antidote is me or my son. Understood?" viciously said by Persephone.

"Y-yeeess! I will obey your command!" stuttered reply by the assassin.

Immediately the assassin went off and shifted into its wolf form.

Persephone watches the assassin sprinting as fast as it could while the scroll is in between in its canines.

The moon and trees became witness to the terrifying display of Persephone of her own ruthlessness and ferocity.


Galvin led the other members of Selene's squad in their task to scout around the western area of the borders of Midnight Pack.

As they are sprinting in their wolf form.

There is a strange scent that made all of them stop on their tracks and become wary of their surroundings.

The three werewolves started growling at the mysterious hooded man hiding behind the shadows of a huge tree.

A scent of a dark being with a stench of corpses could be smelled by the three werewolves.

It alarmed their senses on the threat that it imposes against them.

"Dark Illusion!" uttered by a mysterious hooded man hiding on the shadows of a huge tree.

<<< _Dark Illusion_ >>>

Is a dark magic that creates pain and misery for anyone to get struck by this spell. It uses the fear of its target and utilizes it to trigger pain and misery.

Immediately, Galvin and the others are starting to feel disoriented and whimpered from the pain they had to go through from the dark illusion.

It was too much for them to handle that caused them to pass out.

"Hmm… I do not need some pesky werewolves to disturb my objectives for today. I cannot afford the demon king to get furious with me. Time to get what I went here for!" said by the mysterious man from the shadows.

After seeing the three werewolves fall to the ground one by one, the mysterious man went back to the shadows and disappear.


Meanwhile, in the packhouse of the Midnight Pack…

Prince Alarick is being toured around and got briefed by the assigned officers of Alpha Gerald regarding with the plans of their Alpha for their reparation and adjusted defense strategy they had for the Midnight Pack.

They had to seek for the counsel and recommendation of Prince Alarick since he is known for his brilliance in strategy and experience in terms of defensive strategy.

One of the things that impressed other Alpha werewolves towards Prince Alarick is his defensive strategies. No one contested or questioned the decision of King Viktor when he appointed Prince Alarick as the Prime Minister of his royal court.

"If only your Alpha could find his mate or provide you an interim Luna while all of you are waiting for his mate to appear in his life. It will boost the strength of your pack. I hate to admit it but we will never survive long enough without a Luna in the pack." Elaborated further by Prince Alarick.

All the officers of Midnight Pack listening to him nodded in agreement with him.

Before someone could even ask further, a sprinting werewolf approached Prince Alarick.

It immediately handed over the scroll through its muzzle to Prince Alarick, as if he is rushing to accomplish something which his life depends on.

The prince opened the scroll which his mother sent for him.

"Is there any problem, Prince Alarick?" asked by one of the officers of Alpha Gerald.

"Don't worry! My mother just wanted to inform me something about a traitor." Confidently lied by Prince Alarick from the query of the officer of Alpha Gerald.

*** Content of the Letter ***

Dear Son of mine,

I know by this time you are in the territory of Midnight Pack. It is indeed strange to request from you to avoid getting involved with certain things that are about to take place in the cemetery of Midnight Pack. If this causes some curiosity for you, which I know you have a lethal curiosity. Just make sure you do not intervene in what is about to happen and keep yourself out of it as possible. I cannot guarantee your safety if you get involved with it.

A dark force is about to visit and you my dear, MUST NOT be a hindrance to it if you value your life. You can simply ask one of your men to observe the area but I doubt that warrior will even survive. There are things I cannot explain in this letter. You can ask anything once we meet again.

Yours truly,

Devoted Mother!

PS. Your father is spying on me and KILL the foolish one that gave you this letter.

*** End of the letter ***

Prince Alarick smirked after reading the letter from his mother. He could not stop thinking about the notoriety of his mother.

The assassin who is still waiting and expecting for the antidote from Prince Alarick.

Seeing Prince Alarick approach made the assassin assume that the prince will hand over or inject him an antidote for the poison. He could sense the prince caress his fur.

Then …


Others were surprised at Prince Alarick's actions.


A body of a werewolf fell to the ground after Prince Alarick broke its neck.

No one dared to ask the prince for a reason of his actions.

"That's what we do with traitors! He was a spy for King Lucius, he thought we would not find out about it. Until the end, he acted foolishly. Too bad, his charades were indeed committed into the role he was given." Prince Alarick trying to deceive his audience.

Immediately, by the mention of the dead werewolf being a spy for King Lucius, everyone believed Prince Alarick and did not suspect anything at all.

A warrior approached Prince Alarick and received an instruction to observe whatever developments within the Midnight Pack's cemetery.

'Oh, mother! What kind of trouble are you brewing this time around?' silently thought by Prince Alarick after giving instructions to his warrior.


As soon as Selene and Scarlett arrived at the cemetery area of the Midnight Pack,

Scarlett could not stop herself but ask Selene once again.

"Selene, why are you uncomfortable with scouting around Midnight Pack's territory? You look so bothered ever since we left Golden Moon." Scarlett persistently asked Selene through mind-link.

While Scarlett was asking Selene through mind-link, Selene could only think about approaching the gravestone of her foster mother.


Suddenly Scarlett jumped right in front of Selene in her wolf form trying to get through her.

It made Selene give in to Scarlett's persistence and replied her through the mind-link,

"Fine! I asked Prince Alcyd to swap with me because this is my former wolf pack. This place is full of bad memories because this is where…

I was rejected by my former mate,

My older brother left me on my own,

And the place where my foster mother died because of me…" Selene revealing to Scarlett a portion of her past that she tried so hard to forget and leave behind.

A long pause after the revelation of Selene.

There were no right words or anything that Scarlett could say to uplift Selene's mood.

From that moment, Scarlett totally understood Selene's actions ever since they left for the mission.

Selene remembered that only the rogue brothers knew about her affiliation with the Midnight Pack. So, it is better to make Scarlett swear to keep everything as a secret.

"Scarlett, can I trust you? That after this, you will never mention nor share this important detail of my past. Will you promise me?" Selene asked Scarlett through the mind-link.

"Yes, I promise!" immediate reply of Scarlett.

There were a lot of questions she would want to ask Selene but how could she ask if Selene mentioned about her own,

Rejection …

Abandonment …

And the loss of someone important …

How could Scarlett ask all about these things that brought so much pain towards Selene?

"Will you stay here? I will just check the gravestone of my foster mother." Selene instructed Scarlett.

"Sure! I will wait for you here." Scarlett reassuring Selene.

Then Selene went ahead to check on her foster mother's gravestone while she is in her wolf form.

Scarlett waited for Selene in her wolf form.

Minutes passed by …

A scent of death and corpse suddenly invaded Scarlett's senses.

Despite being in the cemetery, the scent of death and corpse suddenly became stronger which triggered her spirit wolf to warn her of incoming danger.

But everything was too late for Scarlett.

"Dark Illusion!" loudly casted by the mysterious man.

After getting struck by the dark magic casted against her, Scarlett whimpered in pain and fell to the ground unconscious.

"Now, I am getting closer to my target!"

The mysterious man started moving on his way ...

Towards where Laquisha is buried...

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