The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 95 - Necromancer (Halloween Special Part 2)

Moments after Selene and Scarlett parted ways,

Finally, Selene arrived at the gravestone of her foster mother.

There were hints of intense battle around the area but the gravestone of Selene's foster mother is still intact and in one piece.

Selene sat in front of her foster mother's gravestone while she is still in her wolf form.

As Selene contemplated, tears started to fall…

'Oh, Laquisha! Forgive me, if I have not visited you for a very long time.

I …

I Could not find the strength to return to this forsaken place. There have been too many painful memories here. Since the day I lost you, I have sworn not to return at all. I know, it is selfish for me, not to visit your funeral but I had left…

I love you, Laquisha!

You were my mother … my father … you were my everything that I never thought I would lose at all.

I miss you … a lot !!' Selene whimpered in tears while she is still in her wolf form.

Her muzzles went for a kiss to Laquisha's gravestone.

Tears kept falling in memory of Laquisha and Selene being together.

Memories kept flashing back on Selene's mind.

Remembering all the good times that she had with her foster mother.

All the times that she was taken care of…

Those days that Laquisha showered her and her older brother with so much love and care as if they were her own child.

Words of Laquisha kept coming back to remind her about being strong.

'No matter how hard life becomes for you, no matter how harsh it may seem today, do not lose hope because I promise you that tomorrow will be better than yesterday!

Just remember you are never alone! There is someone destined to be your partner for the rest of your life. And of course, you have me!' words of Laquisha flashed back in Selene's mind.

Selene was so happy that day and hugged her foster mother as tight as she could.

A young girl, filled with innocence and hope in this world, 'You are all I need, Laquisha! As long as I have you.'

Those words stood firm that despite all the bad and cold treatment she received from the members of the Midnight Pack, she remained strong and resilient.

It only changed on the night she lost Laquisha.

While Selene was immersed in remembering and thinking about her days with her foster mother.

The presence of a mysterious man was lurking around and getting closer to her.

Due to her deep emotions and immersion in memory of her past, Selene was not fully aware of the approaching threat. Her attention and mind were focused to something else.

Longing for her foster mother … Laquisha …

Until the mysterious man got close enough that it is too late for Selene to even prepare herself against the dangerous threat.

"Dark Illusion!" casted by the mysterious man.

Sylvia, the spirit wolf of Selene, forced a takeover so that she could have control of Selene's body.


Fortunately, Sylvia was alert enough to feel the threat behind her.

A loud growl was released by Sylvia after evading the dark magic that was supposedly meant to strike her down.

"Impressive! I hid my presence carefully but you were still able to evade my attack." Said by the mysterious man.

Then, he realized that it is the spirit wolf who is currently in control.

"Oh, no wonder! What a great spirit wolf you are! You were able to save your she-wolf. But too bad, I am not in the mood to play games. So, I will make this quick!" declared by the mysterious man wearing greyish hooded cape and a white skull mask covering his face.

'Selene! Are you okay?' Sylvia asked Selene while being in a defensive mode.

'I am sorry Sylv! If it weren't for you, he could have taken us out for sure. Be careful!' Selene's reply to her spirit wolf.

'Do you want to have the control back?'

'It's okay, I am letting you have this! I am kind of distracted and a mess at the moment. You are more emotionally stable to take this guy head-on. I know you can take him down! Or whatever that thing is!' Selene encouraging her spirit wolf.

Though, the mysterious man is detecting a powerful aura of magic surrounding Selene's wolf form.

So the mysterious man decided to …

"Magic Absorption!" loudly casted by the mysterious man.

<<< _Magic Absorption_ >>>

A dark magic which allows the caster to absorb the essence of magic from its designated target. It is a mid-range magic. It requires mastery of dark arts to successfully execute this dark magic. Or else, it will not be effective.

Sylvia tried to evade but she was followed by the light.

Her attempts to run away from it were futile... because at the end…

The beam of dark light struck Sylvia in Selene's wolf form.

A pinching pain was invading all over Sylvia and Selene's senses. As it grows painful by the second.

'Argghh! Seeeeleeenneeee!' anguished by the spirit wolf of Selene which is currently in control of Selene's wolf form.

'Sylvia!!!!' Selene screamed with so much worry towards her spirit wolf.

Slowly both could feel they are starting to feel weaker aside from the pain that they are feeling at the moment.

'Seeeleee ---….' The voice of Selene's spirit wolf started to fade and was not able to finish her words.

Then slowly, Selene started shifting back to her human form.

Gladly, her platinum hair were long enough to cover her exposed breasts.

'Sylvia! Sylvia!' Selene calling her spirit wolf.

But her spirit wolf was quiet and did not answer her call.

Finally, Selene realized that she is in control of her body again but starting to feel weaker by the second.

"What are you?? Why am I feeling …" Selene trying her best to keep her consciousness while holding her head and the ground to keep her from passing out.

Things starting to get blurry for Selene but she does her best not to pass out.

The mysterious man took off his mask. Then it revealed the disgusting, scary and bony structure of his face.

"Let me introduce myself, I am ZAEQIR! The Great Necromancer! One of the most powerful servants of the demon king." Proudly announced by Zaeqir to Selene.

Selene is enduring her current dilemma while being exposed entirely. She gathers all her strength to speak out,

"What do you want from me? Why are you doing this?" Selene asked the Great Necromancer.

A loud burst of laughter was released by the Necromancer.

"I must say, you have taken my curiosity for such powerful aura I can sense from you. It is rare to see someone take my powerful dark magic and not fall. It has been ages since I met a supernatural being that endured my powerful dark magic. Even though you are an interesting specimen that I would love to experiment on…

But my mission today is not about you!" revealed by Zaeqir.

"If it is not me, you are after. Then what are you here for?" Selene unwaveringly asked the Great Necromancer.

"Your courage is indeed remarkable! So I will gladly entertain your query.

I am here to take the corpse of Laquisha. A powerful witch who refused the position of Grandwhite Witch for decades but unfortunately she became weak in protecting a she-wolf. During her prime years, many feared her prowess. Though Grizelda and Magdeline were more powerful than her, her corpse is needed to complete my collection." Zaeqir explained his purpose in the cemetery of the Midnight Pack.

Suddenly a powerful surge of energy surrounded Selene.




"As if I will let you do that!" anger was evident in Selene's expression.

She could not let her foster mother's remains to be taken out by a dark being.

Zaeqir, the Great Necromancer, was totally surprised to witness such an immense display of power.

Even resisting the effects of his dark magic.

"Impossible! Your magic should be drained from this point." A great shock from Zaeqir to see Selene resisting.

When Zaeqir thought that he will not be surprised further.

The powerful surge of energy radiating all over Selene canceled the dark magic binding her.

"I will not let you defile Laquisha's remains!" declared by Selene.

"I summon thee … Dark Skeletons!" Zaeqir used one of his powerful dark abilities.

<<< _Undead Summoning_ >>>

An innate ability amongst necromancy magic. This is a dark magic that only necromancers could do. A power to call upon the spirits and the dead for his bidding. It requires corpses or dead beings around, in order for it to be effective.

<<< _Undead Manipulation_ >>>

This is a passive ability used right after doing the Undead Summoning. Whatever undead that is being summoned, with this ability, the caster will be able to manipulate and have total control of the summoned creatures.

Skeletons were raised from the dead and started to move.

From the cold underground, animated skeletons started to rise one after another.

At the sight of approaching skeletons...

Thoughts came reeling in Selene's mind. If her spirit wolf is alright and what kind of dark magic is able to summon the dead back to the living. 

It was the first time for Selene to witness the power and ability of a necromancer.

'Sylvia! Sylvia! please answer me! I need you now.' desperate call of Selene for her spirit wolf.

Despite her desperate calls, her spirit wolf is still quiet.

Slowly... Slowly... Selene could feel her energy waning and starting to weaken...

The thought of Laquisha being defiled by the dark being...

Memories of Laquisha and Selene flashing right through Selene's mind ...

"I command thee, Attack!" Zaeqir commanded all the skeletons to attack Selene.

Each skeleton made their way towards Selene with their sharp bony fingers.

But Selene has also summoned some of her dormant powers within her that she never thought she had.

Then suddenly the image of the death of Laquisha and the smile of her foster mother came rushing to her mind.

A surge of light and energy sprouted from within her...


Selene's right hand released a powerful energy blast causing all the skeletons to explode.

The loud explosion could be heard even from afar. 

"Impossible!" Zaeqir was surprised once more.

At the sight of Selene standing and radiating with such immense energy.

Thus, he decided to take it more seriously and finish his mission immediately. Before Selene exhibits another unimaginable display of power.

"I better end this now!

Dark Prison!" casted loudly by Zaeqir.

<<< _Dark Prison_ >>>

A powerful dark magic that imprisons its target within a dark circle. Completely paralyzing and blinding its prisoner within for limited time. It requires higher magic for it to be successfully executed.

Selene was not able to evade nor defend herself from the effects of the dark prison.

"Noooo!!!" Selene desperately screamed while being caged within the dark prison.

Right after Selene getting prisoned within his dark magic.

Zaeqir did not waste time and casted another dark magic to take Laquisha's corpse.

The Great Necromancer stood in front of Laquisha's gravestone and casted another dark magic.



The ground opened into half…

Laquisha's corpse started to float while covered with black energy light.

With Laquisha's corpse floating by his side,

Zaeqir took a last look at Selene. He intended to end Selene's life right there at that moment but a fast-approaching werewolf could be heard from a distance. He could not risk failing this mission given to him by his demon king.

"We will meet again, she-wolf!" last words of Zaeqir before he casted a dark magic that allows anything to disappear within the dark circle.

A dark surge of energy surrounded the ground below Zaeqir, forming a dark circle under him.

Then, he vanishes with Laquisha's corpse in tow.

After Zaeqir vanished, Selene was released from the dark prison.

Immediately after Selene got released, she looked at the gravestone of her foster mother and checked if Zaeqir successfully took her foster mother's corpse.

Then the awful view dawned on Selene,

"NOOOOOO!!!" Selene screamed at the sight of the ruined gravestone and empty casket of Laquisha.

Tears came rushing in …

A complete,

Despair …

Defeat …

Desolation …

When Selene thought everything has become worst for her…

A sprinting werewolf started to shift back into its human form.

As it approaches at the wailing scene of Selene…

"S-s-selene… is that you ??" uttered by a familiar voice.


Selene looked around to look at the source of the voice she once knew.

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