(Moments before the incident with the Necromancer)

Since Prince Alcyd and Selene swapped squads, he is currently sprinting along with the other warriors of Golden Moon Pack in their wolf form.

[Prince Alcyd's Squad]:

[1] Prince Alcyd – Captain of the squad

[2] Athena

[3] Theo

[4] Freddie

And lastly [5] Jane

As they sprint, the black fur of Prince Alcyd stood out from his squad.

'Check each corner and your entire surroundings for any suspicious movements.' Instructed by the Alpha Prince towards his warriors through the mind-link.

Altogether they replied their Alpha Prince in an affirmative tone.

Each of them focused on scouting and checking the premises of the territory of Midnight Pack.

On the other hand, Prince Alcyd got distracted by the argument he had with Selene before they swapped.

*** Flashback ***

Right after Prince Alcyd tried to communicate with his mate through mind-link.

'Is there any problem? Are you feeling alright?' Prince Alcyd showing his concerns to his mate, Selene.

'I… am okay! But can I switch squad with you?' Selene's nervous reply in the mind-link with Prince Alcyd.

'Why would you want to do so? Is there something that I should know that is causing you to feel anxious and bothered?' Curiously asked by Prince Alcyd through the mind-link.

There was a long pause from Selene after hearing the query of Prince Alcyd.

Prince Alcyd is looking at Selene with such seriousness.

Selene ponders on what to reply. She does not want to cause any complications or any unnecessary friction with two strong wolf packs.

Both Midnight Pack and Golden Moon Pack are known for being a strong wolf pack.

'Umm… Sylvia wants to run and I am still uncomfortable giving commands to your Executive Officers. Scouting around the territory also seems to be lame for my taste. I prefer to stretch our limbs. So, can we swap instead?' Selene directly lied at Prince Alcyd.

'What! The reasoning of your excuses is more lame than it sounds. Plus, how could you include me in your lame excuse? I do not want to be part of this web of lies that you have been creating for our mate. Why couldn't you just be honest with him and tell him everything already? He deserves our trust! Lastly, you told me last time that we will finally trust him.' Sylvia nagged at Selene for her actions.

'Hush! Please just go along with it already. Have you heard of, choosing the right time and the right place? Because right now is not the right time and the right place to tell him. We cannot cause friction between two strong wolf packs. Do you want our mate to get in trouble and fight with our former mate in their own territory, hmm?' Selene explained to her spirit wolf.

By the mention of their mate getting trouble, Selene's spirit wolf stopped nagging and let Selene do whatever she decided to do. 'Fine! Just make sure, you do not do something that will harm our mate.'

'Trust me!' Selene reassuring her spirit wolf.

While Selene and her spirit wolf having their own discussion, Prince Alcyd is trying to rationalize the excuses of Selene if those are the real reason or is she hiding something else to him.

Though, he decided to trust Selene despite his instincts telling him that there is more to it than he is being led on.

'Okay, we can swap! But if something happens out of ordinary, IMMEDIATELY call for me through the mind-link.' Prince Alcyd telling Selene.

'Thank you! Yes, I will be responsible and immediately call for you.' Selene trying to reassure her mate, Prince Alcyd.

'Good!' Prince Alcyd's last words to Selene before announcing to everyone the changes in his instruction.

*** End of Flashback ***

A familiar voice broke Prince Alcyd's train of thought.

"So you are here as well?" Prince Alarick appeared with the officers of Alpha Gerald.

Athena, the mate of Garrett, informed Prince Alcyd regarding the exact location that they are in…

The sight of the damaged packhouse and nearby houses which could be seen around. The Alpha Prince was not able to realize earlier that they were getting nearer around the premises of the Midnight Pack's packhouse.

A loud growl greeted Prince Alarick back from Prince Alcyd himself in his wolf form.

"Don't tell me father sent you to scout and reassure the safety of Alpha Gerald. What to expect, it is so predictable that father would want you to have a good relations with Midnight Pack. In order for him to justify his intentions to declare you as his heir. Am I right?" Prince Alarick pointed out while the others trying to keep their own reactions to themselves.

No one would dare to antagonize Prince Alcyd who has gained such a reputation to be ruthless and the strongest amongst the royal children and generals of King Viktor.

Before Prince Alcyd and Prince Alarick could get more heated,

Jane immediately informed Prince Alcyd that she heard an explosion on the eastern side of the Midnight Pack.

Due to Jane's exceptional senses, her senses are more heightened that allows her to be an effective sensory warrior.

The Alpha Prince immediately tried to contact the members of Selene through the mind-link but there were no replies at all.

'Everyone proceed to the eastern side! Hurry!' Prince Alcyd immediate command to his warriors.

Prince Alarick wanted to continue his banters towards his younger brother but Prince Alcyd and his warriors just sprinted away suddenly.

By the direction that Prince Alcyd and his warriors are heading, Prince Alarick had a clue where his younger brother heading out.

Then, it made Prince Alarick contemplate on his mother's message.

'Mother! What trouble are you brewing?' Prince Alarick silently thought.


Somewhere in a dark forest,

All Lucas knew is that he is a hybrid but never been told by his parents that he has vampire blood.

But Queen Titania knew about it already due to the intel given to her by her dead allies.

Mia started floating which signaled for a dangerous encounter. While Lucas is still looking confused, Queen Titania ignored his question and focused her attention towards Mia.

"King Viktor's warriors, take out the rogue wolf! Leave the queen of fairies to me." Mia called upon the warriors of King Viktor hiding from the shadows.

There is a battle that is about to go down and Lucas is still thinking over the information he just heard but the situation they are in makes it impossible for him to get the answers he wanted from Queen Titania.

Suddenly, Queen Titania was covered by a powerful gust of wind which cuts her off from Lucas and trapping her inside.

Then the other werewolves leaped forward in their attempt to take down Lucas.

Immediately, Lucas tried to use his explosive abilities but his powers would not come out.

Lucas kept trying as he gestures for his wrist and looking at his clenched hand which no energy would come out.

Mia started to laugh as if she has accomplished something, "No matter how many times you try to summon your powers, it will not appear! I have made sure that the magic field I created would cancel out your explosion abilities. After knowing that Queen Titania will be appearing, I had to make sure your powers will not work within the magic field that I created."

Both Lucas and Queen Titania did not expect for Mia to be prepared against them. Thus, both started to think of an alternative to counter Mia's attacks.

The werewolves were surprised with Lucas shifting into a silver wolf which they were completely surprised with.

A rare sight of a light silver wolf form.

A combination of silver and snow-white fur has left everyone in awe and dazzled by its enchanting form.

Though, there was someone left shocked and could not believe with the discovery she found out.

"That fur … That wolf form … It cannot be! This is impossible… Do not tell me, a survivor of Silver Aurora Pack!" Mia expressing her disbelief and astonishment at the sight of Lucas' wolf form.


The heartbeat of Selene started to go faster by the sound of a familiar voice.

"S-S-Selene, is that you?"

As Selene looked around for the source of that familiar voice,

Finally, Alpha Gerald confirmed that it is indeed Selene.

"So, it is really you !!" a smile formed on Alpha Gerald's face.

For a long time, he has imagined this moment for them to meet again.

Alpha Gerald wanted to approach Selene but …

"Don't you dare get near me!" Selene warned Alpha Gerald.

There was a change in Selene's heart that took place at that moment…

A fit of complete anger!

All the bad memories came rushing into her.




It came banging once again into her heart as if it was just yesterday.

Alpha Gerald understood at that point,

Selene is full of anger.

"Give me the chance to explain myself, Selene!" Alpha Gerald desperately begged Selene.

"What do you need to explain? The rejection… It was loud and clear to me. Even the death of Laquisha has no need for an explanation because it is so simple to understand. That you are responsible for the worst pain that I could ever feel." Selene's reply to Alpha Gerald's plea.

A long silence after the emotional reply of Selene…

But things are about to get more heated.


A growl from a werewolf has appeared in the middle of the tension between Alpha Gerald and Selene.

"Alcyd!" uttered by Selene.

Alpha Gerald looked in Prince Alcyd's direction.

'Now, Selene! Will you explain to me, why both of you are naked? You better hurry and give me a reason, not to tear this fool into pieces!' Prince Alcyd's declaration to Selene through the mind-link.



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