The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 98 - Mission Accomplished

In the main office of Prince Alcyd,

"Oliver, Prince Alcyd and the others are here!" Lady Sonja informs Oliver.

When Prince Alcyd left with the others for the mission, he assigned Oliver to lead the remaining warriors while he is gone.

Usually, Oliver is the one tasked to be in charge of the rest of the remaining members of the Golden Moon Pack whenever Beta Garrett and the Alpha Prince are not around.

His managing and strategic skills are far more superior to the other Executive Officers of Prince Alcyd. Thus, the Alpha Prince confidently entrust everything to Oliver.

Right before Oliver leave the main office so he could welcome their Alpha Prince,

Prince Alcyd entered the main office with the rest of the Golden Crew and Jane.

"Prince Alcyd! I was about to welcome you…" nervously expressed by Oliver.

But he was just ignored by their Alpha Prince.

Athena, the Beta's mate, looked at Oliver and made eye contact with him while making a facial expression that their Alpha Prince is not in the mood.

As soon as Prince Alcyd took his seat behind the main desk,

"Lady Sonja, kindly check on Selene if everything is alright. Make sure all her needs are provided." Prince Alcyd instructing Lady Sonja.

"Theo, prepare the necessary preparations for our travel to the royal palace. Once Garrett and the others arrive, we will proceed with our plans for the preparation of going to the royal palace.

Galvin, you are temporarily assigned with leading the training of the warriors. You have to apply a stricter program and regimen since we are going for war.

Scarlett and Freddie, since both of you are close with Selene then both of you will be assigned under her wing. Though, I want reports and details of everything that goes around with her…" further instructions of Prince Alcyd.

After hearing what they were supposed to do, Scarlett and Freddie looked at each other with suspecting eyes regarding the intention of reporting everything that goes on with Selene. It sounded like they were assigned to spy on Selene on behalf of Prince Alcyd.

The Alpha Prince is not liking the silence from his officers, "Is everything understood?" with a hint of stress in his tone.

Those who were assigned by Prince Alcyd, altogether they replied affirmatively confirming the instruction of their Alpha Prince, "Yes, Prince Alcyd!"

When the others started to leave, Athena and Oliver remained at the side of Prince Alcyd.

Including Scarlett whom Prince Alcyd wanted to ask further…

"Scarlett, for a moment!" requested by Prince Alcyd with a serious look on his face.

This made Scarlett more nervous.

"Is there anything wrong, Prince Alcyd?" nervously asked by Scarlett.

"I just wanted to ask regarding the encounter you had with the Necromancer."

"Oh, well it was actually brief, to be honest. When I felt the presence of the Necromancer, it was already too late for me to even recognize him. I was already knocked out with this massive pain all over me. It was too painful to even remember what I went through. My memory with the entire encounter is still fuzzy up until now." Scarlett looking down as she tries to remember and explain to Prince Alcyd what happened regarding with her encounter with the necromancer.

Prince Alcyd let Scarlett go back to her duties…

Then he started discussing with Athena and Oliver regarding the next agenda that they have to prepare.

"So, everything went well in Midnight Pack? I assume you accomplished the mission since I see everyone is still alive and no complaints from Midnight Pack." Oliver carelessly pointed out which even made Prince Alcyd remember what went down in Midnight Pack before they left.

Athena just stared at Oliver with the looks of flying daggers for even making their Alpha Prince remember their brief stay in Midnight Pack.

They could hear their Alpha Prince heave for a deep sigh and contemplate on something very serious.

*** Flashback ***

After their scouting all over the borders of the territory of Midnight Pack,

Both Alphas, Prince Alcyd and Alpha Gerald, headed back to the damaged packhouse of the Midnight Pack.

But before they do, Prince Alcyd assisted his other warriors.

Galvin and the other members of Selene's squad were bare naked after passing out from a sudden attack that they took from the necromancer.

"Are you all feeling better now?" Prince Alcyd asked his warriors through the mind-link who are still trying to get a grip on their wits.

"Once you are okay, follow us back to the packhouse or maybe even better, just wait for us here as we try to wrap things out with the Alpha of Midnight Pack."

"Yes, Prince Alcyd!" altogether replied by the disoriented naked warriors towards their magnificent black-furred Alpha Prince in his wolf form.

Immediately right after, the two Alphas went ahead to the packhouse of the Midnight Pack.

They sprinted as quickly as they could…

Compared to other werewolves,

Alpha werewolves are stronger and faster than the usual werewolves. Their stamina and strength power are far different from their warriors.

In such wide fields of the territory of Midnight Pack, the wolf forms of two Alphas sprinting is a sight to behold. Such display of speed and prowess from their sprinting alone.

Even their wolf forms would stand out from the rest. Though, the black fur of Prince Alcyd and chocolate brown fur of Alpha Gerald while sprinting could be seen by the residents trying to fix their own houses. While they are doing their own tasks, the two Alphas are passing through and making their way quickly to the packhouse.

In every territory of wolf packs, the sightings of werewolves are normal …

Unlike in human cities, werewolves must abide by the law of discretion of keeping their identity from other humans that do not have knowledge about supernatural beings. Even though, there are other humans that have knowledge about it, a proper protocol and circumstance before allowing a human to know about supernatural beings. Especially with werewolves.

When the two Alphas arrived at the packhouse, they see Selene in her black training suit with the other warriors from Golden Moon Pack.

It seems that a standoff between Selene and Prince Alarick is taking place.

Prince Alcyd was about to attack his older brother but when Selene noticed the arrival of her mate, she immediately stopped her mate instead.

'STOP! Do not engage, please!' Selene begging her mate through mind-link. 'Calm down, let me handle this on my own. I can handle my own fights. If you intervene, you will cause another curiosity to your brother. We cannot afford another incident like Prince Ranku! So please, calm down! And let me handle this. I promise he will not be able to harm me.'

"Hah! Finally, my brother! Will you explain to us why you have rogue werewolves within your ranks? Not just one but two unofficial members of Golden Moon Pack tagging along with you and your warriors. Are you not aware of the war we have at the moment with King Lucius? These filthy rogue werewolves may be spying on you and your pack." Prince Alarick spitting insults Selene and Freddie in front of the other warriors.

"Not all rogue werewolves agree alongside with King Lucius. There are rogue werewolves aims for peace and are submitted loyally to their Alphas. It may be hard to believe that rogue werewolf may stay loyal to an Alpha but in Golden Moon Pack. They trust and respect their Alpha. It seems like you do not know how it feels like to be respected and trusted by everyone." Selene's retort toward Prince Alarick.

Her mate, Prince Alcyd, is impressed with the way Selene stands up for what she believes in.

Even other warriors are surprised that a she-wolf is not intimidated by the presence and might of a royalty.

"Do you know who you are speaking to? Low-life wolf!" proudly uttered by Prince Alarick.

Athena grabbed Prince Alcyd's wrist, stopping their Alpha from intervening but she gestured how Selene is not backing down against Prince Alarick.

"Oh, I know exactly who you are! You are the prince who lives in the shadows that cannot even measure up to his younger brother. Am I right?

Everyone knows this!" A shocking daring spit of insult just came out from Selene's mouth.

A gasping and gagging reaction from all the audience after hearing what Selene just uttered.

Even Prince Alcyd is surprised by Selene's bold actions and words. He thought she is only like that with him. A sudden realization that his mate is truly a fearless individual.

No one dared to even stop the two from their banters.

Whispers and jaw-dropping reactions surrounded the two.

But as seconds pass by, the eyes of Prince Alarick is showing his growing temper against Selene.

His fists are clenched in anger and about to burst his anger.

"Oh, I forgot to remind you, if you dare lay a finger on me. It will force me to defend myself and do whatever I want despite your royal status. According to the royal decree, when anyone hurt a family member of an official member of any wolf pack will be severely punished –or– it gives permission to that individual to protect themselves against the perpetrator, which is you! So, once you lay a finger on me, I can even do worst to you." A vicious threatening aura was released by Selene with the help of her own spirit wolf.

Her spirit wolf, Sylvia, is also emitting a threatening aura to show how dangerous they can be.

Prince Alarick suddenly felt fear and warning from his spirit wolf that the eyes of Selene are serious about killing them if they do initiate an attack.

The threatening vibes were close enough with their father's powerful aura.

This made Prince Alarick think of who exactly Selene is. That this she-wolf is no ordinary werewolf. And he realized that this she-wolf is aiming to provoke him so that she could legitimize her own intention to engage battle with a royalty.

A basic rule is known to all werewolves that once a werewolf initiates a fight, the other werewolf could defend themselves and will not be punished by law. No matter the status of whoever initiated the attack, it will legitimize the action of the other individual to defend themselves and will not be punished by law even if the perpetrator died from the self-defense.

Then a sinister smirk was released by Selene.

"I am glad you finally realize what I intended to do. Right after you insulted me and my friend, I wanted to do it so badly! Too bad, you finally realize now." Revealed by Selene.

The royal prince was impressed with the audacity and level of fierceness that the platinum-haired she-wolf exhibiting in front of him.

The tension simmered down as soon as Prince Alarick realizes what Selene was intended to do. A bold attempt to legitimize her actions against him which he never expected for someone to do. A plain sight, full of witnesses, will allow her to make her actions against him unpunishable by law. If only he allowed his temper to get the best of him and initiated the first attack.

Prince Alarick froze in the middle of their confrontation and remained speechless from his realization that he almost fell into a scheme of a stranger he just met.

After informing his warriors not to make any reaction or disclose any information that it is indeed Selene, Alpha Gerald instructed all the members of the Midnight Pack to keep the information about Selene. No one should know that Selene is from the Midnight Pack.

Alpha Gerald intends to make peace with Selene and maybe win her back so if this is what Selene demands from him then he will gladly do it for Selene.

"If you are done talking with my warriors, we will be leaving now. Our mission here is accomplished!

Everyone, let's go!" Prince Alcyd announced to his warriors.

"Wait, Prince Alcyd! Can I visit your pack as soon as we finish rebuilding our territory? I will bring some other Alphas with me." Alpha Gerald requested from Prince Alcyd right before the Alpha Prince leave with the others.

After hearing this, Selene and Prince Alarick would want to stop Prince Alcyd from accepting the request of Alpha Gerald but it was too late for them to react because the Alpha of Golden Moon Pack accepted the request.

"Fine, you can! Just inform us in advance." Prince Alcyd's reply.

Then everyone left while Selene is worrying about her own future. Now, that her past has returned to haunt her once more.

*** End of Flashback ***

"Let us start the preparations for our travel to the royal palace and the arrival of the other Alphas here in our territory. I want everything to go smoothly." Prince Alcyd declared to his officers.


Back in the main office of King Viktor in the royal palace,

Mia appeared with full of bruises around her.

"Mia! Finally, how was your mission?" curiously asked by King Viktor as he welcomes Mia's arrival.

"Mission accomplished, your highness!" Mia releases a victorious smirk.

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