Ring! Ring! Ring!

A visitor came looking for Kassandra and expecting for a serious talk with her.

Ever since Magdeline left the territory of Golden Moon Pack with the intention to meet her friends and secret allies, Kassandra started to stay with Chloe per request of her mentor before she left.

It was something that Kassandra could not refuse. To look after Chloe and stay by her side while her mentor is not around. A request that she felt obligated to comply. She knew almost everything about the things that happened in the household of her mentor. And she treated the family of her mentor like as her own family since she is an orphan herself.

As soon as Kassandra opened the door to see who rang the doorbell, she was surprised to see who was standing by the door.

"How may I h-- .." Kassandra was not able to finish her sentence after realizing the person standing by the door.

A familiar voice greeted her despite the face is looking a bit different from the last time they have seen each other. Kassandra was sure that she is not mistaken. From the voice and his aura, Kassandra could distinguish the identity of someone no matter what trick or deception or illusion. One of her abilities allows her to identify individuals behind their masquerade. So, only a single look was needed for Kassandra to confirm the identity.

It is no other than the former warlock general, Callisto.

"Finally, great to see you! Kassandra!" said by Callisto.

Callisto held on to the door when Kassandra tried to close it after confirming who it is.

"Kassandra, I did not come to cause a scene. I just wanted to talk." Said by Callisto.

"You had plenty of chances and time but you chose to disappear on this household for a long time. Then now, you suddenly decided that it is the right time. So, NO!" Kassandra trying to push the door while Callisto preventing Kassandra from closing the door completely.

"Please, I just need to talk. It is important. I deserve to talk to her! Do not rob me of my chance to be a father to Chloe." Loudly stated by Callisto at the other side of the door.

A struggle of pushing the door ensued.

"I am not robbing you of your cha--.." Kassandra was not able to finish her reply after an unexpected audience appeared.

"W-what you mean the chance to be my father?" Chloe looking shocked at the revelation that she just heard from Callisto.

Kassandra loosened her hold against the door and tried to approach Chloe but has no clue where to start or how to explain things to her. 

Due to Kassandra letting go of the door, Callisto fell forward after pushing harder against the door.


Chloe sees whom she thought as her professor falling to the ground.

"Ow!" Callisto exclaimed after falling.

"Professor Cali?" Chloe still looking surprised by the revelation that she heard from her mentor and from the sudden appearance of whom she thought as her professor.

"Chloe, let me explain but before I do, Callisto please leave! This is not the time to talk." Kassandra requested Callisto to leave.

"No! I am staying and I have all the right to talk with my daughter." Callisto out rightly refused Kassandra's request.

"WHAT! Daughter who?" Chloe being confused with the things she was hearing.

After a stressful training of spells and magic, hearing a shocking revelation is making Chloe's head spin. She is looking at the sight of Callisto and her mentor with so much confusion.

Her eyes are filled with confusion and questions. 

Though her eyes are starting to get moist and wet.

Kassandra wanted to explain or reason out with Chloe but Callisto interjected her supposed attempt.

"Chloe, you are my daughter. I-I am your father… I wa-- .." Before Callisto could even finish, Chloe replied emotionally.

"MY FATHER IS DEAAADD !!!!" Chloe emotionally expressed her thoughts, "Do not come here and tell things that are completely bizarre. For a long time, I had only one parent and that's granny! FOR ALL I KNOW, MY FATHER IS DEAD! Am I right, Kassandra? That is what I was told! Am I right? KASSANDRA!"

One thing Kassandra has promised Chloe right after revealing the situation about her mother, is that no more lies and secrets.

That from this day forth, Kassandra will tell everything and will not lie to Chloe.

"AM I RIGHT? KASSANDRA! TELL ME!" demanded by Chloe towards her mentor who is looking guilty and nervous. "My father is dead, right?" 

Tears started to fall from Chloe's eyes. 

Even Callisto has no idea how to handle the current situation that is unfolding in front of them.

The former warlock general could only look at Kassandra for how will she respond.

"H-he is … your father." Revealed by Kassandra to the shocked young witch.

Chloe gasped and covered her mouth in surprise at the revelation that her father is still alive and it is someone whom she thought as her professor.

Everything came crashing down on Chloe why her professor appeared suddenly on the night when she decided to poison Prince Alcyd. And the thought that all these times, she lived in a lie that her parents are dead and her grandmother is the only living relative she has. 

All the people that Chloe trusted and loved so much are actually the ones that hurt her the most.

Her grandmother, Magdeline…

Her mentor, Kassandra …

Everything she knew was actually a lie.

There was nothing that could comfort her from the pain and shock from the revelation that just dawned on her.

Immediately, Chloe ran back to her bedroom in tears.

"Chloe…" Kassandra wanted to hold Chloe and comfort her but she knows she will only fail in attempting to do so.

The only things she could give Chloe at the moment are time and space to breathe from the truth about her parents.

"Do not even dare blame this on me because you and Magdeline are the ones that lied to her. Not me!" Callisto's retort towards the stabbing stares of Kassandra.

Both of them started to contemplate on what would be the best thing to do next.


Back in the main office of King Viktor in the royal palace,

Mia appeared with full of bruises around her.

"Mia! Finally, how was your mission?" curiously asked by King Viktor as he welcomes Mia's arrival.

"Mission accomplished, your highness!" Mia releases a victorious smirk. 

"I was right! Queen Titania has been gathering forces against me." King Viktor clenches his fist as he ponders on the confirmation that the queen of fairies is definitely against him, he continued in telling them, "The king of rogue werewolves, the Great Oracle, Magdeline and now, Queen Titania! Enemies are indeed piling up against me." 

Both Mia and Beta Nolan kept their silence after hearing King Viktor express his frustrations.

"Nolan, any news from our spies?" asked by King Viktor.

"Unfortunately, there has been no news or updates about their mission." Beta Nolan quick reply to the king of all Alpha werewolves.

In order to divert King Viktor's frustration and avoid any outburst, Mia tried to inform King Viktor further of her success in her mission.

"King Viktor, at this moment, Queen Titania's location will no longer be a problem for you." Expressed by Mia with such excitement for the possibilities brought by her success.

But, King Viktor was more immersed into something else.

"Even Persephone is my mate. I can forget it once I find out she is truly stabbing me in the back." Declared by King Viktor.

"Your Highness, the mate bond is a strong bond that cannot be easily neglected. It may harm you as well if we do something reckless against Persephone." Beta Nolan reminding King Viktor.

"I do not care! I do agree that her being my mate helps me become stronger but I can easily snuff out her life without killing her. I have many ways! So she better not cross my bad side. Not even the demon will be able to save her from my wrath." Deviously stated out by King Viktor.

"Mia, make sure that Queen Titania will be under your surveillance. Once she meets up with her other allies, inform me immediately. We will take them all out in one swoop." King Viktor giving his final instructions to his resident witch.

"Yes, your highness!" Mia reassuring King Viktor in his command to her.



Somewhere in a strange forest …

A portal suddenly opened and Queen Titania fell down to the ground with an unconscious Lucas.

Queen Titania's wings gave up and were no longer able to flap further.

After landing on a rough ground.

The queen of fairies looked at the naked and wounded rogue werewolf, hoping that he is still alive after receiving so much damage from Mia's vicious attacks.

"It is even a miracle you survived against her powers. Whatever bond you are holding on to. You better keep holding on to that bond, young man! The stronger, the better! So that my healing powers can heal you easily." Queen Titan uttered while placing her hands on top of Lucas' chest.

She tries to talk to the unconscious Lucas while healing him from his wounds.

Then a bright light coming from her hands started to glow in an attempt of healing the wounded rogue werewolf.


Back in the mansion of the Alpha Prince,

In Selene's room, 

Selene is laying down in her bed wide awake while Fluffy, her feral wolf guardian, is on the floor looking at her.

'Why can't he just let me be? Damn it! Why would he even visit Golden Moon Pack? Is he trying to make us suffer more?' Selene trying to think out loud, expecting an advice from her spirit wolf.

But unfortunately, her spirit wolf won't even dare mention of their former mate.

'Just always remember girl, your bond now with our mate is stronger than you had with our former mate. Do not ever be swayed with whatever attempts he does if he tries to win you back.' Warned by her spirit wolf.

'Of course, I will not waver and let him win me back. Because he has already lost me long time ago.' Selene's reply to her spirit wolf.

Though, Selene worries more about the uncertainty and troubles that her former mate is trying to bring into her life now he knows about her current location.

The silver wolf prayed for peace and protection from the impending chaos.



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Shoutout to my,

[Top 10 Gifters!] 

[#1] AJZhen

[#2] Carol Yuzik


[#4-#10] Christabel-Ify + Islinda + Fatubarin_Toyin + KAOTHAR + Allen_Faith +Yuuzu

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[#1] Rampage_Rocker

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[#3] BulletMania

[#4-#10] MavenSolaiman + KensheiSensei +Cyborglover + Sylver + Zayonaraa + Fariz_Udasan

Thank you to all my voters who have supported me since day 1! The list is too long so I can only give Top 10 shoutouts! 

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