The American Scripture

Chapter 995: Sprayed molten slurry

The Demon Formation, once activated, will change the world. ︽, the entire Fu Mo Array will become an independent small world. And in this small world, Zhen Fan is the **** and master here, and he can control all the forces of nature here. This is why he dared to single out the four dragons alone. Make full use of your own independent space, and then attract all the evil dragons in, and finally use the supreme Tianwei to directly destroy the four dragons.

The idea is good, but if you really want to destroy the four evil dragons, I really can't say that I am sure. But as for the four evil dragons entering this world of vicious demon, their power is not less. Although they all got hurt more or less when they rushed in. But judging from their roaring sounds, it seems that they have not been affected at all.

The four huge dragons are flying in circles over the world of Vampire. Despite the thunder and lightning, they don’t seem to care much. Instead, they care more about the one that is hidden by them from the sky. Man with fluorescent wooden sword. Obviously, they thought that the wooden sword in this man's hand would definitely hurt themselves, and they thought of the body of the brother whose head was severed. They took the most prudent way to stand with Zhen Fan.

One person and four dragons are so opposing, no one dares to do it easily. Zhen Fan braked quietly, and simply sat down cross-legged, while adjusting his body to achieve his best condition. The wooden sword in his hand also gradually shook slightly, like the sound of dragons.

This kind of dragon chant sounds like a dragon from a different world. It is the soft chant of the Chinese dragon. This gentle singing seemed to stimulate the four evil dragons in the sky. They obviously became a little anxious. Constantly let out a stern whistling sound, trying to eliminate the sound of the dragon chant.

But the voice of Longyin was very low. But no matter how screaming and shrill they were, the voice could still reach their ears clearly. Let them roll and roar in the air as if they have lost their reason. The more they roar. The voice of the dragon chant became clearer and clearer. The voice seemed to be a lightning that pierced through the confusion, and it was also like the light in the dark night, and it was a weapon in the chaotic world, which made people unavoidable and there was nowhere to escape.

"Aw--" An evil dragon finally couldn't bear it, suddenly raised its neck and screamed, and rushed down towards Zhen Fan from the air, its wings flashing. The wind and thunder seemed to be dragged down by its wings. Swept away towards Zhen Fan. Suddenly flying sand and rocks, and Zhen Fan seemed to be a fallen leaf in the wind, precarious.

But everyone knows that no matter how heavy the wind and rain are, and the waves are raging, it is impossible to destroy a leaf. After the flood, the leaves are still leaves. The leaves remain unchanged. Therefore, although Zhen Fan seemed to be in a precarious situation, he never felt anything that could make him hurt.

Seeing that the evil dragon was about to pounce on, suddenly the wooden sword in Zhen Fan's hand suddenly glowed, and its light soared. Let the dragon's attack suddenly stop. The wooden sword suddenly rushed straight to the sky, and slashed towards the dragon. Even though it was still a long distance away, the dragon had already felt the cold on the wooden sword. This cold air penetrated my heart, making the dragon feel the fear of being pierced by an arrow. So with a panic roar, the whole body flew away diagonally. Avoid the sharp sword.

Now he finally knows why his brother would have his head cut off before, this kind of fear is something he has never experienced since he was born here. That kind of fire burst out with a single mouth, burning people like An Xie like ants, listening to their screams, it seemed to feel like a feast. It also gave birth to a mentality that in this world, he and his brothers are so strong that they have no rivals.

This mentality is arrogant, they think they are the master of this world. They have no natural enemies, and even those ridiculous humans use so-called weapons to compete with them, but the final gain is a miserable defeat.

And now, it finally felt a kind of fear, this kind of fear originated from this seemingly small human and his sword. The power displayed by this sword has already made it feel an inexplicable fear, and even the idea of ​​wanting to escape.

"Aw—" After it avoided the sword, it suddenly raised its head and shouted. Then another dragon joined the battle group, two dragons from left to right, attacking Zhen Fan separately from both sides. Obviously, their tactics have changed, and it seems that this is a very intelligent tactic. They have never been those mentally retarded creatures.

Zhen Fan watched the two evil dragons leaping towards him, one from the left and the other, he suddenly shouted, then squeezed the magic technique, the two were close together like swords, and suddenly pointed at the wooden sword flying in the air. . He shouted: "Falling demons and descending demons, Heaven and Earth Xuanzong, all qi return to its roots, golden dragons show their gods, anxious like laws and orders—evil!"

Suddenly a gust of wind rolled up between the heavens and the earth. This gust of wind blew away the two huge dragons for a certain distance, making them unable to spread their wings in the sky. At the same time, I saw the original dark clouds billowing. In the sky, clouds suddenly condensed quickly, as if a ray of sunlight split from the clouds.

The four evil dragons were irritated by the sudden rising of the clouds. They all subconsciously exclaimed and ran away. Suddenly, the clouds of the clouds were unobstructed and pierced through the layers of clouds, and they suddenly became radiant. The world is illuminated. The originally dim world suddenly brightened, and the four dragons were actually startled by the dazzling light.

They know that this change must come from Zhen Fan, but the wooden sword is still suspended in the air, as if looking at the four evil dragons, once they have any changes, they will pass by without mercy. And the light on the wooden sword seemed to reflect the glow of the clouds breaking through, becoming more and more prosperous.

An evil dragon couldn't bear it anymore. It couldn't bear such torture. The feeling of being on top of a poisonous snake made it hairy all over, so regardless of the danger of being injured, it rushed towards Zhen Fan. The other three dragons, as if they had a heart, pounced on the wooden sword at the same time.

In their eyes, only this wooden sword is the most threatening. Therefore, they would rather stop the wooden sword in a three-to-one manner, while the other dragon went to destroy Zhen Fan. As long as the owner of the wooden sword died, then the wooden sword would definitely not be a threat.

I have to say that their plans are really very good. So they just did it. The three evil dragons spewed out fire at the wooden sword at the same time. Sure enough, the wooden sword uttered the sound of dragon chants again in the raging fire. And this kind of dragon chanting sound was not as clear as before, and it was more like a struggling helpless neigh.

Such a discovery surprised the four dragons, so they spared no effort to spit fire toward the wooden sword, and the remaining dragon has fallen from the sky and flew toward Zhen Fan like a meteor. . Then its head suddenly lifted back, and at the same time the junction between its neck and sternum suddenly inflated like a balloon. Obviously, it was going to spout a burst of fire towards Zhen Fan. Eliminate him in one fell swoop.

"Boom--" there was a sound. As if something had burst. The place Zhen Fan was in suddenly burned, and the fire burned the entire ground, as if everything was surrounded by flames. It stands to reason that Zhen Fan is definitely not spared. So after one squirt, the dragon suddenly pulled its body high, and then hovered in the air, trying to find the scene of Zhen Fan being burned in the fire.

The light of the wooden sword did not diminish in the slightest. The Voice of Longyin was still so anxious, not so clear. But it did not lose its momentum. The light it exudes is still so sharp, making the three evil dragons besiege, but no one dares to attack with their bodies easily. Just keep flying around the wooden sword and breathing fire.

The dragon that killed Zhen Fan was not in a hurry to join the battle group besieging Wooden Sword. The wood sword's power has not diminished. Obviously, the human being may not have died, so it kept searching in the air, trying to find that person, but it was still disappointed, that person did not appear in the burning range at all.

This made the evil dragon couldn't help but wonder, it slowly flew, then lowered its body, hovering in the low air to search, but still did not find the human. He seemed to have disappeared.

The evil dragon felt more and more wrong in his heart. It hovered, trying to lift its body, but suddenly it felt a strong attraction. This kind of power seemed to suddenly emerge from the ground. It screamed in horror, and then struggled to fly to the and saw a huge button suddenly cracked on a hill on the ground. And a hot flame burst out of this opening suddenly, and it sprayed into the air like a liquid. The dragon's wings were covered with a star and a half, and it suddenly burned, and it hurriedly fell to the ground. .

With a loud noise of "Boom!", the dragon fell to the ground and rolled on the ground several times, extinguishing the flames on its wings. When I wanted to fan the wings again, I found that the wings were seriously injured. And on the cracked ground, what was spewing out was actually magma, which was the magma spewed out when the volcano erupted.

The dragon struggled to get up, and then flapped its wings to make the person in front of him fly. But because the wings hurt so badly, it flew slowly. It didn't believe that things like volcanoes would erupt suddenly, and there was no warning before. It must be related to that human being.

"Hey, you, I'm going to have a grand barbecue tonight!" Suddenly a voice like thunder reached the ears of the evil dragon, and it suddenly looked down, right at the mountain pass where the molten slurry erupted. , A person is standing there, pointing to it and saying something loudly. Although I don't know what he is talking about, it is certain that this is a contemptuous provocation. (To be continued...)

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