The American Scripture

Chapter 996: Cloud Break

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This is the provocation of nakedness. Since the dragon came into this world, it has never been provoked like this. So it was a bit angry, but the spewing magma made it still daunting. He dared to scream constantly in the sky, but didn't dare to rush down.

Naturally, these evil dragons didn't know that they were already in Zhen Fan's demon space. In this space, Zhen Fan could completely become the master of the space. All kinds of natural forces will be handy by Zhen Fan's exercise, doing whatever he wants. So this kind of molten swelling is nothing at all, he is the God here.

Soon, the battle here attracted the attention of the three evil dragons over there. The three evil dragons besieged the wooden sword, although they have the upper hand, but what about the wooden sword? No matter how they attack, they will be affected by the wooden sword and return without success. There was a stalemate like this, seeing that the other side was not working, the three evil dragons looked at each other, and one evil dragon suddenly turned and left, joining the ranks of besieging Zhen Fan.

Two dragons besieged Zhen Fan, one from the left and the other, but they were afraid of the spewing magma, so they didn't dare to rush down and fight Zhen Fan, but they also quickly found a way, that is, to fight together. After one dragon sprayed out flames, then another dragon sprayed out flames. The flames of the two dragons were intertwined, suddenly like a tongue of flame, the distance of spraying was much longer than before, and the power was also increased a lot. .

"Huh!" A ball of flame sprayed towards Zhen Fan face to face. Zhen Fan was taken aback and quickly jumped away. The flame sprayed over his body, and suddenly felt a burst of burning burning sensation, almost covering his whole body. It seems that these evil dragons are not small. The point is that they are still very smart.

After being blown by the two dragons, Zhen Fan looked a little embarrassed, and his clothes were scorched. Fortunately, it didn't burn, or you would have to fight them naked.

Zhen Fan jumped out a long way in embarrassment, avoiding the flames, and this allowed the two dragons to find a space to attack. As Zhen Fan left the gushing magma stall, they once again joined forces to eject a long tongue of flame. Swept towards Zhen Fan. Zhen Fan jumped away again in embarrassment.

This time he jumped a lot, and he jumped directly away from the mountain pass where the molten slurry was ejected. When the two dragons finally found the best attack this time, they no longer attacked together, but flanking each other and spraying strong flames toward Zhen Fan. The tongue of flame swept towards Zhen Fan.

Zhen Fan had almost no possibility of avoiding it, but he still saw the gap below the two tongues of fire crossing, and slipped through the gap in a fish-leaping gesture, but the scorching flame still burned a piece of his clothes. Scorched black, exposing a large area of ​​the back.

Before the two dragons continued to breathe fire, Zhen Fan suddenly moved his hand. The wooden sword returned to Zhen Fan's hand with a "swish", then pointed towards the sky and shouted: "The eyes are like thunder and lightning, shining brightly; see the inside and out. There is nothing to lose. Anxious like a law— —Eat!"

The other two evil dragons followed the trail of the wooden sword and joined the ranks of flanking Zhen Fan. Now it is the four evil dragons that deal with Zhen Fan alone, and they only need to fire together at once. It is estimated that Zhen Fan will be annihilated. Therefore, the four evil dragons seemed to have a sharp heart, and they all took a breath. The neck and breastbone swelled violently, like a huge mountain bag. This is already their greatest ability.

This is a posture that will cause Zhen Fan to die in one blow. Just when they were about to strike with all their strength, they suddenly saw the clouds that were still shining with golden light just now, and suddenly it became pitch black. Suddenly, dark clouds swept across the sky. At the moment when they were about to spray, a lightning bolt shot from the clouds. come out.

With a "boom", the dragon was concentrated on the back, and the dragon was hit by thunder and lightning, and it made a stern cry of "Aw-", and it fell to the ground. There was another loud noise of "Boom!", and the whole body hit the ground, making a dull sound that the ground was shaking.

The dragon climbed up and wanted to fly into the air again, but after trying it, it didn't fly far and hit the mountain again, and the dust suddenly splashed. Obviously the dragon was hit and injured by lightning.

But the other three dragons still sprayed out the flames. This was their full blow, so their power was extraordinary. Zhen Fan was immediately enveloped in flames. This time he was not spared to escape and was directly swallowed by flames. The clothes and hair are burning. Fortunately, at the very moment of his death, he read the Taoist mantra, avoiding fire tactics, and then he was saved from burns. But even this is embarrassing enough.

The hair was scorched and stood upright in a mess. The upper body was completely burned out. The rest is a pair of underwear, fortunately they are flat-angled, so they won't play naked fights with these four evil dragons naked.

"Oh-" After the other three dragons sprayed Zhen Fan over, they flew quickly towards the dragon that fell on the ground, and kept screaming towards it, knowing that the dragon was struggling barely. Then he spread his wings and flew up in the sky, and then he came to Zhen Fan again in peace.

"Anxious like a law---grant!" Zhen Fan was also angry. He had never been so embarrassed before, but now he was bullied like this by four creatures who didn't know where he came from. I couldn't care about any cultivation. I took it with anger, and the wooden sword suddenly summoned in the sky, and the cloud suddenly rolled, lowering the pressure, as if to engulf the entire world in the cloud.

The four dragons also felt the power of the heaven and the earth, and they screamed at each other as if they wanted to avoid them, but before they could disperse, they saw the thick clouds of lightning bursting out. "Puff" and "Puff" sounds, suddenly one after another, are the sounds of lightning striking the four-headed dragon. There was also a smell of burnt meat in the middle. Lightning scorched the skins of these dragons.

"Aw--" The four dragons were constantly struggling in the air, some rolled on the ground, avoiding the lightning. Some flashed left and right in the air. Want to avoid, but their speed seems to be much slower than lightning. Constantly hit by lightning. Then he fell from the air to the ground, and rolled from the ground to hide behind the huge rock. But their bodies are too huge. No rock can hide all their bodies.

The miserable cry of the evil dragon made Zhen Fan very relieved. From the beginning of the struggle, he has not gained a complete upper hand. Now he has tasted this overwhelming sling, how comfortable it is, and when he is proud, he laughs in the direction that the four-headed dragon keeps running around: "Come on, you guys with low IQ Creatures, want to be the masters of the earth? You are not worthy. After all, you are really a dish on our plate. I smell meat. The taste of electric grilled dragon is really good. I will find a big one. The plate, the knife and fork..."

Zhen Fan's laugh seemed to stimulate the four dragons. Although they didn't understand what Zhen Fan said or shouted, it was not a good thing anyway. And that laughter is just slap them naked. I originally thought that I was an existence in this world that no one could defeat, but I couldn't make it, but here, the four dragons were slapped in the face by a human.

The four evil dragons with the same mind suddenly sprang out from the ground. Flying towards the sky, the four dragons are like four black lightnings. Even if the lightning in the clouds strikes them, they will shake their bodies and make a screaming scream. Doesn't stop. And the speed is getting faster and faster. As if to break through the clouds.

When they were about to reach the clouds, the four evil dragons burst out flames, burning the thick clouds. And they made a "cracking" sound on their bodies. Obviously they are making full use of the magnetic field they generate to affect the ion charge in the clouds.

Four evil dragons rolled in the clouds. From here to there, from there to here. They rolled for a while, and the black clouds became thinner and thinner. Lightning struck occasionally, even if it hit the dragon's body, it was only a slight jitter, and its power was no longer as good as before.

Zhen Fan didn't expect these evil dragons to have such a hand. It seems that the four of them are really hard to deal with. The means of using thunder and lightning to beat the dragon seems to be unnecessary.

Seeing the clouds slowly disperse. The four evil dragons suddenly became energetic, and the enemy's most powerful attack methods were all resolved by themselves. Now it seems that this human being is his own dish. They also felt one thing, that is, their own fighting is far inferior to the combined strength of their four.

So after they dispelled the clouds, they once again made an appointment to walk towards Zhen Fan together. Zhen Fan suddenly yelled, chanting the mantra, he originally wanted to show his world law body. But in this way, the fight between myself and the four evil dragons will consume my true At that time, even if you win, it will be a miserable victory. Maybe you have to give these four Of course, Zhen Fan would not do such a thing when the dragon was buried.

With a mantra, the wooden sword in Zhen Fan's hand suddenly became prosperous, and then with a "swish", it flew out of Zhen Fan's hand and flew straight up toward the sky. The four evil dragons faintly knew that something was wrong, so they didn't want to pounce on Zhen Fan, and they all rushed towards the wooden sword.

But the speed of the wooden sword is very fast, it swishes through the thin cloud layer, and suddenly emits a dazzling light. The light gradually gets bigger and bigger, and finally the black cloud that was originally dispelled becomes golden at this time. The clouds gradually gathered in the sky again, and there were waves of faint dragons.

The sound of this dragon chant became louder and clearer. The golden clouds became thicker and thicker, gathering more and more, gradually covering the entire sky. The four evil dragons only felt frightened, they still rushed towards the brightest place in the clouds without hesitation.

But before they rushed to the clouds, the brightest clouds suddenly dispersed, suddenly golden light, as if to blind their eyes, they couldn't help but stop, just here. At that time, a huge weird head with antlers came out of the clouds... (to be continued...)

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