The American Scripture

Chapter 1053: Think of 1 person

"...In our future planning, we must make a plan for the entire industry, and plan to invest in some new industries. Right... Is there any plan to make h?c?d listed in the future? I know what you have always pursued is to be your own, the future, in order to make h?c?d have a better development, going public is a very important link..."

"Melissa, can you stop?" Zhen Fan helplessly shook her head at Melissa, "Why discuss work at the table? Enjoy dinner. √∟, it is impossible for a woman to devote her time to work , I won't let you be like this, you have to find a boyfriend... By the way, do you have a boyfriend?"

"Now? No, no, I can't finish my own work." Melissa couldn't help but shook her head and smiled bitterly. "A woman like me...may marry herself to my own business, so although I don't refuse to make a boyfriend , But no man can stand a workaholic like me."

"I just said, in fact, as long as the company is on the right track, why can't you enjoy your life easily?" Zhen Fan looked at her and smiled, "I don't want people to say that I am a vampire, I am not like this Boss, you shouldn’t be that kind of employee either."

"Well, I try my best to spare time to fall in love, but... to be honest, I saw so many elites, but getting along with you for a long time, there is a downside, if you want to be close to me and become a comparison When I’m close to the guys I’m close to, I can’t help but compare them with you." Melissa looked at Zhen Fan and shook her head and smiled, "So when I compare, I feel... after I worked as a secretary for you for a while. . I find that my vision is much higher, they are not suitable for me."

"It seems that I played a bad role!" Zhen Fan couldn't help laughing. "Can I take this as the most brilliant flattery? You can really talk, more than when you were a secretary!"

Melissa couldn't help but laughed. After the two stayed here for an hour, they slowly finished their dinner, and then Zhen Fan drove Melissa back. The house Melissa rents near the company is relatively spacious and the traffic is very convenient. It is a villa.

The car slowly stopped on the side of the street, and Zhen Fan did not turn off. Melissa loosened her seat belt, then looked at Zhen Fan and said, "Thank you, or... go in and have a drink together. I still have some Nanshan coffee beans here, which I grind personally, and I have good coffee making skills. "

"I know, I have drunk your coffee a long time ago, and even for a while, I am not used to Christina's brewed coffee. To be honest, her craftsmanship in this area is indeed not as good as yours. Of course, this Don't tell Christina anymore. I'm afraid she will strike!" Zhen Fan deliberately quietly said to Melissa in a serious manner.

"Pump!" Melissa snorted with a smile, then pulled the car door, got out of the car, and walked around the front of the car towards her villa. After walking a few steps, Zhen Fan smiled slightly when he looked back at the car window open, "Really don't come in for a cup of coffee before leaving?"

Zhen Fan shrugged his shoulders and smiled: "Do you know when the child is at night. What does this kind of invitation mean? I'm afraid I won't be able to resist your charm."

"Okay, I see. Goodbye, Zhen. You are a good person!" Melissa waved to Zhen Fan as she said, then slowly walked to the door and opened the door.

When she entered the door, Zhen Fan left this time. Melissa's invitation, in fact, does not necessarily mean to be like Zhen Fan. Maybe it's really a cup of coffee, maybe it's a one-night stand between the two, but if it's the latter, the relationship is really hard to handle. What do you say if you meet in the future?

Therefore, both of them are very smart and did not choose to continue. Melissa needs Zhen Fan’s full trust and has to take on the most core job, while Zhen Fan also needs Melissa to make money for herself and build a huge business. System, so the two really can't get involved in a physical relationship anymore.

Zhen Fan involuntarily shook his head and smiled while driving. Then after thinking for a while, took out the phone, turned out Sarah Vogg's phone, hesitated for a moment, and dialed. Since the security company is to be established, apart from Sarah alone, she must find someone to help her, and she must also be a very good person to perform systematic work such as training the security. After all, Sarah may only be administrative work in the future, and business matters must be let go.

The phone was connected, and Zhen Fan heard a slightly tired voice inside: "Hey, Zhen, is that you?"

"It's me, Sarah, what's the matter? Why do you feel that your voice is bad?" Zhen Fan couldn't help frowning, "Is it uncomfortable?"

"No, I'm just having a case recently. Fortunately, it's finally settled. By the way... Have you had dinner? Should we celebrate together? Just the two of us, the women who called you, let them Don't wait for you to have dinner, we will meet at the small steak house in Billy Foshan."

Sarah's style is still so sturdy, but Zhen Fan still has no way to refuse such a proposal, so she agreed, drove to the place, found a parking space, and when she parked her car, she saw her. Pulling hastily walked over from the other side. She is always so popular.

"Hey, Sarah!" Zhen Fan walked towards her, Sarah's face was indeed a little tired. So he went over and took her hands up very considerately and walked towards the shop. Sarah was not hypocritical, so she leaned on his shoulder very intimately and walked into the restaurant. Because she had set a position, she sat in a quiet corner.

"A bottle of red wine, a filet steak, and a sirloin steak are all half-done!" Zhen Fan spoke to the waiter who came by very skillfully, and then looked at Sara and said, "I need one more. Dessert."

"Yes, sir, it will be ready soon!" The waiter nodded as he said, and left quickly.

"Unexpectedly, you still remember my favorite steak!" Sarah smiled, then spread the napkins, and said to Zhen Fan, "The case is finally closed today. In the original user manual, I can't talk about the customers. Yes, but... I still want to tell you today that I helped the police to solve a case."

"Is it Ren?" Zhen Fan glanced at Sarah.

"Yes, he asked me to help." Sarah said with some embarrassment, "This case did not make any money, and it also lost some money from the company. I'm sorry, Zhen... Ren is my friend. When we were here, the cooperation was very good, and we have a certain foundation."

"It's definitely not just this case, right?" Zhen Fan looked at Sarah and smiled, "It doesn't matter, as long as you are happy and do what you want to do, I know you have a certain feeling behind the police as a profession. Be you Whatever you want to do, that’s right, I support you! It’s have to learn to relax and don’t strain your nerves too much."

"I know, thank you, Zhen, you are... so good to me, remembering that when I first saw you, I was very fierce to you and treated you as a suspect. But... at that time you It opened my eyes, but unfortunately... we didn't keep working together." Sarah began to recall the past.

Zhen Fan couldn't help but laugh, this kind of past is very interesting, after a few words, Zhen Fan decided to get into the topic. At this time, the waiter came over, brought a bottle of red wine, then opened the bottle, poured more than half a glass for Zhen Fan and Sarah, and put the wine next to him, while another waiter came over with a steak.

"Thank you!" Zhen Fan nodded to the waiter, and when they left, he said to Sarah, "There is actually something I want to tell you today. Melissa would also tell you about it, but... I think it's better to tell you in person. Sarah...I plan to take out the security, and then you will be the supervisor of this security company!"

Sarah was cutting a steak, she was stunned when she heard what Zhen Fan said. Then she opened her mouth and couldn't help but said, "Let me be the supervisor? What about my detective agency?"

"To merge together, the businesses of the two do not conflict, and there are many overlaps." Zhen Fan said, looking at her, " can't always run around in person like this, this is the detective agency, you I should also recruit a few more Now...Look, you are all on the field yourself."

"Zhen, I like this profession... well, I agree with what you said, even if I am a supervisor, I will have my own ideas, and I have also discovered that your industry, except for wine, is Shanpu Except for what Sen manages, your women are in charge of the rest, such as clinics and Chinese medicine research rooms. It seems that you have to bring me in."

Zhen Fan was embarrassed for a while, but Sarah was right. These were indeed managed by her own women, but it was good to be so, and the fat and water would not flow out of the field, but this was definitely not in line with the management of a modern enterprise. But now Zhen Fan can't manage so much. He can only make all aspects look more scientific under Melissa's overall plan.

"If we want to develop business, our work will focus on security, and of course the business of private detectives will also be reflected in it, but... Sarah, do you have a suitable candidate? I need your contacts to enrich Our security company, we will do the best!" Zhen Fan looked at Sarah looking forward to it.

Sarah frowned, was silent for a while, cut a piece of cattle into her mouth, chewed slowly, and then looked at Zhen Fan and said, "I thought of a person, a very amazing person. I used to do it. It was later transferred to nsa (National Security Agency)." (To be continued.) u

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