The American Scripture

Chapter 1054: Fisherman

Thank you, Brother Forget, and Brother Wushang for being promoted to Grand Master. ↑, I also want to thank Wangduo and Hushou for the huge reward of 20,000 coins, thank Xingchen Luoluo and Xingguan 1969 for their generous rewards, and thank the brothers for their monthly tickets, recommendations and subscriptions. Banxian bowed!

Zhen Fan cut down and joined that guy, a guy named Karpas Shilin. It is a legendary experience. At the time, he repeatedly solved major cases. Later, when he was in the nsa, he was sent overseas, but he has not come back yet. I heard that he is well-known overseas. And for a period of time when he was dispatched overseas, he worked as an instructor in nsa. This is an amazing thing.

"When he was there, he was top-notch. Many agents were trained by him. The same is true in nsa, so he has many disciples, is a pity that the people he trained did not follow his arrangements. , It’s organizational, and it’s a killing machine one by one." Sarah continued, "So... during one mission, a female agent of nsa refused to kill innocent people indiscriminately, and was killed by the organization. , And it was Karpas Schilling himself who did it. That is a woman he likes very much, I said he likes this kind girl very much. It's just a pity..."

"It's really hard to imagine wanting to kill someone you like." Zhen Fan shrugged and sighed, "It's more uncomfortable than going to battle to kill the enemy. Isnsa just like this and inhumane? They? It is not necessary to kill this girl to retire this girl."

"No, there is nothing wrong with nsa doing this. Because this girl was taken prisoner by the enemy because she refused to kill innocent people indiscriminately. So the organization must not leave any future troubles. So killing her is the safest way, as long as you become an agent the day . You must be prepared for such a sacrifice." Sarah said with some emotion, "The members of the nsa are far more stressed than the members."

"This is easy to understand, because they are all performing tasks overseas, and sometimes they face the desperate situation of no support." Zhen Fan nodded and said, "Well, continue to talk about Mr. Xilin."

"They killed Schilling in prison, and it was Mr. Karpas Schilling himself. When he saw the girl, the girl was already dying from torture. I couldn't see a human face, he saw Shilin. She was very excited about the appearance, but she also made a request."

"Mr. Xilin must have killed herself." Zhen Fan sighed uncontrollably. "A woman is captured, and her ending can be imagined. They will suffer more inhuman torture than men. So I guess that girl must be. It was such a request, didn't it? Sarah."

"Yes, at least that's what the report said. As a result, Shirin really killed her and escaped from the enemy's prison with her body. So he was dealt with because of this matter. He went to a military court, And was sentenced to two years in prison. Finally, because of organizational needs, he was sent to Afghanistan again.” Sarah said with emotion. "Because of this... he was caught by the enemy during the mission, and he has not recovered to his peak state."

"Why do you know this in detail?" Zhen Fan couldn't help but laughed, "Do you have someone in nsa?"

"Is it possible? I didn't do it for nothing during that time. Someone owes me favors, of course... I have my own means. If you want an instructor. I recommend this person to you. He is me so far. The best one you know. No matter what task you want to perform. Bodyguard, security or assassination!" Sarah looked at Zhen Fan with a grin, "Have you decided now?"

"Of course, there is a problem, that is, this person is still in the prison of those so-called enemies in Afghanistan. How can we get him out?" Zhen Fan couldn't help asking, "This is the most important thing. And... if you save him, you can guarantee that he will join our team?"

"How to save him is your problem, not mine. As for whether he will join our team or not, it is my problem, not yours. It's awkward to say that? Aha, that's telling you that you do your thing. , I do my thing. I'm very confident to convince him. Because... he can't go back to nsa now. In order to get rid of suspicion and prevent him from telling the inside story, nsa has removed him from his name, and will not admit that there is such a person. To perform the mission. Even the death of the female agent was completely pushed on him, eliminating the negative impact on the international community."

"In other words, he became an abandoned pawn, so after saving him, he will be completely disconnected from the nsa. We can only use him secretly, otherwise the people from the nsa will come and die? "Zhen Fan looked at Sarah and laughed, "I would rather have the quality of our security guards first than to cause this trouble."

"Well, since you said that, I know to follow suit. In fact, I can find another person. Of course... it won't be the best, but it won't be bad. Basic training is still fine!" Sarah shrugged her shoulders and looked indifferent, "Anyway, the security company is yours, not mine." After taking a sip of wine, she started fighting with the steak on the plate. It seems to be really indifferent.

Zhen Fan looked at her, then shook his head and smiled: "I just came back from there...well, I promise you, I will rescue that guy, and give it to you, I know you want to do the best Security company, then... let's do the best, but... you'd better persuade that guy, otherwise, I don't mind throwing him back into jail again. I can do it, I can. I don't want to make him cheaper." Zhen Fan hummed, obviously a compromise.

Sarah smiled triumphantly, then stretched out her face and gently kissed Zhen Fan's cheek: "Don't worry, everything will be rewarded. I promise you will get a satisfactory result. I said After that, I will do the rest. Okay, Zhen, now I officially accept the new job you gave me. Security company, I want it, and I really want to start doing some administrative things."

Sarah smiled slyly, and Zhen Fan couldn't help but sigh: "I was still fooled by you. Maybe it was because of you and Melissa, because you originally meant it. So discuss with Melissa. I’m ready to come out of the security company. It’s just that through Melissa’s words, you really lost your studies. I still like the way you were when you were there."

" don't like the way I am now?" Sarah looked at Zhen Fan and smiled. "If so, it's too late for you to regret it now!"

"I can't return the product anymore, it's unpacked!" Zhen Fan endured for a while, then laughed, "So... just follow me honestly and work hard for me. Win my like again!"

"It's shameless!" Sarah sprayed Zhen Fan, but her face was full of smiles, and she didn't look angry at all. She raised her glass and said to Zhen Fan, "Honey, then... let's have a toast. , For better cooperation between us, and for the establishment of a new security company."

The wine glasses made a clear "ding" sound when they met, and the subject of this conversation was basically completed. Then... Zhen Fan and Sarah did not go back directly, but went to the hotel and opened a room. To be honest, with Sarah. There has been no such direct communication for a long time.

Throughout the night, Sarah desperately asked for it like she had **** with Zhen Fan for the first time. It's as if I'm about to claim all of it for a year, knowing that the sky is about to be bright. The two stopped now because of the guidance of Zhen Fan's intercourse. The two didn't feel tired at all.

"I have to say, it's really fun to be in the **** bed with you, how about this once a month? You have too many women, I can't ask too much, once a month." Sarah then couldn't help it. He cursed, "Now I almost become once a year. Damn it, how can you care about me so much?" He said that he slapped Zhen Fan's **** with his palm, making a "pop" The crisp sound made her "chuckle" again.

Sarah on the bed is innocent and straightforward. Zhen Fan likes to see her now. Of course, she also likes the way she works desperately. In short, Sarah is different from other women, which makes Zhen Fan experience a completely different style. There is basically no time for them to talk about love together, mainly on the bed. There is a big difference between expressing feelings and talking about work.

Early the next morning, when Zhen Fan was about to leave, Sarah wrapped herself in a blanket, jumped out of bed barefoot, and said to Zhen Fan who was dressing, "Then have you decided now?"

"What's the decision?" Zhen Fan turned around and said to Sarah while buckling his belt, "About that agent Karpas Schilling? Didn't I have already said that, I will fish him out, you convince him. "

"No, no, I mean you decided to come with me once a month?" Sarah looked at him with a grin and asked Don't say rejection, you can only say yes. "This is very overbearing, but it is precisely because she always likes overbearing Sarah that she is the original Sarah, and that is why Zhen Fan likes her very much.

"Of course, I will satisfy you!" Zhen Fan took a sip of Sarah, and then said, "I'm leaving. There is still a lot of work to be done. I will try to go to Afghanistan within this week, and... Give me the information about him. I want to know where he is locked up and who are my opponents?"

"Of course, I will prepare it for you. It doesn't take a week!" Sarah started to show her ability as soon as she talked about work. "And... if you want to set up a security company, it's best Have contact with nsa and them, otherwise, you will have a lot of trouble. It's time to use the relationship between your politicians and friends!"

"I know, I'll explain it to them!" Zhen Fan nodded, walked over and kissed Sarah, then saluted, opened the door and left. He and Sarah have never been procrastinated in this matter of men and women, so there is not so much lingering.

After leaving the hotel, Zhen Fan thought for a while, or took out the phone, looked at the phone number on it, and then found Dan Milk’s phone number, which was quickly connected: "Hey, Dan, I want to see Donald Kui. En." (To be continued..) u

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