The American Scripture

Chapter 1068: Only 1 dad

Thomas begged Anne bitterly, he knew Anne was softhearted. △↗: "I'm sorry, Annie, I don't know it will be like this, I am already like this, I have nothing, I lost everything, I lost you, I lost Claire, I also went home, and I For your work and money, let me go."

Annie stared at him fiercely, and said angrily: "Then you can take your child to deal with the devil? Do you want to kill Claire? You are her father, damn, you bastard— "Annie was really angry too, and slapped Thomas severely.

"Yes, it's my fault, I **** it. But... she promised not to hurt Claire, she promised, so I took Claire over. Look, now Claire doesn't have it either. Isn’t it? She’s fine, I didn’t hurt her, am I her father, am I?” Thomas quickly proved his innocence, “I can swear to God, really, I never thought about hurting Claire. , Never, she is my baby..."

Anne looked at Thomas' miserable situation, and finally felt a little softened. She looked at Zhen Fan a little for help, her eyes were soft and distressing. She could not think of the father of such a **** child.

"Why don't you listen to Claire's opinion?" Zhen Fan looked at Annie. He decided to cherish Annie's own choice, but could not ignore Claire's feelings. After all, she was a direct victim and Thomas's. My daughter, she looked at Claire, who was standing aside with her mouth closed.

"Claire!" Angie turned her gaze to Claire, she was a little apologetic, because whenever there was an important decision. She was not even as decisive as Claire, her character was still too weak suddenly.

Claire looked at Zhen Fan. Looked at Annie again, looked at Thomas again. Then he said in a very light voice: "Dad - I just want to ask the last question, what did you think in your heart when you handed me over to the witch? Is it my safety or my own?"

"Of course it's yours, Claire, you are my baby, how am I willing to let you take risks? No, I definitely won't, I am your father, I remember this. You are my daughter!" Thomas replied immediately, without even thinking about it, and then looked at her, "Have you promised to forgive Dad? Honey, I am true... I don't have to put you in danger, she thought I promised. I can swear to God."

"Do you believe what he said?" Zhen Fan asked Anne softly, "Do you believe that he thinks this way?"

Annie was stunned and hesitated. Then gently shook his head and said: "He broke my heart, and he has already lost my trust. No, I don't believe what he said." Annie said to Zhen Fan. "Sorry, Zhen, I..."

"I can understand!" Zhen Fan nodded at her. Then he looked at Claire, "So...what about you? Claire. Your attitude is very important, so... do you believe what he said?"

Claire closed his mouth. He seemed to be thinking, but his eyes were staring at Thomas. Thomas looked at Claire eagerly and anticipatingly, and kept muttering in his mouth: "Believe Dad, what I say is true, God testifies, I said Everything is true, Claire...for God's sake, trust me!"

"Do you still have faith? Your faith has been sold to the devil!" Zhen Fan sneered and couldn't help but sneered, "Anne won't believe you, and I don't think Claire will believe in you either. Claire, tell him, you don't believe him anymore, he is not worthy of you to believe, he is an irrational devil!"

Claire closed her mouth slightly, then bit her bottom lip with her upper lip, looked at Thomas again, then looked at Annie and Zhen Fan and said, "Any decisions I make do you support me? Mom? And... Dad!" She called Zhen Fan's father, which made Thomas feel a little bit bad.

"Yes, I support your decision!" Annie nodded softly, "You have to make your own decision, Claire, you are a brave child, you know what to do, right? I believe. Zhen asks your opinion, which means you want to make your own decision, we will support it."

"Really? Dad!" Claire asked Zhen Fan.

"Yes, we all support you, as long as you make a decision!" Zhen Fan looked at Claire. He also felt that Claire's mind was slowly growing. After some things, Claire's The character can no longer be described by a child. She is slowly becoming mature. At least she has to go to middle school, which is a sign of her maturity. In other words, both psychologically and physically, she is becoming mature, and she matures earlier than the average child. She and Maria are simply different.

Claire seemed to have some assurance, and then looked at Thomas, who looked at him expectantly, and said, "Dad, I don't have any problems anymore, and...this is the last time I call your father. I—forgive you, you can leave here."

Claire's voice fell, making Thomas ecstatic, who had thought that Claire would retaliate against him. He nodded and said: "It's really my dear daughter. I know. You won't treat dad. I know. You can understand Dad, God...I...Really, I just want her to change my destiny, no, no, just give me back what I was before, that's what I think."

"Really?" Zhen Fan frowned suddenly, "Then why does he want you to kidnap Claire?"

"Because the jade pendant on Claire's body is that jade pendant!" Thomas said, pointing to the jade pendant on Claire's body, "this is it, she is very interested in this, and... I want to take it over and study it! Sorry, I should Let’s go, goodbye..." He ran away while rolling, and after a while, he heard the sound of a car starting.

"He drove a car away!" Annie looked over there and said, "I'm sorry, Zhen, I didn't know Claire would make such a decision. He hurt Claire so much, I know you I want to punish him, but...I know my heart is softened, and Claire is also softened..."

Zhen Fan smiled, then walked to Claire and touched her head. At this time, Zhen Fan felt in a daze that Claire had really grown up, with a girlish charm, although very young. Astringent, but she is growing up after all.

"I knew Claire would say this for a long time, so I let her make a decision." Zhen Fan looked at Claire and smiled, "I knew you wanted your father to go, after all, he is your father. , You can’t bear it, but you are also decisive. You are a good girl with a kind heart, and a very decisive good girl!"

Yes, Claire is kind-hearted. He wanted to let Thomas go a long time ago. He didn't mean to trouble Thomas at all, but he would clearly express to Thomas that he and his father and daughter are already in love. That's it, this is the last time he called him father, and it showed her courage and determination.

It can be seen from these that Claire is indeed a man of great things in the future. Zhen Fan appreciates this very much. Not only will she not blame her, but she will appreciate her very much. It was Annie, who was always a lousy person. Even though Thomas hurt Claire like this, she was very angry, but once she saw that Claire was fine, she tended to soften her heart and let Thomas go easily. This was almost unexpected. Something up.

Unless Claire is hurt by Thomas, then Anne will kill Thomas. Zhen Fan was really speechless when facing the different personalities of these two mothers and daughters. He didn't expect her daughter to be wiser than her mother. Shaking his head, Zhen Fan picked up Claire and Annie's hands, and then smiled: "Don't think about it, Thomas, I don't think I will do this kind of hurtful things anymore. And... the witch was also hurt. , Will not appear again in a short time."

Zhen Fan is almost certain that the witch has been wounded by herself, and if she wants to be well, it is estimated that it will not work in one or two years. Zhen Fan originally kept a hand, and wanted to catch alive. Because this witch is a bit special, she fades out from time to time as a witch in the Western world. She also has some Chinese Taoist things in her body. It's a bit like the cultivation base of the Sa Zhan school, a branch of Taoism. Because relying on the power of disturbing the breath of Taoism, you know.

It seems that it is still a kind of cultivation method combining Chinese and Western. Zhen Fan couldn't help but shook his head and smiled. Unexpectedly, Taoism is declining in China, but in the West, some roots can still be found. Then I thought of my third uncle, and went back to find out if I could find out some information about this witch.

Not long after the three left the entrance of the cave, they found their own car, and then the three drove the car on the way home. As for the witch, as Thomas said, she didn't hurt Claire, she was only interested in Claire's jade pendant. Claire proved this.

"She wants to take away my jade but... how can I let her take away my good friend?" Claire said proudly to Zhen Fan, "she also asked I have some strange questions, but unfortunately I can’t understand a single sentence, but when she was about to take my jade pendant, Sasha helped me, but...I don’t know how she is now? And her parents . They were hurt by that witch."

Claire said while stroking the jade pendant with a guilty expression on his face, then looked at Zhen Fan and said, "Dad. Can you still make them all get better? If it weren't for them, I might not be able to keep this jade pendant. !"

Zhen Fan smiled and said: "Yes, I will make them all better. They are in the jade pendant, originally to protect you, okay, don’t be sad, I will take the jade pendant today and give it to you tomorrow Is it?" He couldn't help laughing, but Claire's heart was very good.

"Okay. I actually really want to play with Sasha, but unfortunately she always stays inside and doesn't know if she is bored!" Claire shrugged and looked at the scenery outside the car window, "Dad— —I won't call him father again. I only have one father, and that's you!" Claire turned his head and glanced at Zhen Fan.

"Of course, you are my daughter, always always!" Zhen Fan looked at Claire very tenderly. (To be continued...) u

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