The American Scripture

Chapter 1069: invite

Zhen Fan had fought with that witch, and knew that this witch possessed two different energy powers, and they also merged better, although it was not perfect. But for Claire's safety, he didn't kill him, so he just injured her. Despite this, if the witch wants to reappear, it will take a long time, one or two years. However, Zhen Fan had already locked her breath, as long as she appeared around him, he would feel it keenly.

However, the presence of witches here made Zhen Fan a little unexpected. The werewolves and vampires that appeared before were all formed because of the absorption of the energy of the meteorite and the occurrence of DNA mutations. So it has certain special abilities that can make people have the characteristics of a wolf or a vampire.

But the witch is different. Because witches are practicing magic. They must have certain magical abilities, and they must also have some cultivation methods, just like Chinese cultivation. This is the first time Zhen Fan has seen such a situation, without a monster with special abilities formed under the action of external force.

Zhen Fan sent Claire and Anne back to the villa, first comforted Anne and Claire, and then some people came back one after another. Zhen Fan told them about Anne and Claire. . Everyone can't help but sigh very much. The changes in Thomas made Zoe feel incredible.

After all, when Zoe was in Temecula, it was more pleasant to get along with the Anne family, and Zoe always felt that Thomas was very friendly. A reassuring kind of man, but he did not expect to kidnap his own daughter. This made her very emotional, everything seemed to be a dream.

"Should you inform Julia Foreman?" Zoe asked Anne suddenly. Julia Foreman is Thomas' cousin, Thomas becomes like this, then Julia has the right to know the truth. And Julia has always been everyone's good friend, and she used to get along very happily with Zhen Fan, but the contact between the two was lost. But Julia has been working in Mia's clinic, which hasn't changed much.

"Of course, this is her right." Annie said, and then she hugged Claire and walked to the sofa in the hall. The two people hugged each other, as if they were leaning against each other and warming each other. But Annie looked tired, but Claire was not as haggard as she was. She had experienced enough things and had a relatively strong heart.

Zhen Fan walked over, then squeezed the hands of the two and smiled: "Don't worry, everything has subsided, we will be fine. Okay?" He nodded at the two, and stretched out his hand again. In front of Claire, "Give me the jade pendant, I can give it to you tomorrow morning!"

"Of course!" Claire hurriedly took off his jade pendant and handed it to Zhen Fan. Zhen Fan took it, smiled, and put it in his pocket. When Claire wanted to say something, she felt that the corners of her clothes were being torn off. Turning her head to see, it was Maria who had walked up to her.

"Sister, can we talk?" Maria looked at Claire with anticipation.

"Let's talk? About my kidnapping?" Claire was a little unhappy. "You want to talk to me about my kidnapping by my own father? No, I don't think this is a good idea. Maria , You are still young and don’t understand what I’m thinking. If we talk about it, it’s useless at all!"

This old-fashioned remark made Zhen Fan suddenly speechless, and it made Annie laugh with a "pounce", and then she stood up and left after being pulled by Zhen Fan. Let the two of them whisper. Although Maria is smaller than Claire, she is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

"Do you feel that Claire has grown up a lot in one day?" Zhen Fan and Annie said while looking at the two from a distance, and then they walked out of the hall while talking, towards the grass and woods. While walking away. Zhen Fan couldn't help but smile at Annie, " should trust Claire more often."

"I know, she... does seem to be growing up, and I unknowingly feel that she is already a big girl, her menarche arrived in the first two months, but... I didn't tell you Originally in Temecula, this was going to be a particularly happy coming-of-age ceremony." Annie looked apologetically at Claire walking with Maria on the grass, "I am a little ashamed of her, she shouldn't Going through those... those bad experiences, she has gone through too much!"

This is right. Claire has experienced some fears and trials she has never experienced before at her age, the nightmare before Zhen Fan came, the soul-controlling evil spirit after moving to Los Angeles, and Now being kidnapped by his own biological father, all this happened to this little girl, it is indeed a torture of fate to her.

"Don't worry, all her hardships are wealth. I believe she will become more sensible. At least now, her thoughts don't need you to worry about." Zhen Fan smiled, and then turned to Anne and said to Annie. "I will accompany you tonight, I know... you are not even as strong as Claire, don't hold on, you need me now!"

Annie blushed and looked around in a panic, and found that no one in the room had noticed here, she said with some relief: ", you can't always stay with me, Christine and Zoe. Yi and the others will have opinions. And... Yi Fei... or..."

"Don't worry, just say so, tonight, don't close the door!" Zhen Fan lightly kissed Annie's face, then relaxed her waist, smiled lightly at her, and turned towards the kitchen Walked and said as he walked, "I want to show you today, you have a good taste!"

Zhen Fan's craftsmanship is indeed very good, even the first-class cooking level Mia can not catch up, this is not something that can be done without hard work. Mia even asked for advice several times, and the answer was just one word-talent. After knowing this sentence, Christine didn't know how many times he laughed at him face to face. But no matter how many ridicules, after each ridicule, he would be conquered by his occasional cooking skills, and had to surrender.

Everyone was full for dinner, but after eating, the women looked for their own things to do. After the dinner, the two little girls hid in the utility room outside, not knowing what to discuss. Zoe researched recipes with Helena and Mia. It seems that Zoe wants to fight in the kitchen too. And Christine teased Zhen Peng on the terrace with Yi Fei. And Christina is reading books in the study and checking information online. Recently, she seems to be still paying attention to the Quetzalcoatl of the Temple of Tulum Inscriptions and the mysterious entrance of the water pool. She has always believed that if the mystery there can be solved, it will be a sensation in the world, an unprecedented discovery.

"Shall we go to the room?" When Zhen Fan and Annie were left in the hall, Zhen Fan forced Annie to the edge of the sofa. Then Annie accidentally stepped back and sat down on the sofa. Up, watching Zhen Fan leaned down with some anxiety, looking at herself from top to bottom.

", they are still there!" Annie said to Zhen Fan in a panic. Just now Zhen Fan said that she would be with her tonight, so she couldn't help but remember the incident with Zhen Fan. To be honest, doing that kind of thing with Zhen Fan is a luxury. After being heartily and heartily, it can make people full of energy, or make people sleep very peacefully, and more importantly, their body has become more different without knowing it. This kind of feeling is bad, but it is getting better and better and more sensitive.

"Then let's go upstairs? Enter my room!" Zhen Fan looked at Annie and said with a grin. To be honest, Annie and Kristen have different feelings. They have the different charms of young women, making it easier Let the human body experience a charming and crispy feeling, which makes people want to stop.

"No, no, not yet, let's wait!" Annie looked around panicked, for fear that someone would look over here, but she really didn't find anyone paying attention here, even Claire and Maria Without paying attention to this side, his mind couldn't help but relax, his body softened, and he immediately collapsed on the sofa.

"Either we are here, or we enter the room!" Zhen Fan "viciously" threatened Annie. This threat really made Annie feel, so she nodded again and again.

"Okay, okay, I'll listen to you!" Annie said panicking and rolled down from the side, and without wearing her shoes, she ran upstairs with her bare feet and then gently Close the door. It's not closed, anyway, it will open with just a light twist.

Sure enough, Zhen Fan came in before Annie exclaimed, she was hugged by Zhen Fan, and then overwhelmed on the bed. Naturally, the ups and downs were inevitable. After a shock of great sadness and joy, Annie really needs a hearty **** to vent her emotions.

The next day, Zhen Fan continued to dub as usual. On this day, none of the women in the family went to work, and the work of the clinic was temporarily stopped. Because of Thanksgiving, the whole family was dispatched and began to purchase in major supermarkets and vegetable markets in Los Angeles. Then, as the host, Christine called friends in Los Angeles who could not go back to participate in Thanksgiving, and invited Zhen’s villa to join the party and spend Thanksgiving together.

Christine had already drawn up the list, and then gave Zhen Fan a task to invite Emma Waters, who was filming. This is really a pot that doesn't open, which seems to be Christine deliberately. The list of invitations is not very large, they are all carefully selected, and they are usually familiar friends.

And this time, even the father and daughter of Tang Shaoyang were invited. Anyway, they had no relatives in Los Angeles, they depended on each other, and they didn't celebrate Thanksgiving, so they were invited to have fun together. Coincidentally, Fei Bingbing and Chenghu are on this list. These two guys participated in an event in Los Angeles, so they did not return home, so they were also invited. But this is really good news for Yi Fei. R1152

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