The American Scripture

Chapter 1218: Unexpected

"You are all a bunch of shit. It's on the news now. It's all on the Internet. Maybe the TV stations will come to interview them. How do you ask me to answer them? From the time the accident to the time you arrive at the scene, all It's been more than ten minutes, why do you have such a slow reaction? Sanders, I want your explanation, if this thing can’t be settled perfectly, then you get out of here, **** it, get out of here, let me Looks disgusting!" A middle-aged man with a big body and a big belly yelled at the two security guards.

In the office of Nuo University, only this big fat man was roaring, and his voice didn't need those angry lions. The heads of the two security personnel listened carefully, and then heard the word "get off", and left as if they were amnesty, and didn't want to stay here for a moment.

The fat man sat down panting, feeling upset, thinking about how to dispel the coming storm. At this time, a security chief went back and saw the fat man, cautiously said: "Boss...Matthew Pierce is here. It appears to be coming towards you."

"This **** bastard, I still want to come..." The fat man yelled angrily and stood up, but just halfway up his feet, he sat down slowly, "Go out first and let him in."

"But... Boss, there are two people behind him, Fan Zhen and Miss Christine Stuart, the parties involved in this incident. Maybe... They might be here to find",... troublesome. You have to prepare yourself!" As you said, you hurriedly closed the door and slipped away so as not to bear the fat man's anger here.

"Damn it!" The fat man sat up suddenly. Where did Zhen and Christine Stuart also follow? What do you want to do? Do they want to take the opportunity to blackmail themselves a sum of money? As soon as this idea flashed out, I was denied by myself. Obviously, if you switch to someone else, you might do it this way. But it is Zhen who is here, he is a rich man who is famous all over the world. Still short of my own money? But... if it's not about money, then what...

Just as the fat man was racking his brains, there was a knock on the door, followed by Matthew Pierce’s voice: "Boss...Mr. Smith, it’s me, Matthew Pierce, can I come in?"

"Come in!" Smith sighed, then stood up. If Zhen Fan also came in, he must be greeted with the most humble attitude. So the moment the door opened, a warm smile appeared on his face, and then he saw Matthew Pierce and the two people standing behind him. That’s right, they were Van Zhen and Christine Stuya. Special two people. When they saw Smith, they nodded and smiled, indifferently, as if there was no angry expression.

The more so. The more frightened Smith became, he knew that with a rich man like Zhen Fan, he wanted to clean up a person who was not rich like himself. Just move your fingers. So the cold sweat on his forehead shed. Then smile at them as warmly as possible.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Mr. Zhen. It is my fault, Miss Stuart. I apologize to you, it is our job that is not done properly. I promise that as long as you ask, I can do everything." Speaking of Smith actually raised his palm, as if he really wanted to swear, Zhen Fan couldn't help but shook his head and smiled.

"Sit down, please!" Smith asked Zhen Fan and Christine to sit down, and then shouted loudly at the door, "Darcy, damn... No, hurry up, get twice the coffee and ask for the best Nanshan Coffee." As he retracted his head from the door, he smiled apologetically at Zhen Fan and Christine, "I don’t know you are coming, so I’m sorry... I should ask you to go to the best office to rest.'s a bit bad..."

"No, no, we just came here to hear your opinions on the handling of this matter. There is no other meaning!" Zhen Fan waved his hand and said to Smith, "Of course...and you are mainly responsible for the incident. One of the people, Matthew Pierce, has any advice on how to deal with it? This is our purpose. You must have thought about it before we came."

it is as expected. Smith wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and then nodded to Zhen Fan and said, "Yes, Mr. Zhen, we have already thought about how to deal with it. It's just... I'm afraid the result will make you feel bad for you. If you are satisfied, I would like to...Is it because you have any request, you can put it forward now, and we can make compensation.

"No, no, we will not interfere in the handling of the entire incident. The decision you made before has no effect on us, Mr. Smith... I know your name. When I come, I will find my lawyer. I understand." Zhen Fan shook his head, "So... don't worry. I can also assure you that I am just a bystander and will not make you embarrassed in the process. This is what I mean. ,understood?"

Smith shook his head, felt that something was wrong, and nodded quickly: "Yes, sir, I understand, you mean that in the whole incident, you won't have any opinions because of my handling?" Zhen Fan The words made him a little confused, yes, how could such a good thing happen?

Zhen Fan was so magnanimous that he couldn't believe it. But now that he had said the words, he decided to proceed more cautiously towards the judgment that was in favor of Zhen Fan. Thinking of this, he coughed twice, looked at Matthew Pierce who was a little apprehensive, and then sat in his office.

"Mr. Pierce..." Smith started, tapping the table lightly, then frowned, "Do you know that you have caused a big deal? Because of your negligence, let the respected Stuart The young lady has fallen into an unprecedented crisis, which has also plunged our entire zoo into a major crisis. Fortunately, things are developing in a positive direction. Besides, one is harmed here anymore, so...we still have You must be punished, do you have any comments, before that..."

Matthew Pierce looked at Christine and Zhen Fan with embarrassment, then at Smith who was about to drip out of gloom, gritted his teeth and said: "Yes, sir, I thought about it. If you want to punish me, I have no opinion, and I am willing to take responsibility for my fault."

"Very well, very well, Mr. Pierce, I admire your courage and your responsible attitude very much. This is rare, but... Although I admire you very much, I still have to do something good for the company and for us. The starting measure of management, so... you are fired and there will be no severance pay."

"Yes, sir, I have already considered it, this is not a problem." Matthew Pierce nodded calmly. Obviously, he had predicted the result, "But... before this, please allow I apologize to Mr. Zhen and Miss Stuart, I almost killed them. This is what I should do, which is to ask for their forgiveness!"

"Yes, this is your decision, I have no right to interfere!" Smith nodded and said, then looked at Zhen Fan, nodded, and agreed to Pierce's request. To be honest, he had done the calculations too, that is, he drove Pierce away, he could explain to Zhen Fan, and even saved a lot of severance pay. It was really a bargain.

Pierce turned around very seriously and said to Zhen Fan and Christine: "I'm sorry, Mr. Zhen and Miss Stuart, the previous apologies were not too formal, so I want to be in the company, in front of our boss Mr. Smith solemnly apologizes to you. All this is my fault. If I can do something to compensate you, I will do my best to do it even if I speak. Trust me..." Just to Zhen Fan. Christine bowed.

What a honest man. Zhen Fan became more affirmed that this person is an honest and credible person, so he nodded and said, "Of course... everything is okay. I will want you to make my request, but before that, I I have to wait for my lawyer to arrive, I called him just now."

Waiting for the lawyer to come? Smith couldn't help but sneer secretly. It seems that Pierce offended Zhen Fan and Miss Stuart, and they really didn't want to let him go. It's really a must-have, but fortunately, it's not to trouble yourself. He was thinking secretly when he heard Zhen Fan say: "I am waiting for a lawyer, mainly to talk to Mr. Smith about compensation between us. My fiancee and I were both frightened, is necessary to Isn’t the compensation issue to be further negotiated?"

"Ah" Smith was dumbfounded. He thought it was against Pierce, but he didn't expect it would be his turn immediately. He stood up with trepidation, then looked at Zhen and stammered, " just said...what should I do with me? Mr. Zhen... Am I listening? wrong?"

"No, you heard it right. It is your business to deal with you at will. Of course, we will not have any opinions, but the matter between us is the matter of the two of us, so...we must still handle it properly. It's best!" Zhen Fan shook his head, "Actually, it's very simple. As long as you promise one thing, we will give up the right to pursue it."

"Promise what?" Smith asked cautiously.

"Uh, it is enough to pay him three times the compensation for dismissing Mr. Pierce. This condition is not excessive, right?" Zhen Fan smiled and said, "This is just a small amount of money for you. But it’s enough for us... Hey, Pierce, if it’s three times the compensation, how much should it be?"

"Probably... sixty thousand dollars, I don't know, it might be that much, but... why?" Matthew Pierce opened his mouth in surprise. He couldn't even dream of it. How could this be? Didn't Zhen Fan and Christine come here to hear how they are satisfied with their punishment? Is it just to come and help me? (To be continued...)

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