The American Scripture

Chapter 1219: Consider

"My God, this... is too much, even if it is three times the compensation, it is only 30,000 US dollars. can't speak without conscience, it is wrong for you to do this." Zhen Fan has not yet spoken. Here Smith couldn’t help yelling loudly, “Myers, I have not held you accountable, otherwise you will be sent to court. You can’t talk like that. Thirty thousand dollars... It can only be so much."

"Really? Mr. Smith!" Zhen Fan's face sank, "Now that we do, we won't say anything anymore. I will make you pay much more compensation than this. I promise, I will accompany you. You go to court, anyway, I don’t care... I have a dedicated team of lawyers... Let’s go, there is nothing to talk about with such a miser." Zhen Fan stood up, prepared to leave, and moved towards Christine and Pierce nodded.

"No, no, wait, Mr. Zhen, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, are we still talking? If we talk about it, then there will definitely be room for bargaining. If 30,000 is not enough, we can go higher and no problem. How about 40,000? Maybe you can add more, forty-five thousand dollars." Smith said to Zhen Fan quickly, "You know... operating a zoo does not make money, I have been losing money. If I pay this money, I It will lose a lot."

Zhen Fan thought for a while. After all, this matter was provoked by himself. If it is handled as normal, Pierce may really not get much money. So I nodded, looked at Pierce and said: "You decide for yourself, Pierce, we are also at fault in this matter. But... Mr. Smith is also at fault, and that is why the security personnel have not made a mistake. We are so late. Let's share half of them."

Pierce nodded and said to Smith: "I'm sorry. Sir, I accept this condition and I will take responsibility for my mistakes. Also...the company's security system...there is indeed a problem, and the response time is too short. , And you should equip the administrators who guard the beasts with anesthesia guns. I have already mentioned it, but you have not approved it. This is also the key to not dealing with the problem in time... So... I am very sorry." Reluctantly shrugged his shoulders, and opened his hands to Smith. Expressed his helplessness.

Smith felt very uncomfortable, but in this matter, apart from Pierce's affairs, there were indeed cases of insufficient security personnel at work. No matter what, I can't escape responsibility. So he nodded: "I see, Pierce, thank you for your kindness! To know what to do!" He took out the drawer and wrote a cash check for 45,000 US dollars to Pierce.

Pierce looked at Zhen Fan, Zhen Fan nodded to him, and he slowly walked forward. I took it, looked at it and said, "Thank you, boss." Then he nodded to Zhen Fan, "Thank you. Mr. Zhen, and Miss Stuart. I...really appreciate it, if... …Without this. I might go to sleep in the street."

"Let's go, let's talk while walking!" Zhen Fan said and nodded to Pierce. He said to the somewhat desperate Smith, "Thank you very much for your generosity. Mr. Smith, but... you really should listen to Pierce’s advice. He is a conscientious employee. I can prove that. Your loss." The three of them walked out.

Any businessman is profit-oriented. Zhen Fan helped Matthew Pierce just because he deceived him, and he also admired Matthew Pierce's honest character, but he didn't have that good impression of Smith, the owner of the zoo. From the procrastination of the security personnel to the evasiveness when submitting compensation, the unwillingness to take responsibility for himself and Christine can be seen. He is indeed a bit slippery, so the 45,000 US dollars is just a symbolic compensation to Matthew? Pierce's.

In addition to the zoo, Zhen Fan looked at Matthew Pierce and said, "What are your plans? Now that you are unemployed, you are looking for a job. This is your current urgent problem. After leaving the zoo, do you have any ideas now?" Zhen Fan looked at the somewhat dazed Matthew Smith and said.

"I don't know. I feel a little at a loss. I don't know what the future will be. Maybe I will find another security job. I have similar experience. I have served in the Marine Corps and have also been engaged in security work for a period of time. I really can’t find it anymore. I will go back to the country, maybe buy a small farm...Of course...maybe the money will not be enough, but I will find a way!" Pierce said helplessly, "This is life... Surprise you at some point!" He looked at Zhen Fan and said, "Are you planning to go back? We may be breaking up here."

"Yes, we plan to go back, but... I have a suggestion, Pierce, I have a security company, headquartered in Los Angeles, and there is a training base in the suburbs, if you want... you can go to my security Company, this is the business card, the address of the security company, and the person in charge, Sarah Voge, yes, a great person who has served in the past, there are many people like you who have joined in. If you want, I will call Sarah Voge." Zhen Fan stopped and said to Matthew Pierce, who was leaving, "I hope you can join. Today I saw your honesty and bravery. Both are What my security company needs."

Matthew Pierce did not refuse. He took the business card, looked at it, and smiled at Zhen Fan and said, "I haven't made up my mind yet, but there will be results in these two days. If I have results, I will definitely call. Thank you very much, Mr. Zhen, for is already meaningful." He could see Zhen Fan's sincerity, so he didn't refuse, but he didn't immediately agree.

"I'm waiting for your call!" Zhen Fan made a call gesture to him. Then I watched Matthew Pierce leave until he couldn’t see his back. Then he turned his head and sighed to Christine, "I know his final decision is made. It can be seen from his eyes, maybe I will receive the call in two days."

"Congratulations!" Kristen smiled, and then shook his head to look at Zhen Fan, "This our prank a bit too much? Pierce...he used to live a very peaceful life, but because of us... …He has to re-adapt to another birth, which may increase his risk. Of course…and that Smith."

"Yes, it's really a bit too much. These are just because of your pranks, so... Don't talk about us, you made a mistake! Remember, as a monk, a decision made easily, maybe It will affect the fate of other people. The more we have superpowers, the more we must make ourselves like ordinary people. Don't interfere with the lives of ordinary people easily, remember?" Zhen Fan is half-joking and half-serious He said, then scratched his nose and said, "Let's go, let's go back, I guess the Internet should have exploded long ago!"

"Let's go, I really want to see what it's like on the Internet. It's the first time to show myself such an extraordinary side, and I still look forward to it." Kristen smiled like a little girl. The unpleasantness was left behind, "I really tried my best to promote this movie."

"This is your movie, so you should do all of this!" Zhen Fan smiled happily, beckoned, and took a taxi. His car was caught when he went to the police station. Christina drove away. So they didn't bother to call Christina. Just called a taxi.

As soon as the two got into the taxi, the driver looked at Zhen Fan and Christine, and then tentatively said: "Mr. Zhen? Miss Stuart?"

"Yes, it's the two of us!" Christine replied with a smile.

"Oh, my God, it's really you two, oh... I don't know what to say, I'm very lucky, I really met you. Today... I have to say that you are handsome. I'm here I saw the video on the phone, yes, the video in the zoo. I didn’t expect Miss Stuart to be like this... Are you shooting a movie? It seems not, it’s an adventure, your actions are so handsome... You How did you do it?” Obviously the driver was very excited. Once he recognized it, he began to express his feelings endlessly.

"That’s it, man, it’s easy for me, but... most people don’t try. It’s a last I have no choice but to fight the lion It's a fight." Christine said quickly, and then added, "Do you think I am very different?"

"Of course, of course, it feels like the cg technology in the movie. Although the action is very fast, someone on the Internet is already analyzing your slow motion. It is really like the difficult cg motion technology of Hollywood. I didn't expect it. You can do it without a computer. I heard that you are shooting an action movie..." The driver is a black man with a natural rap ability. He is planning to spend the night with Zhen Fan and Christine.

"Yes, yes. I can do this, and Zhen can do it, so... I've been thinking, why can't women do this? Now you see, I don't have to be so bad, so... if If such a movie is released, will you go to the cinema to buy tickets?" Kristen asked with a grin.

"Why not? Actually, women make such thrilling moves, which look better than men. I like it!" The driver nodded quickly and said, "I like movies like this, real and convincing. Oh, God, where are you going to go? Where do you go home or go?"

"God, you finally remembered that you are still working as a taxi driver." Zhen Fan said with emotion, "Of course it is going home, do you know where we live?" (to be continued... )I1292

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