The American Scripture

Chapter 1403: Make a big meal

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Because it has not yet opened, there are only two design and decoration engineering styles except Mia. Mia is still talking to them about some details of the decoration. Because of Zhen Fan's arrival, Mia ran away from those people and sent them back.

"How? What do you want to say?" Mia took Zhen Fan's hand, and intimately leaned her head on Zhen Fan's shoulder, facing the decoration, and all kinds of equipment have been installed in place, just waiting The opening clinic said, "Now put your idea forward, we can make small changes before opening."

Zhen Fan shrugged his shoulders: "I don't have any opinion. When I was in Temecula, my clinic was much simpler than this one, but it was not the same in use. I didn't have any requirements for this, everything seemed They all sound good, and they are worthy of a metropolis like New York, very good!" He really couldn't find anything. He is not a designer.

"Also... The mobile villa I bought here is a bit far away. I could have gotten closer, but... you know it's impossible to buy a villa in the city center, it's in the Hudson River. The west bank of the city. When you go out, you can see the Hudson River. It is very beautiful. We can go there at night.” Mia said to Zhen Fan with some pride, “I like a river flowing in front of the door, but the price is not cheap. ...Six million dollars, I have been talking for a long time!"

"No matter how expensive it is, as long as you like it, we are now to enjoy life, not to be constrained by life!" Zhen Fan smiled at Mia, "If the budget is not enough, just ask Melissa, You are now an important member of our Zhen family and can be the master of this family."

Mia opened her eyes and smiled. She was very concerned about her position in the Zhen family. Now Zhen Fan told her in person, which made her happy from the heart. She has always regarded herself as a member of Zhen Fan's family. But she was not one of Zhen Fan's women, so this change brought her to New York. She was a little bit suspicious at first. Has her status changed? This is very important to her, and now that Zhen Fan's personal promise has been granted, she seems to have settled her mind.

"And... do you want to advertise?" Mia asked. "We have received a lot of appointments. Although the clinic has not been built, there are already people making appointments, and there are still a lot of people. It is estimated that it is the influence passed from Los Angeles. My opinion is that it can be omitted!"

"This is all up to you!" Zhen Fan spread out his hand. "Since the clinic is yours, everything is arranged by you, and I don't do any intervention. You know... I am actually a bit lazy. Because these are not things I am good at. I have been very busy before, then They were all forced to move forward. Until now, I still have to pay some debts. There is still a movie waiting for me!"

"Well, in fact, I could have guessed this answer long ago!" Mia smiled, then looked behind Zhen Fan, saw Eric, couldn't help but smile. "That... is your new apprentice? Don't tell me you want to leave it to me. But apprentices like Bernard, the more the better!"

Zhen Fan nodded and smiled: "You really understand me. If it weren't for him to be a bit special, I really want to throw him at you, but I guess it will take a while. You know I'm a bit lazy At the clinic in Temecula, I always set the number of consultations every day, so I will not make myself tired. Here... do you plan to use this rule?"

Mia nodded: "Yes, but there are a bit more people than you. I try to serve as many people as possible, and... I think only this way can I reflect my value. If it weren't for this... I guess I am a useless person, so...thank you!" Mia said a little emotional.

"When have we been so hypocritical?" Zhen Fan laughed and beckoned to Eric, "Come here. Let me introduce you. This is the person in charge of the New York Clinic and my family, Mia Grant... Mia, this is Eric Caso, this guy is lucky. I will accept him as an apprentice!"

"Hey, hello, I’m Eric Caso, I’m Master’s new apprentice, to be honest... I’m very lucky to be Master’s apprentice, of course... I’m even more fortunate to be able to meet such a beautiful and beautiful you. I have been studying Chinese medicine with my master, can I work in your clinic?" Eric opened his arms and wanted to give Mia a hug.

But Mia smiled and stretched out her hand, just shook hands with him, then let it go, shrugged her shoulders and said, "No problem, but... it's all up to the master. As long as he is okay, I will be fine. problem."

"Well...just as if I didn't say it, but...I still want to express that you are really beautiful, and you have this perfect body curve, it's perfect, I want with you Work, that's really God's favor for you! Very lucky, that's it!" Eric was slick, his eyes straightened when he saw the beauty. Just like last time, when he saw Silia, he had to think he liked her.

"I'm not a little girl anymore, Eric, this set is useless to me!" Mia replied silently to Eric, and then gave Zhen Fan a white look, with a certain amorous look, Zhen Fan Of course, I understand what she means. How come I accept such apprentices, all of them seem to have never seen beautiful girls.

"At least... Bernard is not bad!" Zhen Fan rubbed his nose, smiled sensibly, and then glared at Eric, "Enough, man, you better shut up now, if you don't want to suffer. By the way... how about Bernard? Why didn't I see him? I haven't seen him for a while, how are you studying?"

"He is still a reliable man, you know, Miles is not as reliable as him. He is a very gentleman, he studies very hard, learns very fast, although he is not as good as Miles, but ...I make progress quickly, I believe...It won't take long for the two of them to be almost the same. Miles is a bit lazy, just like your temperament, you are his master, you have to set an example, and... Women’s issues are a bit entangled.” Mia’s evaluation of Miles was really not good, and Zhen Fan went in by the way.

This is really embarrassing. He rubbed his nose and smiled: "I also know, but...this is all born of character, doesn't it seem to have a big relationship with me? But... Miles has worked harder, right... After this time, I have to go to Loch Ness in Scotland."

As he was talking, suddenly a car parked on the parking space near the clinic, and then a man came down from there, not to mention Bernard. He walked to the clinic and saw Zhen Fan. He was very surprised. He walked over with open arms and hugged Zhen Fan: "Great, Master, I know you are coming, but I don't know when you will come. I was thinking. This matter, you actually went to the shop."

"Oh my God, I can talk more than I do!" Eric muttered, "This guy is so handsome, Mia is right, very decent, but... I don't seem to be bad, so am I Very graceful...well, I really want to be stronger!" He muttered in a low voice, and when Mia heard it, he couldn't help but smile.

"This is Eric Caso, Caso, this is Bernard Modine, remember, Eric, Bernard is your brother, you should respect him, brother can decide many things... Your business. So... it's better not to provoke him. And he is more handsome and gentler than you, and has a deeper Taoist foundation. By the way... We don’t believe in God, so it’s best not to say anything about God, I I don’t think God would like to hear someone who doesn’t believe him call his name." Zhen Fan said with a smile, then smiled at Bernard, "You will follow Mia here, I believe You will do well. I have the opportunity to let you do something, just like Miles..."

"I see, Master, I will work hard!" Miles has always been so humble and willing to accept Zhen Fan's arrangement. To be honest, his mission is much heavier than Miles and Eric. He is responsible for the future of the family, so no matter what Zhen Fan asks him to do, he will not refuse, and will even be very happy to go. participate. He knows the importance of experience, which is a habit cultivated in the family.

In the afternoon that day, the group went directly to the newly bought villa by Mia. Although it is not very big, it is enough for a few people, but Bernard did not live He bought another villa next to Mia. Anyway, his Modine family was rich, and Mia did not stop it.

The river in front of the villa is very wide and looks very beautiful, and the villa is next to such a river. Needless to say, the scenery is naturally very good, and the location is also very good. Mia also has a certain understanding of Feng Shui. As soon as I entered the hall, I felt a very comfortable atmosphere. Even Eric couldn't help screaming.

"My God, it's really comfortable. This feeling... really bad, but it's comfortable. I like it here. Hey, Miss Grant, do you still need manpower here?" This guy sat down on the sofa. , Speaking loudly to Mia who was walking towards the kitchen.

Mia shook her head and smiled as she walked. This guy is really messing up. Although he seems to be a little older, he is the least reliable to talk and do things. I really don't understand how Zhen Fan admires him, maybe there is something special about him as Zhen Fan said. Ignoring him, Mia walked into the kitchen and decided to cook Zhen Fan a big meal.

"Shut up, Eric!" Zhen Fan glanced at him and snorted, "I can't believe it, I seem to have met, and the situation with Miles will happen to you again. Remember, don't Let the woman control you, Eric, don't be so short-sighted!" Bernard couldn't help but smile as he spoke. (To be continued.)

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