The American Scripture

Chapter 1404: Troubles

Tasim Kingsley's life seems to be a bit unsuccessful, and the killer is dead. ●⌒, the killer group seems to be a little dissatisfied with his bid. After all, they are dead, so they have to increase the price. This really can't be helped by Tasim Kingsley. After all, the relationship between them is only the relationship between employment and employment. It is also necessary to spend some money to compensate them. Of course, the key is that the killer group will not stop, because they want to ruin their reputation.

The weather in Des Moines has become a bit bad. It was like Tasim Kingsley's mood. It is foreseeable that he will face more difficult days. If Zhen Fan learns that he has put his daughter in danger, he does not know what he will use to retaliate. This will definitely be known, just after the killer missed. If there is no miss, then things can still be hidden, and no one will know.

Now the killer group also knows that the person they are going to kill is actually the daughter of Zhen Fan, one of the richest people in the United States, and there are many legends that once the biggest gangster in New York disappeared in his hands. Even the most fearful gang leader Diego Farrell died in New York because he offended Zhen Fan. They notified Tasim Kingsley of this situation. But they are not going to break the contract. Since they have received the order, no matter who the opponent is, they must do it. Otherwise, it will ruin its credibility, and this killer group will have no value in existence.

But they will not take it easily now, because the last killer's death is said to have not even found the cause of death. Moreover, according to the autopsy of the corpse, the internal organs of the person's body were messed up, but there were no scars on the outside, not even a pinhole was found, which made them dare not take it casually.

"The price has been raised over 200 million US dollars. Without this, they cannot guarantee that they will continue to complete the task." His number one assistant Michael said to Tasim Kingsley, who was sitting in a chair on the back lawn of the villa. "Because the opponent is very different this time, they are blaming us for failing to give them the complete information and let them get into a very difficult person. And they also reported one thing to us... "Michael stopped talking.

"What's the matter?" Tasim Kingsley almost jumped up, which is definitely not good news, so he looked at Michael nervously and said, "Did they investigate something? About the two girls? Or about Zhen?" Because Mike's demeanor also made him feel intensely uneasy.

"They investigated something. Do you remember Diego Farrell in New York? That Frenchman. The leader of the New York gang, almost the old guy in the New York gang!"

"Of course, what does this... have to do with him?" Tasim Kingsley's waist stood up and looked at Michael, a cigar in his hand. At this time, I forgot to smoke. The bad news seemed to come more timely than the good news, and it also came more serious.

"It is said that he died because he offended Fan Zhen. So..." Michael looked at Tasim Kingsley with some pity, but this kind of expression flashed by, and he couldn't show such an expression. Although Tasim Kingsley seems to be a little unlucky now, it is not yet at the end.

"God..." Tasim Kingsley couldn't help but patted his head. He only knows that Zhen Fan is a super rich man, he only knows that he is an actor or a brewer. I just didn't know that he could still have this ability. But he can't be blamed, this matter has always been a secret of the upper echelon, and that assassin group also spent a lot of effort to find out.

"So... can we withdraw the order from them? Money... we can pay, and even compensate the person who was killed. The price is whatever they want. Let's withdraw the order!" Tasim Kingsley said It's time to realize the seriousness of the problem, "If possible, you help me deal with this matter."

"This... I'm afraid it's a bit difficult." Michael shook his head and said, "This is not a question of our order cancellation, but a question of the credibility of their group. If they don't lose manpower. Then forget it, but the current situation It’s not time for us to have the final say! Even our previous partnerships were very good!"

"What do they want?" Tasim Kingsley exhaled a long sigh. "Are we going to continue from this thing? Oh my God, that bastard. You deserve a shot. His... provoke me all day long, and I will be killed by him, this time!"

Michael wants to say something, I am afraid it will be so. But he still held back, and said to Tasim Kingsley: "They may have two solutions, one is to continue to chase Claire and Silia. But this possibility may be very small. Another possibility is that the task is terminated directly. They also have a set of rules to terminate the task directly."

"What rules? Tell me!" Tasim Kingsley said loudly to Michael, as if he had seen hope, "what rules? We can all cooperate with them!"

"That is the death or disappearance of the employer." Michael said, "But the situation has not yet reached this point, so I think there is still the possibility of negotiation. But... if you want to show sincerity, it is best that you talk in person, anyway , You are still a member of the council here, you are an authoritative person!"

Tasim Kingsley was silent for a long time without speaking. Then he said to Michael, "Help me arrange a time to meet them. And... let Crowe in."

"Okay, Mr. Kingsley!" Michael nodded, and then stepped out. Crowe also returned home, but he was still angry, angry why the two girls had not been brought here. So he was loudly reprimanding a group of men in the hall.

Michael looked at him with some pity, then waited for him to scold enough, and when he stopped, he walked over and said, "I'm sorry... Excuse me, Crowe, Mr. Kingsley let you pass!"

"Does it have anything to do with those two little girls?" Crowe looked at Michael. He was a little dissatisfied with Michael. This time, it was a very simple thing. They did it before. As long as the chick he liked, there would be no He escaped from the palm of his hand, but he suffered a big loss today, so he was very angry.

"Yes, Crowe, but... you'd better be mentally prepared, things are... a bit complicated." Michael felt that he had reminded him, so he stood still, and turned sideways to let Crowe follow him. Passing by.

Crowe looked at him and didn't say anything, because he saw something wrong from Michael's expression, so he walked to the lawn with some doubts and saw his father sitting there, holding After a cup of coffee, my hands trembled, so he walked over and said, "Dad, what's the matter?"

"Two choices, either you kill the two boys, or you give yourself a shot, how do you choose?" Tasim Kingsley looked at Crowe, frowned, and stared straight at him, "This You might get into big trouble this time, and...not just you, but me, and our family! You provoke people who shouldn’t be provoke!

"Who did I provoke? I didn't find anyone, isn't it just two kids? I will settle this matter, I won't let you worry about it, I can do it myself!" Crowe said nonchalantly, then watched To your own father, "You always worry about this, so you can’t do anything now. You are old, Dad, maybe you should consider entrusting your business to me. In this case, our family will not be That's it."

"Damn bastard!" Tasim Kingsley stood up suddenly, then took out a gilded pistol from his waist, pointed at Crowe and yelled loudly, "Give it to you? Just give it to you? If this matter is unbalanced, we will all be done. Do you know who you provoke? Van Zhen’s daughter, Claire Zhen, do you know who Van Zhen is? Can you make the leader of the biggest gangster in New York, Diego ?Farrell died silently. A man who made the New York gang heard the fear, but you are going to provoke his daughter? Do you want to bring disaster to our family? If possible, I would rather blow you up with a single shot Head, come to apologize to him instead of waiting for him to come and destroy our family!"

Tasim Kingsley’s voice and expression let Crowe for a moment, and then slowly began to feel fear, yes, everyone knows Diego Farrell, he is a legend. His fame spread far and wide, his death has always been a mystery, but now the mystery has been revealed to Crowe.

"God... God..." He finally felt scared. Yes, before he knew Claire's identity, he still had the arrogant courage, then after knowing her identity, if he was still so Arrogance, then I really don't know how the dead words are written.

"Are you still worrying about those two girls?" Tasim Kingsley glared at Crowe, "If I can, I will kill you, you know, you better be honest with me this time Point, don’t do anything, leave this to me, if something happens again, I don’t think it’s necessary to wait until Fan? Zhen comes to us to settle the account, I will shoot you to death, and then give him a job!" Throwing the pistol on the table, he walked into the house from the lawn alone.

This is indeed a very tricky thing. Either like Zhen Fan bowing his head, but bowing his head is not an easy task, because the killer group is involved. Either the fish die and the net is broken, but the end result must be very bad. At least one has to give up everything here, hide in an unknown place, and live forever. For Tasim, it was even worse than killing him. (To be continued.)

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