The American Scripture

Chapter 820: heart

Maybe it was deliberate, maybe it was unintentional, the last hook of Zhen Fan's word fell directly into the groove of Jolie Martinez's bra, which took up a bit of a large area. "  Made Qiao Li a little bit urge to kill him. When Zhen Fan finished writing, she rubbed it with her fingers, but she couldn't wipe it off. It was sad, and she had the urge to cry.

"Can I wash it off with shower gel? What about soap?" Qiao Li Martinez wanted to express her resentment towards Zhen Fan’s cracked teeth, "Don’t be too worried, I’m worried about this. Things washed off."

Zhen Fan shook his head and smiled: "You can't wash it off with any washing, even if it is skin grafting, it can't be replaced, so you can only put it on it. Of course, we Chinese have a saying that "sincere is spirit. ', so if your heart is not sincere, or if you don't want my signature at all, the words on this will naturally disappear after seven days!"

"It's so magical? It's not magic, it's witchcraft!" Jolie Martinez said with some resentment, but she asked with some worry, "If it doesn't disappear? What should I do?"

"I said it will be, so don't worry!" Zhen Fan said, blinking at Qiao Li? Martinez, and walked towards Christine. He I don't want to talk nonsense with these young people anymore. What does it matter to them that they like magic?

"It's ugly!" Qiao Li Martinez looked at Zhen Fan's back, and then whispered.

"Don't speak ill of me behind your back, I can hear it!" Zhen Fan, who had already walked a long way, suddenly said without looking back, and these people were stunned. What Jolie Martinez said just now was quiet enough. Why did he hear it? Is it a coincidence?

Jolie Martinez thinks it is a coincidence, but as a fanatical admirer of Zhen Fan, Jamie Brown definitely does not think it is a coincidence. So he looked at Zhen Fan's back with a shocked look, thoughtful, and Diago, Dunn, Anita and later the parachute girl tended to support Jamie Brown.

"Well, you are all a group of blind admirers!" Joly Martinez felt that she didn't understand these guys anymore, but she was once an admirer of Zhen Fan, but after seeing Zhen Fan, Always want to get angry with him somehow. I don't know what's going on.

"I admit that his magic is really great, but... he doesn't accept us as students, so... why should we listen to him like that?" Jolie Martinez said with her arms folded. .

"I feel you are targeting him everywhere. Especially when he is in front of you!" Anita said the truth at this time, which made other people nod continuously. Obviously, everyone is sensible and all do magic tricks. Observation is naturally very keen.

"But... why?" Jolie Martinez thought it was funny. It's ridiculous to spread his hand to the crowd, "Why...aha——"

"There are two explanations!" The parachute girl also put in a word at this time. Seeing Jolie Martinez and everyone looking at her, she felt a little centered, and she became a little triumphant. As a girl, I think there are two explanations for this..."

"We know there are two. But can you be more specific, stop talking nonsense here!" Jamie couldn't help but interrupt. "Okay, let's talk, we are all listening!"

"The first is that you hate him very much, and it is really hateful. But on this point, I have another opinion, that is, you did not know him before, and you still admire him, and once regarded her as an idol. So this is not true, you don't really hate him, do you? Qiao Li!"

"Oh, no, you are wrong, I am real..." Qiao Li wanted to tell.

"Don't interrupt, continue talking!" Jamie interrupted Qiao Li's words to distinguish, and then stared at the parachute girl, "Don't dare, what is the second possibility?" At this time, everyone focused on her again. Body.

"Obviously, the second possibility is that Qiao Li wants to always show the feeling that she is the focus of everyone in front of Zhen. Usually it is men who have this feeling, because men want to be in their favorite The girl was outstanding in front of her, either to surprise the men, or to make the men take it seriously. I think... Qiao Li should belong to the latter!" The parachute girl said with a smile, "Jiao Li, you like it. he?"

"Oh, shit, now my favorite is to punch you in the face so that your nonsense mouth can be closed!" Qiao Li said angrily, and then walked towards the beach. Going, she felt that she couldn't get along with this group of best, she had to find a quiet place.

"Aha—she became angry!" Anita also screamed with a smile, "She is guilty, but...who is not? I like that guy too, but...our Dunn doesn’t know how Let him go, don't you? Dunn!" She smiled and said, blinking at Dunn.

It seemed that the adultery was fierce, and her provocation was immediately responded by Dunn. The two stood together, their two heads leaned together and kissed each other.

"Oh, damn, I can't stand it anymore. I have to go there and see if Zhen can let me participate in their barbecue. To be honest, who of you recorded Zhen Fan's performance just now?" Diago Ren Can't help asking everyone.

Jamie Brown opened his hands and turned around twice, and then said, "Do you think I can hide a camera or a mobile phone like this? Just because I look a lot bigger than yours?" His eyesight He looked at the bumps of his swimming trunks, and then at the bumps of Diago. It seems that the difference between Diago's bump and Jamie's is still very obvious!

"Oh, shit, you're talking about this again, really a bunch of bad friends, I went over there!" Said Diago and walked towards Zhen Fan, while waving his hands, and that Claire on the side greeted Maria, this guy still has a bit of brains, and he actually knows to start with a child.

"Come on, I'll go and see Jolie Martinez!" Since Jamie is the boss of this group, he must first go and see Jolie Martinez, who is walking away in anger. A responsibility as a team leader. He must do this, even if you are his idol over there. From this perspective, he is indeed a very good team leader, which is why their team is so popular in street magic performances.

A good leader is half the success of the team. Obviously none of the remaining five people want to challenge his authority, not just because of Jamie Brown's leadership, but also because of his family background. To put it bluntly, his family background is very good. He plays street magic, just to find some excitement, not to rely on this to eat.

"Hey, what's the matter with you?" Jolie Martinez was sitting in the shade of a coconut tree, and she hurriedly wiped it when she heard someone talking. With a deep nasal voice, he said, "It's nothing, sit here and see, I'm fine, you go over there, they have a great time."

Turning his head and looking at it, Jamie also took a look, and their people over there really melted into Zhen Fan's big gang. So he smiled and said: "We can go together, Sienna didn't mean it, you know her, when she speaks, she doesn't go through the brain!"

"I know, but... I have to say, she said to my heart!" Suddenly Jolie Martinez looked up at Jamie, "She was right, she was right, I was Thinking of that, I don’t know what’s wrong with me, obviously this is the first time I met him. But... it’s like seeing him for a long time. And... you know I collected a lot of him performing magic I have collected almost every performance of the show. Maybe I thought early on that I should like him. I used to think that I just wandered in my heart, and I said to myself: Hey, don’t be stupid, you stupid girl , Maybe you will never see one side in your life, why do you do such a stupid thing, have such stupid thoughts. know, just now when I saw a real person, I couldn’t help it. !"

"Well, I know you are telling the truth!" Jamie didn't know how to persuade her at this time. After thinking about it, he had to say, "Since you already think so, and he is only engaged, then... The first thing you have to do is to defeat Although she is a Hollywood star, she is also very beautiful and has a very good temperament..."

Before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Jolie Martinez, who couldn’t help but burst into laughter: "Are you encouraging me or making me give up? Well, this is a fantasy, even if it is Seeing him in person, this is also a fantasy, so...I never regard this as the most important thing in my life. Since it is a fantasy, so...we don't need to care about it!"

"I know, so... are you okay or okay now?" Jamie Brown asked carefully.

"It's okay, nothing." Jolie Martinez stood up, patted the sand on her butt, and said, "Let’s go there. Come with them. Today is destined to be a day of carnival, beach The bonfire on the mountain is also very good!" As he said, he drove over there.

The beach bonfire was indeed lit at night. There were three bonfires, and the waiters on the boat shuttled on the beach, and they had to serve drinks for the uncles who came out to play. The wine transported from the yacht made the people here reluctant to stop, and some people drank it higher. They sang there. At the request of Claire and Maria, Zhen Fan performed magic again by the bonfire. This makes Jamie and the others very happy, because they can once again witness Zhen Fan's magic. (To be continued...)

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