The American Scripture

Chapter 821: War between women

In the entire campfire barbecue, Zhen Fan did not perform any advanced magic, this is to conjure some things, of course, are some small things, such as wine or chocolate, to satisfy alcoholics such as Gary , Also satisfied with children such as Claire and Maria.

So they are very happy, and Jamie is fascinated. Because even if it’s a small magic trick, without props, such as prop clothes or prop boxes, if you want to make bottle after bottle of wine and pack after pack of chocolate, it seems to be a comparison. For difficult things, at least he felt that it was almost impossible for him to do this without preparing any props.

The reason why Zhen Fan has no props is because when Zhen Fan performed, she wore a loose T-shirt and a pair of beach pants, and finally took off the T-shirt and performed with her upper body. Because someone raised the same doubt, it was Maria. The little girl opened her eyes wide and tried to look into Zhen Fan's clothes to see if these things were hidden in Zhen Fan's clothes.

So... in order to convince the little girl that she didn't put Dong into her clothes beforehand, Zhen Fan wore only a pair of beach pants to show that she did not hide anything. This made Maria's mouth grow wide, she was surprised, and she admired Zhen Fan.

"Dad is great—" Maria clapped her hands and jumped on the beach. It was obvious that she was completely new to Zhen Fan's performance. She had never seen Zhen Fan perform magic before, and she still Conformed a lot of chocolate for myself. This is the most critical.

Zhen Fan also enjoyed Maria's cheers. He was really attached to this daughter and experienced the feeling of being a father that he had never felt before. So he is taking care of Maria carefully, hoping that she can grow up happily and extraordinary. Then I will feel comforted by doing some business.

This is the feeling of being a parent. He didn't feel that Maria was alienated because of her own birth. On the contrary, because of the misfortune of this little girl and her clever, sensible, and diligent performance, he pityed her, and naturally it became even more so. Love her a little bit. Even Claire had never enjoyed such a treatment.

"It's taken!" Jamie put the phone down, and then Anita snatched it over and watched it again. He smiled and said, "I like this performance very much. Although it's just a little magic trick, he has the same performance experience as a actor. So... I never get tired of it. I like it very much. Pass it to me!" Then he passed the video The bluetooth was transmitted to my mobile phone.

Zhen Fan had known that someone was filming his own performance, but he was still not stingy enough to **** their mobile phones, so he would shoot when he filmed it, anyway, it was just a small entertainment show together.

"Okay, the upload is complete!" Anita shook her mobile phone, and then shook it proudly at Jamie. "I uploaded it on my Facebook, and now many people know that I have a leg with Magic Master Fan Zhen."

"That's great. They must still think you slept with him!" Jolie Martinez, who was silent for a long time without speaking, suddenly hummed sarcastically at her, "This way you will be more He’s famous. Isn’t it? I rely on him anyway, and the words on your **** are written by him!"

"What's the word on the butt? It's clearly written on the leg!" Anita retorted with the words "Zhen Fan" on her thigh, and then raised her **** to Jolie Martinez.

"Oh, bitch, you are looking for uncomfortable!" Jolly Martinez was furious when she saw it. She got up from the beach she was sitting on and rushed towards Anita with a punch. Knocked Anita to the ground. Then the body rushed up, riding her on the beach, yelling at her, "Bitch, if you are willing to apologize, I will consider letting you go!"

"Want to be beautiful, bitch!" Not to be outdone, Anita turned over and pushed Jolie Martinez to the ground, took advantage of the situation, turned over, and pressed back on Jolie Martinez, about to wave. A fist came to retaliate, but as soon as the fist was raised, Jolie Martinez hit the ground with a punch.

"Aren't you thinking about helping?" Diago looked at Jamie at this time and couldn't help frowning.

"No, I won't help them. They asked for it. If they don't recognize the situation, then our magic performance team will be reduced by two people in the future. I don't allow infighting in our team, not at all. Will tolerate it!" Jamie Brown expressed his opinion very clearly, and the voice was loud, obviously he also deliberately wanted two women torn together to hear and let them know their attitude.

"I'll take care of you!" Jolie Martinez pushed Anita away, and then touched a little blood on the corner of her mouth. It was caught by Anita's hand and its skin was broken.

Anita decisively raised her **** to Jolie Martinez, then angrily grabbed her own things and walked to another campfire. Obviously she didn't want to see Jolie Martinez. Nez got it.

"Is this the friend you just met?" Kristen watched the two women fight by the fire, and they rolled around, like a man fighting, not in a wrestling situation, but with fists. I was very surprised and couldn't help asking Zhen Fan, "I feel like I want to sit in an ancient Roman theater and watch a wonderful female gladiator fight to the death. I almost go to bet!"

"Punch—" The parachute **** the other side smiled, then looked at Christine and Zhen Fan, and then at Jamie Brown. Jamie Brown was also a little bit smiled by Christine's words, and a little helpless, no matter what, the people on his side were very rude.

"Sorry... for confusing you!" Jamie Brown tried to apologize to Zhen Fan.

"It's none of your business. They are all grown-ups and they know what they are doing!" Zhen Fan waved his hand and smiled and didn't mind. "But your decision is very good. The most important thing for the team is unity. If If such a disunity occurs, then... your performance may be messed up. Either she or she!"

Anyway, two of her refer to those two sturdy ladies. Of course Jamie knew the truth, so he shrugged at Zhen Fan, "Okay, but... I'm sorry to disturb you, we should go back, goodbye, Zhen, it's actually nice to see you , This is my wish for a long time!"

"Me too!" Zhen Fan nodded at him, seeing that Jamie Brown was embarrassed to stay here anymore.

Sure enough, Jamie Brown stood up, nodded to the others, and then said to Diago who was reluctant to leave: "Go and find Jolie back, let's go back to the yacht!"

"Okay, this is the end of our fantasy journey!" Diago snorted and went to see Qiao Li. He actually thought he should stay a little longer, but Jamie Brown made the decision. He was The boss of this team, and now something is happening in the team. They had to leave.

This time, Jolie Martinez didn’t say anything. She joined the crowd, and then everyone flashed their flashlights and found the speedboat next to the reef. Several people squeezed in, and then started to drive towards the yacht. . None of them spoke, and it felt as if things were messed up today.

"I'm sorry, Anita, it was my fault today!" In a monotonous motor sound, Jolie Martinez suddenly spoke, "I am not calm today. This is my problem. I miss you. Apologies, if you can forgive..."

"I forgive you!" Before Qiao Li Martinez's words could fall, Anita immediately took over her words and said, "I forgive you a long time ago. It's not the first time we fought like this, but... In the end we all forgive each other, don’t we? We are a team, just like mouths and tongues, they cooperate with each other to eat and talk, and make us omnipotent, but...sometimes, we have to say that our teeth also bite When it comes to the tongue. I am the hapless...tongue!"

"No, I'm the **** tongue!" Jolie Martinez said.

"I am, I am the one who was beaten by you. My eyes are all blue. At least I can't go out to see people for three days. This is the reason why I am more injured than you. I'll hit you with my hand!" Anita gritted her teeth and said.

"No, you didn't have the opportunity to fight back against me, that's why..."

"Damn it, it's me..."

"Oh, God, it's starting again. We're still on the sea, can't you stop? Damn, I've had enough, after I get on the I must have a good sleep, you guys Everyone is called me!" Diago patted his head, "I feel that my brain is not enough, you can't stop this **** quarrel?"

"Okay, but she caused this thing..." Anita snorted, then turned to look at Jolie Martinez and said, "Okay, okay, this thing is mine. No, I apologize to you, but... you should also apologize to me because... we hurt each other!"

"Well, let's talk on board the boat, I forgive you, and I apologize to you!" Jolie Martinez snorted, "Hey, man, can't you hurry up?" She said that. Said to Dunn, who was at the helm.

"This woman is crazy, she won't give up until she starts a world war!" Diago lowered his voice and said to Jamie Brown, "She is really wrong today."

Jamie Brown nodded and said: "I know, be more tolerant, we have to understand her, this matter is related to Zhen..."

"Hey, Brown, is it best to close you?" Jolie Martinez obviously heard Jamie Brown's voice, so she yelled loudly, "Take care of your mouth, if you say anything I know, I will knock off your mouthful teeth!" (To be continued...) R1292

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