The American Scripture

Chapter 906: Have an invitation

Nancy Vergara was rejected by Zhen Fan and refused her to join the souls of Zhen Fan who were taken in. This surprised Miles. When she came out to help Nancy, Zhen Fan was in favor. But has he changed his attention now? Miles Simon opened his hand to Zhen Fan, saying that he couldn't understand it.

"Well, can I understand this as your revenge on Nancy?" Miles said to Zhen Fan sadly, "Master... in my heart, you have always been a person with a broad mind. And... I have always thought that besides God, you are the person who loves this earth the most... It's like the tin man in "Transformers" saying that he is responsible for defending the earth!"

"Why does this sound like a declaration by the head of Al Qaeda?" Zhen Fan smiled when he looked at Miles, "Well, I really don't care about this matter, but... Miles, is it? Is there only me in this world who can do this? Don't forget the ring I gave you."

"Ring? Jade ring! Oh, god, oh, god, I know." Miles smiled at Zhen Fan, then pointed her finger, but Nancy did not respond, she still stood there, watching Looking at Zhen Fan and Miles, it is obvious that she has no idea what Zhen Fan and Miles are talking about.

"Let me come!" Zhen Fan said, squeezing a magic trick in his hand, and then pointed at the ring, Nancy Vergara suddenly turned into a clear shadow and got into the ring. Inside, "Keep this ring well. I can teach you the spell to open this ring at any time, but I hope you can make good use of it."

"But... why?" Miles opened his hand at Zhen Fan. "Why me and not you? I know it might be a bit weird. You used to collect those souls?"

"Because Nancy and I have no predestined relationship, but they do have it with you. So... it's better to take her in, otherwise, she can only wander outside! Usually, those who wander outside will have nothing. Good results!" Zhen Fan said, stretching his waist, "Okay. Let's go back, maybe we can still catch the morning plane." He said that he walked out of the lake, and suddenly after a few steps Just turned around. "By the way, tell Nancy, cherish it!"

"Treasure what?" Miles wanted to say to Zhen Fan, but Zhen Fan had already turned around and left. He couldn't help shrugging his shoulders. Then sighed, "Okay, okay, cherish it, is this talking about myself or Nancy?" He touched the jade ring.

The jade ring suddenly lit up, and then Nancy appeared in front of him. She didn't say anything, just rushed up and hugged Miles tightly. Then he kissed his face and said in a somewhat ecstatic voice, "God. Thank you for giving me such a good place. I feel that it is... very comfortable, and... it's like another world, free A free and unfettered world. I now finally understand why when Zhen told me that I should stay, but I chose to leave, the look in his eyes was so mocking, it turned out to be like this! I was born in blessing and knows no blessing Ah, thank you, Miles, you let me get his permission again!"

"This... originally had nothing to do with me..." Miles tried to explain, but was kissed by Nancy, and then turned into a blue light and disappeared in the jade ring, she was excited She didn't want to listen to Miles' explanation at all, she eagerly wanted to experience the feeling there again.

"Well, I feel like I have finally become a superfluous person!" Miles shrugged, "Perhaps I should go back to the clinic. Only there, I feel that I am a very useful person. The patients and Mia there need me, I should be in Los Angeles soon!" He also walked slowly outside.

This matter should have come to an end. As for the person behind Bayu, Miles did not ask. He could have asked, but... he suddenly felt that it was almost the same whether to ask or not. Even if you go to them yourself or kill them, there are still people who covet Zhen Fan's wine industry. As long as they are strong enough, they dare not act rashly. I believe that if even powerful people like Bayu were taken care of by themselves, then the interest groups behind them should be honest.

When Zhen Fan approached the airport waiting room, it was already over nine in the morning. At this moment, his phone rang, which made him miss Melissa again, and he needed someone to handle these things for himself. The call came from Bit. Zhen Fan thought about it and got it through.

"Well, I know what you are going to say, I will be back soon, is the script ready? Okay, I will come right away, if there is nothing wrong, I will hang up and I am waiting for the plane!" Zhen Fan Speaking quickly, there was almost no chance for Bit to speak.

"Wait, Zhen, do you know what I'm going to say?" Bit over there smiled, "Don't be nervous, actually... the script of the movie has just been completed, and it looks very suitable, of course... we will change it It became a special agent movie. You play a special agent in it, the kind with special effects!"

"Old-fashioned story!" Zhen Fan chuckled, "Okay, I'll talk about it when I get the script, I should board the plane, see you later, Bit!"

"Hey, hey, wait, wait, I'll just say one more sentence, don't hang up my phone in such a hurry, I know you must not board the plane, and it's still time. Don't sit in the lounge while drinking coffee Talk to me, I can smell the coffee in your hand!" Bit stopped Zhen Fan quickly over there.

Zhen Fan was taken aback. He was holding a cup of coffee in his hand, and he was sitting in the lounge. He looked around, and Bit didn't do it here. Does this guy really know himself so well? Zhen Fan couldn't help laughing. Then he said: "Well, for the sake of your mistake, tell me quickly, what else do you want to do?"

"Uh, good news, we have a party, and the other party hopes that you will also participate. This is a very good opportunity for you and for your career in Hollywood." Bit said.

"A gathering of famous people in your entertainment industry? Oh, forget it, that gathering is simply a party, messing up the relationship between men and women. I think I should be my decent man!" Zhen Fan said.

"Oh, come on, come here. This is not a party. It is a joint event held by several large film companies. Once a year, the organizer wants you to participate. Do you know why you have not been invited before? Not enough qualifications, now you have enough, if you enter this circle, then you have entered the hall of Hollywood, not afraid of your poor acting skills, anyway, they will praise you, even if it is to act those with sluggish expressions So-called hero movies, you will also get a lot of box office and remuneration!" Bit explained to Zhen Fan, "Okay, don't talk about this, hang up, you will call me when you get to Los Angeles, I will pick you up at the airport you!"

There was a blind tone on the phone, and Zhen Fan was stunned. He wanted to say a few more words. Unexpectedly, this guy would be faster than hanging up the phone himself. It’s another party, but listening to Bit’s tone, it’s not enough if you don’t go. This is the top circle in the entertainment industry, and now I’m in this circle. This should be my honor!

"Okay, okay, I'm very important now, should I speak to myself like this?" Zhen Fan smiled happily, then put the phone in his pocket and saw two four or five years old when he looked up 'S little girl is standing in front of her, smiling at herself. It seemed that he had stood in front of him for a while. And it seems that they are still twins, both with doll heads, with big eyes, round faces, and very cute.

"Hi, beauties, what do you want?" Zhen Fan smiled and bent over and waved to them, "Uh, I should say, beautiful ladies, right?"

"Are you Zhen?" one of them said to Zhen Fan.

"Yes, I'm Zhen, but... are you sure that the Zhen you're looking for is like me?" Zhen Fan smiled and blinked at the talking little girl, then smiled, "And... Are you twins?"

"Of course, I didn't expect you to ask such a stupid question. Just look at us and you will know that we are twins!" Another little girl smiled at Zhen Fan, showing a pair of big white teeth, "But...Neither do we I'm sure you are the Zhen we are looking for, even look a lot like him."

"So-beautiful ladies, how can I prove that I am the Zhen you are looking for?" Zhen Fan talked to the two little girls with great interest. To be honest, these two little girls are really cute, let People can't help but want to say a few more words to them, and the mood will become a little bit more The little girl who started talking again, she looked at Zhen Fan with a serious expression Said: "Well, mother told me, if you can tell who is our sister and who is our sister, then you are the Zhen we are looking for, can you?"

The little girl can’t lie, she has already seen it, this Zhen is the Zhen they are looking for, but they still want to identify it in the same way as their mother, so the two little girls both raised their small round faces and stared at the water. Wang Wang looked at Zhen Fan with a look of anticipation.

"Of course, no problem!" Zhen Fan looked at the little sister and laughed, then touched the face of the little **** the left and smiled, "You must be the older sister,, you must be the younger sister!" He turned his face and smiled at the little **** the right and said, "Am I right?"

"Of course, that's right, I know you must know it!" The little **** the right jumped up excitedly, and then smiled at Zhen Fan, "Can I take a picture with you? Please!"

"Why not?" Zhen Fan shrugged and looked around. Not far away, a blonde young woman was smiling and looking at them, and then he waved at him, "Hey, help me and you My daughter takes a picture together." (To be continued.)

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