The American Scripture

Chapter 907: Super Luxury Villa

I continue to code words!

The blonde young woman came over with a smile, and then took pictures of Zhen Fan and her two twin daughters, and then said "Thank you" to Zhen Fan. With these two little girls at the beginning, several people came over to take pictures with Zhen Fan. There were some Chinese traveling at the airport in New York, and found that someone was taking photos one by one, and also found that this person was Zhen Fan, so they swarmed over. The tour guide didn't listen to anything there, anyway, just taking pictures.

Zhen Fan met the requirements one by one. After getting on the plane, they found that the two little girls and their mother were beside Zhen Fan. The young blond nodded and smiled at Zhen Fan, and the two little girls winked at Zhen Fan and smiled. With. But they didn't ask anything more until the plane arrived in Los Angeles.

But these two little girls and young women went to different places from Zhen Fan's. Zhen Fan waved goodbye to them, and then ran into Bit. He was looking around. Zhen Fan was standing behind him. I don’t know, until Zhen Fan patted him. This was a shock. stand up.

"You scared me!" Bit turned his lips at Zhen Fan, "Change clothes and follow me to meet them!" Then he pulled Zhen Fan into the car.

"I have to go home, my clothes are at home!" Zhen Fan said quickly.

"I have. We are about the same figure. You can wear my clothes. Just wear a suit. Don't be so formal. Of course, don't be so casual!" Bit smiled and drove away without waiting for Zhen Fan to say anything. In the car, Bit said to Zhen Fan, "I have a suit on my back seat. Try it yourself!"

Zhen Fan saw it really. Bit thinks enough. This set of clothes is definitely something he has prepared for Zhen Fan. Zhen Fan fits them very well. He nodded and laughed: "I don't believe my body is like yours. Fit, did you measure my body proportions secretly?"

"I'm not gay. Don't think of me that way, I like women!" Bit scolded with a smile.

"Well, I think so, anyway, I will tell you about the clothes later, where are we going?" Zhen Fan asked, "Why look like the road to Billy Foshan Village? Where is the party? ?"

"Yes. It's there, but it's different from your direction. The Hilltop Villa is very big, with three of yours. There are more than a dozen servants, and there are more than 30 rooms. The super large swimming pool and lobby, as well as a private cinema, can seat a hundred people.” Bit said with a smile at Zhen Fan, “This is the life that a tasteful and rich man should live. I suggest you also change to a villa. , You have too many women to live in!"

Zhen Fan nodded seriously and said: "I am thinking about it. The villa is a bit small, especially after the addition of children, it becomes more crowded. I will introduce a real estate company to me the next day, and I decided to change to a larger one. Uh, it’s better to have more than 20 rooms, and the pool must also be big."

"You are ready for more than one hundred million dollars, I can help you find a very luxurious one. Definitely enough for twenty rooms. But did you know? The villa in Billy Foshan Village. The most luxurious house will never let people If you take a photo, if you see someone on the Internet, if the house in Billy Foshan Village claims to be the most luxurious. That is absolutely wrong, don't believe them!" Bit smiled. "Today I will let you know what is called super luxury."

"Super luxurious? It's great. Why do I listen to your tone, I am the position of a hillbilly!" Zhen Fan smiled at Bit, then tidyed up the clothes on her body, and also a very certified general bow tie. .

"No, no, no, don’t wear a bow tie, we don’t need this." Bit said quickly when she saw Zhen Fan finishing the bow tie, "The best way is to be extremely non-serious and not casually dressed. Wearing a black high-end suit and loosening the neckline of the white shirt by two, it looks perfect."

"There is also this way? Can I think of it as the rich people wanting to return to the basics? Since they are not serious, why do they wear suits again?" Zhen Fan said with a smile, "I really don't understand the rich world Up!"

"Are you also a rich person? Your wealth has grown tremendously in recent years, especially after your wine was launched, the output is large, the sales volume is high, and the price is expensive. There is no more black-hearted businessman than you! "Bit chuckled, "Do you know that this club has an alias?"

"Club? Another name?" Zhen Fan shrugged, "I really don't know."

"Reject the tie club!" Bit said, "This reputation directly expresses what they mean. That is to say, what kinds of parties they refuse, of course, only attend the parties of their own club members. And at parties. , They never talk about official business, just eating, drinking and having fun!"

"Reject the tie?" Zhen Fan was delighted when he heard it, "Aha-I know that rich people always play differently, well, today I will also go to see your gameplay!"

The car drove steadily to the top of the mountain, and then stopped in a small parking lot. There were already more than a dozen cars parked here, all low-key luxury cars, such as classic Rolls-Royce. , None of them are sports cars. It seems that the people here have the kind of unassuming personality.

"Okay, let's go in!" After Bit parked the car, he and Zhen Fan walked towards a large, half-moon-shaped building complex. Yes, it should be called a building complex. Now Zhen Fan has really seen what a huge villa looks like.

"Well, I admit, it is indeed a lot of big and luxurious." Zhen Fan looked at a lawn with various sculptures and pools they were passing through, then said to Bit, "Super big, in the future. I also want to buy such a large... half of it will do, which is too big for me, even though... there are more people in my family."

"Haha... Do you know what I thought when I first saw this place?" Bit said, "If I am destined to die here all the time, I would rather not have such a big house, even if I only have A small house, I will die next to my friends and relatives. They will stay with me!"

"You mean, you would rather not have such a villa, even if you die in a small broken house?" Zhen Fan asked, "Is there any problem with my understanding, is it?"

"Of course, that's what I think, because I feel that such a big house and there is only one person makes me feel that I am alone. This feeling is inversely proportional to the size of the house. The greater the greater the loneliness." When Bit said this, he felt like a philosopher.

"Well, I can understand your thoughts. If one day you are going to die, you must tell me, give me your villa, and then I will arrange a small broken house for you in the outskirts of Los Angeles, and then I will invite you. All my friends will see you off in the house." Zhen Fan actually said very seriously, "I think this attention is very good, don’t be afraid, I will satisfy your wish, your house is big enough, which will let you I must feel lonely, right?"

"Oh, my God, I shouldn't have come with you. If someone hears that, I definitely don't think you are my friend." Bit smiled at Zhen Fan, "We're here!" He was talking, They have already reached the door of the hall, and there is a very decent waiter in front of the door, who bows to invite Bit and Zhen Fan.

"There is no invitation card or anything to prove identity?" Zhen Fan asked.

"No, because basically they only invite people they know!" Bit chuckled, "Well, it's nonsense, let's go in." He sorted out the suit on his body and walked into the lobby. in.

As soon as she entered, Zhen Fan was really stunned, as if she had entered a beautiful castle in a fairy tale world. The layout here is very gorgeous, and even the wine glasses the waiter brought them were made of crystal. The crystal cup is filled with Zhen Fan’s h?c?d wine, this kind of wine, as long as Zhen Fan smells it, he knows it belongs to him.

"Ahem...I was invited in because of the wine or your relationship?" Zhen Fan finally couldn't help but said this sentence, and then looked at Bit dumbfounded.

Bit also lowered his head and coughed twice, and then smiled: "To be precise, it is your wine, and of course your current identity and status have entered the eyes of these people, so they have a common The result that is to let you join their club."

"Well, I'll consider it!" Zhen Fan nodded and said seriously.

Bit was a little speechless. He looked at the formation and said helplessly: "Others heard that as long as they can join this club, they will be so happy to die. They will join in without even thinking about it, but you still have to If you think about it, you know how many years this club has existed? It’s over ninety years, and it’s almost taken up the entire time of American film history. But when you heard that you’re going to join, the first One said it should be considered!"

"Such a long history? Well, I... still consider it!" Zhen Fan nodded and said seriously.

"Okay, okay, you're amazing!" Bit was speechless in an instant, and then took Zhen Fan directly into the hall.

This is a super luxurious party, most of the people in the hall are old men, of course there are middle-aged people, and some in their 30s. The young ones are the waiters and the beautiful women dancing with the men in the hall! So, the real members in this club. They are all middle-aged and elderly people, and of course the youngest person is Zhen Fan, who just came in. (To be continued)

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