Chapter 104 : Kunlun Mountain Bestows Sanqing! Rob Ancient World Heavenly Dao!

Ye Tian cast a glance at both of them.

Well, if you two don’t ask, I will really treat it as forgetting this, and I won’t give you anything! Since I ask, as an uncle, I can’t favor one another, and it’s too obvious that it’s not in Ye Tian’s heart. Thinking about it this way, although I don’t like the original and daddy, but they are all their own children, I still have to help more or less.

“All have, everyone has!”

“Your uncle has nothing else, but I can’t count the many treasures.”

“The richest man in Ancient World, who is it?”

With the great treasure house and endless great luck, all the treasures of the entire Chaos Ancient World are in Ye Tian’s bag! As long as he wants it, there is nothing that he can’t get.

“Nine Five Zero”

“Wait for the uncle to show you, what treasure is best for you!”

Speaking of Ye Tian’s hand, he directly stretched into the void, picking and searching inside.

The eyes of the original and daddy were shining in an instant, I can’t wait.

“Come on! Found it!”

Ye Tian slowly stretched out his hand from the void, holding two pieces of Innate treasures that flashed with aura! Seeing these two treasures, even the ancient World Heavenly Dao on the side couldn’t help but jump his eyelids.

“Two more Innate superb spirit treasures!”

“This kind of treasure is too wasteful for them who are still Xuanxian now!”

“Uncle is really, this shot is also a little bit magnificent.”

Ancient World Heavenly Dao kept muttering in his heart.

These two treasures, like the Qingping Sword, are both Innate’s best spirit treasures! One is a white and flawless Duster, which shows that Transcendent is refined and does not catch the air of dust.

This object is called Taiyi Duster.

One is the Ruyi Scepter, a jade that is full of glowing glow. It is inlaid with three Promise Orbs, which are cyan, blue and red, corresponding to the “sun, moon and star”.

Sanguang, Xia corresponds to “Heaven, Earth and People”

Three talents.

On the handle of Ruyi Scepter, there are also nine charming five-clawed golden dragons, and the end of Ruyi Scepter.

There is also a five-fortune pattern, Spiritual Qi, full! This treasure is called the Ruyi Scepter of the Three Treasures! Seeing these two treasures, the daddy and the original eyes are straight!! !”

“One is Taiyi Duster, and the other is Sanbao Jade Ruyi Scepter. Both are extraordinary, and the magical uses are endless!”

“When you practice and realize Heavenly Dao, you can sort out the secrets of heaven and show your majesty. The power is infinite!”

Ye Tian took the two treasures in his hand and said slowly.

Both of these treasures, like Qingping Sword, were made of ten green lotus.

At that time, the lotus leaf of Jingshi Qinglian was transformed into, and its Lotus flower was transformed into Ruyi Scepter, and the lotus root transformed into Taiyi Duster! Red flower, white lotus root and green lotus leaf, three treasures and one lotus! So, the ten After the second rank Jing Shi Qinglian split, they are all here now.

“These two Innate Supreme Spirit Treasures, you two have a look, which one you want each”

As soon as Ye Tian’s voice fell, the daddy and the original voice immediately rang, vying for one another!

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“Uncle! I want Taiyi Duster!”

daddy shouted! “Uncle, I choose Ruyi Scepter!”

Originally screamed! Fortunately, the two of them didn’t both fancy one at the same time, or I’m afraid they will have to fight again.

So daddy took the Taiyi Duster, and the original Samboyu Ruyi Scepter, both of them were very happy! “Thank you, uncle!!”

This time these two people had learned well, and thanked Ye Tian with a smile on their faces.

Ye Tian waved his hand: “My family, there is no need to be so polite.”

After he finished speaking, he turned his head and looked at Ancient World Heavenly Dao, who had been standing aside, “Hey, Xiao Tiantian, my meeting gift has already been given.”

“As a big Dage in the same school, don’t you want to show your heart?”

Ancient World Heavenly Dao, who was suddenly called out by Ye Tian, ​​was taken aback, and his face was dull.

“I want to give it too”

He was a little dumbfounded, but he was dozing off in the sky nicely, and was cut down by your old man with a single sword. I didn’t say that I wanted to see them! “Yeah”

Ye Tian raised his eyebrows, “If you are a Dage, you should take care of it and care about the little brothers!”

“As Dage, are you embarrassed not to give it”

As soon as Ye Tian’s voice fell to the sky, the original three and the daddy 3 looked at Ancient World Heavenly Dao.

“Good Dage! I wish Dage everything, Ruyi Scepter!”

This time the three people were very tacitly unanimous, and all bowed to Ancient World Heavenly Dao to salute.

“Yes, isn’t this forcing me to take out something and come out”

Ancient World Heavenly Dao cried a face, and said helplessly towards Ye Tian: “Uncle, you also know that I was just cut down by your sword. The rush of falling, really didn’t bring any meeting gifts. , You say this, hehehe”

He was going to sell a wave of misery, let Ye Tian dispel this idea.

However, where did Ye Tian care about him so much, he had already planned in his heart! Ye Tian waved his hand: “It’s okay, you don’t need any treasures.”

“I think there are some things on your body that are quite good now, and they are suitable for them to use now.”

Ye Tian squinted and looked at Ancient World Heavenly Dao, the incarnation of Heavenly Dao ruler. This can be said to be treasures all over the body! Just a little bit, it is already far superior to the ordinary spirit treasures! As soon as this word comes out, then Ancient World Heavenly Dao was an agitated spirit, and immediately jumped back and hugged his arms tightly, like a girl who had been robbed, looking at this eccentric Big 5 with a panic expression on her face.

Uncle 2: “Uncle, what do you want to do”

Inexplicably, there is a bad premonition floating in the heart of Ancient World Heavenly Dao.

It feels like something bad will happen! Ye Tian shrugged, touched his nose indifferently, looked at Ancient World Heavenly Dao, and then said with a little embarrassment: “Ahem, it’s nothing, Don’t be too scared, just a little bit of stuff.”

Seeing Ye Tian’s abnormal appearance, Ancient World Avenue shuddered involuntarily. He frowned and asked suspiciously: “What?”

He really couldn’t believe it in his heart, the eccentric uncle in front of him, who knows what he is doing! It is estimated that he will cut the meat again this time!! Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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