Chapter 105 : Kaitian merit! Rob Heavenly Dao! -Ask for subscription, ask for automatic subscription! Ask for various data!


Ye Tian smiled, and then slowly stretched out three fingers.

“Open Heaven! Give each of them 10%:!”

Ye Tian hasn’t finished speaking yet, as soon as Ancient World Heavenly Dao on the opposite side heard “Open Heaven Merit”

In just four words, he knew that the situation was not good. He already knew what Ye Tian was making! “Fuck,! Uncle, you are so cruel! You are killing me!”

His heart sank in an instant, his face changed drastically, and he kicked his feet directly.

“Uncle, I still have something urgent, I’m leaving first, you guys talk slowly!!”

Ancient World Heavenly Dao left a sentence directly turned into a blue smoke and flew towards the sky, and soon disappeared into the vast sky, and he was no longer visible.

In just a moment of effort, Ancient World Heavenly Dao escaped, and I didn’t know where to hide in that…corner.

“Uncle, Dage is bigger than him”

The Tongtian trio looked at Ye Tian together, a little embarrassed.30 They didn’t expect that Dage would run away in a sudden.


Don’t worry, that guy can’t run.”

Ye Tian waved his hand, looked over the top of his head and shouted: “Xiao Tiantian, how can a brother be so stingy?”

“Your three little brothers are just golden immortals now, are you not going to help?”

Soon, Ancient World Heavenly Dao’s depressed voice begging for mercy came over his head: “Uncle! I didn’t say no to help, but this thing, I really can’t give it!”

“I only have a lot of merits to open the sky, it is the blood of my body, the flesh of my body, how can this be given away casually”

“Uncle, you can do it, forgive me.”

Ye Tian sighed and shook his head: “Big nephew, it would be meaningless if you said that.”

“Since you are not conscious of it, you can only ask the uncle to help you.”

Ye Tian just stretched out his hand as he said.


There was a loud noise, and under the thunder and lightning, a dark figure fell directly from the sky, rolling all the way to Ye Tian’s front.


Ye Tian raised his foot to stop the opponent’s rolling momentum.

“Xiao Tiantian, you are toasting and not eating!”

Ye Tian has a good face for his cheap big nephew, Ancient World Heavenly Dao.

This Ancient World Heavenly Dao is not used for the three of them.

This big nephew, but Ancient World Heavenly Dao, the master of this world, in addition to his own Dao Sage, in this Ancient World world, Ancient World Heavenly Dao is the absolute first master! So don’t look at this kid now, In fact, that’s what Xiaoqi Bara deliberately pretended to show Ye Tian, ​​in order not to be robbed by Ye Tian too cruel.

In front of Ye Tian, ​​he is an obedient and obedient nephew, but in front of other Ancient World creatures, he is extremely majestic, the supreme Heavenly Dao dominates!

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He is dominated by Heavenly Dao, is he still poor, at least those spirit treasures and the like will definitely not be missing! And because of this, facing such a big nephew, Ye Tian does not rule who he will kill Ancient World Heavenly Dao. Ye Tian’s primary goal to be robbed, the great families of Ancient World! “To help the strong and help the weak, to rob the rich and help the poor”

Probably it is Ye Tian’s current thinking.

Ye Tian didn’t bother to talk nonsense with him anymore, and directly reached the top of Ancient World Heavenly Dao with one hand.

“Uncle! What are you doing! Don’t mess around!”

Ancient World Heavenly Dao looked uneasy.

“Without further ado!”

“If you ask you to give a meeting gift, you don’t want to give it to you. If you want to open the sky and hide it, if this is the case, then don’t blame your uncle and me!”

Ye Tian didn’t bother to pay attention to him directly, and turned to look at the three Tongtian brothers: “You three come here, this is a good thing!”

The Tongtian trio 3 crowded up looking expectantly, a little curious about what it was.

Ye Tian slowly lowered the head cover of Ancient World Heavenly Dao with one hand, and immediately Ancient World Heavenly Dao was in a daze.

A trace of Ruo Ruo Ruo Wu’s golden yellow luck emerged from the top of his head and condensed in Ye Tian’s palm.

The last three clusters of gold mixed color air flow slowly turned in Ye Tian’s palm, the aura was extremely holy and full of aura, and contained an incomparably mysterious Heavenly Dao opportunity.

“This is the heaven-opening merits. Back then, your father, Pan Gu, opened the heavens and the earth, but he regretted his death. Therefore, all these heaven-opening merits were temporarily stored in Xiao Tiantian’s body for safekeeping.”

“The three of you brothers, as the authentic blood descendants of Pan Gu, should have this part of the Kaitian merits.

So now I have drawn 30% of the Kaitian merits and distributed 10% to each of you three:!”

Tongtian, the original and the daddy trio 3 had their eyes wide open, and their mouths couldn’t close a glance in surprise. All three of them were shocked by Ye Tian’s god-tier pass! “Opening the sky! Is it that way?”

“10% per person: Make merit!!”

The three of them looked closely at the three groups of Heaven-opening merits, their eyes flashed, and their hearts were excited, and their faces showed ecstasy! Ye Tian finished extracting these 30% of the Heaven-opening merits, and spoke earnestly to their three brothers. Said: “These 30% of the heavenly opening merits are incomparably mysterious. Each of them contains a huge Heavenly Dao opportunity, which can allow you to practice Insight for thousands of miles. At the same time, this is also the basis for the three of you to prove the way in the future!”

“You have to take it well, don’t let me down!”

Tongtian, Yuanyuan and Daddy looked solemn at once, and their faces were serious and serious. They solemnly bowed to Ye Tian and said: “Be careful to follow the uncle’s teachings, and I will live up to the uncle’s expectations!”

Ye Tian nodded, and with a light wave of his hand, the three groups of Heaven-Opening Merit directly sank into the body of the three people 3, and disappeared in a flash.

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