Chapter 130 : Dare to do something with Ye Tian? Hong Jun’s guardian Movement Technique treasure! –Please support!

“Who is it that gave you the courage!”

Under Ye Tian’s angry rebuke, there was a sudden tremor in the entire palace! “This Ancient World ancestor is really not easy to talk!”

Hong Jun was also shocked by this rage, and his heart was instantly panicked! But the little Heavenly Dao, as well as the three brothers Tongtian, Yuan and Daddy, were all shocked.

“The uncle is angry now, I think this old guy is going to be finished.”

Little Heavenly Dao murmured to himself, and the three Tongtian brothers also nodded their heads in a very tacit understanding.Everyone agreed.

As long as he offends his uncle and makes his uncle angry, no one will ever end well! Of course, except for their relatives and nephews! Facing Ye Tian’s scolding, Hong Jun’s face blushes, and there is something on his face. I couldn’t hang it anymore, and there was a faint anger in my heart.

“Hmph, I am still the pinnacle power of Quasi-Sage Dzogchen!”

“How can you humiliate me so much”

Hong Jun directly replied, feeling indignant! He thought that although the other party was the ancestor of the famous Ancient World, but after all, he was only the same as himself, at most only the Realm of the quasi-sage! After all, this ancient world is now in the world. , At present, there is not enough opportunity to make people sanctified, so no one has been able to become a true Chaos Sage! So he concluded that the ancestor of the Ancient World in front of him, at most, is the strength of the Quasi-Sage Peak Realm. It’s just that I’m a little stronger! So after thinking about this, Hong Jun’s courage has become a little bit bolder.

Ye Tian heard Hong Jun’s words, but he was very angry and laughed: “The power of the quasi-sage peak”

“So what! It’s not just an ant at the foot of this seat!”

Ye Tian pointed at Hong Jun and said coldly: “Even if I humiliate you, what can you do?”

“You polite old man!”

Ye Tian was merciless and cursed directly! “You! You! Do you dare to insult me ​​like this!!”

“An dare to do this!!”

Hong Jun suddenly became anxious, his face flushed, and his anger surged! “You and I are just quasi saints! Why should I be afraid of you!”

“The big deal is a fight! The fish die and the net is broken! You can’t get it!”

“Since my self-transformation was born, no one has ever dared to humiliate me like this! I really can’t swallow this breath today!”

Hong Jun thought so in his heart! “Ancestor of Ancient World! Don’t deceive others too!”

“I Hong Jun is not afraid of you!!”

Hong Jun finally couldn’t help it anymore, the anger in his chest burst out! Layers of dazzling golden light shrouded his body, which is powerful at first sight! Hong Jun is really moving!! “Oh”

Ye Tian narrowed his eyes and sneered, “Why are you planning to do something with me?”

As soon as Ye Tian said this, the surrounding temperature dropped suddenly, and it was bitterly cold.

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Move! “Awful! The ancestor of Ancient World is even scarier than I thought!”

Hong Jun is secretly screaming now! But after all, the words have already been released, and now it is too soft to have no face. How can I mix “what is it!” in Ancient World in the future.

Hong Jun gritted his teeth, bit his scalp, and shouted, rather spineless.

Even if he knows that Ye Tian is very powerful, but Hong Jun doesn’t want to bend his head, after all, he feels that he is not too weak! Because he still has a killer, and the big trump card has not come out! Once the sacrifice comes out, whoever is the one who will die, then it is not Let’s talk!! Hong Jun thought of this in his heart, and he was quite confident, and his heart settled down a little.

But when these words came out, not only did Ye Tian sneered, but even the little Heavenly Dao who was watching the excitement on the side couldn’t help but shook his head and sneered.

“Idiot! Now begging for mercy may be able to let you go, but I don’t know how to be self-righteous!”

“A quasi-sage who is so ignorant would dare to offend his uncle so ignorantly, and even thinking about doing it, he is simply seeking his own death!”

Now in the eyes of Little Heavenly Dao, the Hong Jun in front of him is no different from a dead person.

Ye Tian looked at the ignorant and fearless Hong Jun in front of him, and gently raised his right hand, pointing to Hong Jun.

“For so many years, people who dare to do something with this seat.”

“Not one has survived yet.”

Ye Tian shook his head and looked at Hong Jun, gently pressing his palm down.

“You are no exception!”

As soon as the voice fell, over the entire Great Hall, I suddenly felt a wave of pressure falling from the sky, and suppressed Hong Jun by myself! This was just a casual move, Ye Tian soldiers did not deliberately charge, but controlled the power in the strength of Sage Left and right: nothing more

The fury of thunder is attacking from all sides! Feeling the oppression of the surrounding space, and the enormous pressure above his head, Hong Jun’s face has changed greatly! He has displayed all his best, the whole body defense is wide, and all the Movement Technique treasures are displayed, accurate The strength of the saint has been exerted to the extreme! However, the strength of the quasi saint is the place where Ye Tian waved. Deformation of oppression! At this moment of life and death, Hong Jun’s treasure of body protection is instantly excited! A huge, dazzling golden Lotus flower slowly floats from Hong Jun’s feet, and a golden Lotus flower opens and gives birth to There are countless thousands of lotus flowers! There are ten second ranks on the lotus flower. Layers of golden light are shining, dazzling and dazzling, and the appearance is extraordinary! As soon as the golden lotus comes out, Hong Jun’s whole person is instantly covered by the golden light reflected by the golden lotus.

Isolate all the attacks from the outside, and wrap Hong Jun’s whole person, not hurt! At this moment, Hong Jun is sitting on the lotus platform, and the defense is amazing under the rising weather! The ten second rank Jinlian came out, and it was really worth it. Withstands Ye Tian’s casual blow, it can be seen that this golden lotus must have an extraordinary origin and a very high grade! Ye Tian squinted slightly, looking at the golden Lotus flower under Hong Jun’s seat, and frowned slightly.

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