Chapter 131 : Hong Jun of the frog at the bottom of the well! Break the golden lotus! –Please support! !

“It turned out to be the ten second rank merit golden lotus”

“Unexpectedly, it fell into your hands!”

Ye Tian’s tone is quite emotional, because this golden lotus treasure has something to do with him! This golden lotus is nothing else, it is the ten second rank meritorious golden lotus of Innate’s best spirit treasure!! The past life history of this golden lotus can be It is said that there is a fate that cannot be solved with Ye Tian! Because this ten second rank merit green lotus is transformed from that chaotic treasure, the chaotic blue lotus! Pan Gu opened the sky and split the earth because of the chaotic blue lotus. Unable to withstand the penalty of opening the sky, it collapsed between the heavens and the earth! And on the Chaos Qinglian, there are a total of five lotus seeds, and one of the mature lotus seeds has turned into a thirty sixth rank pure green lotus.

Later, the Qinglian Qinglian was divided into three into Qingpingjian, Taiyi Duster and Three Treasures were like “Nine Five Zero”

Yi, was bestowed by Ye Tian to the three brothers, Tongtian, Yuanyuan and Daddy, as a meeting ceremony! In addition, the remaining immature lotus seeds of Chaos Qinglian, one of them turned into Innate’s best spirit treasure— -Twelve merits golden lotus! This is what Ye Tian sees now, Hong Jun’s defense of the Movement Technique treasure! Chaos Qinglian was originally owned by Pan Gu, and was later given to Ye Tian, ​​it can be said to have a great deal with Ye Tian Karma.

Therefore, seeing the ten second-rank merit golden lotus used by Hong Jun at this time, Ye Tian couldn’t help but feel a little inexplicable.

No wonder being outside the mountain gate just now, I could feel this Hong Jun’s body from a distance, and there was a trace of Ye Tian’s familiar aura.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be because of the golden lotus of the ten second rank merit! “Huh”

“Why do you recognize this ten second-rank merit golden lotus”

Hong Jun asked in amazement, this is the first time he has used this ten second-rank merit golden lotus in front of others.It should be the case that no one has seen it before.

But why did the ancestor of the Ancient World seem to be able to accurately call the name of the ten second rank Jinlian, the spiritual treasure, Hong Jun suddenly wondered! It is a pity that Ye Tian just looked at him coldly, but it is fundamental Too lazy to answer him.

Why recognize this is simply a big joke for Ye Tian! Because this sword ten second rank merit golden lotus should originally belong to Ye Tian’s treasure! As the original owner, Ye Tian, ​​would he not recognize this? Ye Tian was a little depressed in his heart.

Seeing that my former treasure is now falling apart, scattered everywhere in the world, and obtained by countless people.

And this one appeared in front of him, and it was used by others to fight against himself, which made Ye Tian a little bit embarrassed.

Such a thing, but I don’t know how many more will happen in the future! Ye Tian couldn’t help but feel a little lost for a while.

Seeing that Ye Tian didn’t answer this question, Hong Jun didn’t bother to explore anymore. Anyway, he is safe now! After all, life is the most important thing! At this time, Hong Jun is hiding in the ten second rank merit golden lotus. The expression on his heart was full of joy, and his face showed a touch of complacency.

“Huh, the ancestor of Ancient World is nothing more than that!”

“This ten second-rank merit golden lotus is invincible in defense. What can I do now!”

In his opinion, he definitely sacrificed this ten second-rank merit golden lotus bodyguard, so the opponent can’t break the golden lotus defense.

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Yu, there is no way to use himself! This ten second-rank merit golden lotus was obtained by accident in a secret place in the world of Ancient World.

It is also considered to be a deep blessing, good fortune is not shallow, it is the strongest body defense Lingbao currently possessed by Hong Jun! At the moment, Hong Jun is a little proud, and he sits on the lotus platform pretendingly, and his eyes turn , Ready to find a step for yourself, talk to the other side and stop soldiers! “Ahem!”

Hong Jun cleared his throat and looked at Ye Tian.

“The ancestor of Ancient World, you can force this seat to use this golden lotus of ten second rank merits of the protective treasure.

Hong Jun brushed his long white beard, and said leisurely within the golden lotus: “This ten second-rank merit golden lotus in this seat is the best spiritual treasure of Innate. Sitting on the lotus platform, the defense is invincible. You can’t break me. Defensive!”

“If that’s the case, you shouldn’t stop here, what about you and me?”

Hong Jun slowly said, the old treacherous thoughts changed sharply, and he added: “Don’t let the lofty Kunlun Mountain, I’m afraid I can’t help the fight between you and me!”

This last sentence seems to remind Ye Tian, ​​but it is a vague threat to Ye Tian. If you dare to continue to fight, not only will you not be pleased, but your entire Kunlun Mountain will be uneasy, and I am afraid it will be destroyed. Going for the most part! Hong Jun deserves to have been walking Ancient World for many years, and it really is very scheming. What he said is not leaking, and it is impossible to refute! Facing Hong Jun’s words, Ye Tian is really a little depressed and wants to vomit blood. NS.

Even the little Heavenly Dao heard from the side is a bit Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

Really ignorant people are fearless, dare to talk to Ye Tian like this! In front of Ye Tian, ​​Hong Jun didn’t even have the opportunity to make a move, so he dared to speak so loudly! “It’s really a frog at the bottom of the well, I don’t know the vastness of the world!”

Ye Tian shook his head and sneered: “Do you really think this seat can’t break the defense of this golden lotus”


Ye Tian flicked his sleeves directly, only to see Hong Jun seated, the blooming gold began to shatter inch by inch, and his body defenses instantly collapsed! Hong Jun’s eyes were shocked and shocked, and he couldn’t believe it! Innate’s best spirit treasure, the ten second rank meritorious golden lotus, also trembled suddenly and violently at this moment.

Finally suddenly from the middle 5.

2 It exploded and blasted Hong Jun’s whole person out, and fell directly outside the palace. Under the disheveled hair, his face was pale and blood was vomiting at the mouth! It was already seriously injured! The ten second rank merit golden lotus is floating above Hong Jun’s head at this time.

However, the Spiritual Qi is already greatly reduced up and down, and Jinlian’s golden light has just begun to become: dimmed.

Among them, Spiritual Qi, greatly diminished, and the golden light began to become: dimmed! Hong Jun lay down outside the gate of Yuxu Palace, vomiting red blood, panicking in his heart! “Unexpectedly, he is so powerful!”

“It’s so terrifying!!”

At this moment, Hong Jun deeply felt the horror and power of Ye Tian. He knew that he was not an opponent. Watching Ye Tian slowly walk out of the palace gate, he was finally scared! Fei Lu reminds you: Three things to learn from

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