Chapter 132 : Hong Jun’s conspiracy! The time of death is approaching! –Please support!

“Hong Jun!”

“Today, it’s your death date!”

Ye Tian slowly stepped out of the palace gate, step by step down the jade steps, and said coldly.

He gently lifted one hand, and gathered countless cold glows in his palm, ready to completely end Hong Jun! At this time, Hong Jun showed pain on his face, and his heart was desperate. He looked at the figure of Ye Tian slowly approaching, and his heart was really unwilling. Wrath! “Ancestor of Ancient World!”

“I admit that I did offend you this time by accepting a disciple, because I don’t know that you are the uncle of the three of them! This can be considered excusable!”

“But even so, I am not going to die.”

“I, Hong Jun, is seriously injured now and I have received your punishment!”

“Why are you trying so hard now!”

“Why do you have to kill me all the time, you have to be self and death”

When Hong Jun asked this question, even Daddy Yuan and others were very confused.

Yes, this old Taoist leader is just planning to accept them as disciples, which is a good intention.

Even if the uncle disagrees, he directly refused to drive away 30 pairs. It is convenient, but why do you have to fight, you have to kill the other party, and then be willing to give up? This is where they are puzzled, and it feels very strange. So I am also very curious! Among the mystery of this, among the few people, I am afraid that only the little Heavenly Dao can understand the reason.

Ye Tian’s shot this time is definitely not a moment of anger, just for it at will! But there is a reason to have to kill Hong Jun!! At this moment, facing Hong Jun’s grief and indignation, Ye Tian squinted his eyes and asked, “Why do you want to kill? Don’t you, don’t you know?”

Hong Jun couldn’t help but was shocked, shocked in his heart.

“Did he notice it?”

“Impossible! Only I know about this matter, it is impossible for him to know!”

He lowered his head slightly, the cunning in his eyes flashed away, and his mind moved.

Indeed, this time he traveled to Kunlun Mountain, he did not do it at will, but came here deliberately! And the reason for this, only he knows! That’s why he would be scammed and kidnapped at all costs, thinking All three Tongtian brothers are to be accepted as apprentices and brought to West Kunlun! Everything behind this has an ulterior purpose! That’s why Hong Jun at this moment is panicked, worried that Ye Tian will see him. Attempt! He settled, hardened his scalp, and raised his head to look at Ye Tian.

“Ancestor of Ancient World, I really don’t know what you are talking about!”

“Hong Jun and you have no grievances and no grudges, and I hope you can let me go!”

Facing Hong Jun’s begging for mercy, Ye Tian remained unmoved. “Hong Jun, you really don’t see the coffin or cry!”

“Do you really think that you don’t know what Ruyi Scepter is doing?”

“Your purpose, this seat is already here!”

A trace of panic flashed in Hong Jun’s eyes, but he bit, “I don’t know what you are talking about!”

“Huh! It’s still pretending to be garlic now! What a shame!”

Ye Tian snorted coldly.

“You probably already know the true identities of their three brothers, right”

Hong Jun remained silent and did not answer.

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At this time, A Liang Tongtian, the original and the Daddy 3 are also very curious.

What is Ye Tian going to say next, and what is the so-called purpose of Hong Jun’s conspiracy?

Ye Tian finally said slowly, and finally revealed the truth: “You know that the three of them are transformed by the Pan Gu Yuanshen, belong to the authentic line of Pan Gu, have their own great fortune, great merit, and great opportunity! ”

“So you want to take them three as disciples, and let Pan Gu’s authentic bloodline become your disciples of Hong Jun!”

“Yes and not”

Ye Tian shouted coldly, Hong Jun’s entire body trembled involuntarily, and cold sweat fell on his forehead.

I dare not nod at all to admit this fact! “Since this way, as the master of the three of them, your status and status will naturally rise, and you will benefit infinitely!”

“Become a three-person 3 teacher, with immense merit!”

“That way you can get the recognition of this world, and you will have a lot of luck.”

“At the same time, they can intercept their luck that originally belonged to the three of them and transfer them to your own body!”

“Then you can break through the bottleneck, and use them to prove yourself to the Hunyuan Saint position!”

“All of this is your secret plan, deep thoughts!”

“You use them deliberately in an attempt to use the three of them 3 as the stepping stones for your cultivation, so that you can help yourself reach the supreme in the future!”

“This is not it”

After Ye Tian said something, he directly yelled at Hong Jun! This is all a terrifying conspiracy that Hong Jun has planned for a long time! At this moment, Hong Jun’s face is pale, and he is shocked and speechless! Wrong, this is all his plan! He was guided secretly, knowing that there is an authentic bloodline transformed by Pan Gu Yuanshen on Kunlun Mountain, so he came here specially under the guidance! In an attempt to accept Pan Gu’s authentic Sanqing as a disciple , So as to cut off Pan Gu’s good luck and gain the merits of heaven and earth! Only in this way can he increase his chances of becoming holy! He went to Kunlun Mountain, pretended to befriend the original daddy, and then accepted them as disciples. Bring them back to West Kunlun and earn them under the 950 of your own Xuan family! That way, you can strengthen your own luck, with many benefits and infinite benefits! Hearing these words, at this time Tongtian, primitive and daddy, all have been thoroughly I was shocked! They never thought that this Hong Jun Daoist, who they always thought to be kind and kind, was such a shameless person! With a deep heart, everything before was actually his disguise, in order to use them in the future and want to take them from them. To get the most benefits and value! It is shameless and extremely shameless! Insidious and cunning! After knowing the truth, the faces of Yuan and Daddy blushed slightly, and they were extremely ashamed and very afraid.

I was almost sold by someone just now, but I was still helping others to count the money and was used by others, and I had been helping Hong Jun to reprimand Tongtian just now!! Thinking about it now, that’s really stupid. ! “This Hong Jun! It’s a shame!”

“We still trust him like this!”

Both of them are ashamed, and hate this Hong Jun! “Why, now you have nothing to say”

After Ye Tian finished speaking, he began to slowly walk towards Hong Jun’s purple qi rising, murderous aura billowing! “I have said everything clearly, now, let this seat take you on the road!”

Hong Jun, this person, will definitely kill! To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei

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