Chapter 159 : Qilin territory, mysterious little girl in red! –Please support!

Everyone was stunned by the surrounding scene.

This kind of cultivation Sacred Land, if the clan is cultivated, the progress will be a thousand miles away, and it will not be the same as before! After time, the overall strength of the entire Qilin clan will surely be connected a few more steps in the future! The entire Qilin clan, I am afraid that there will be existences above the golden immortals everywhere! Taiyi golden immortals are everywhere, there are countless Daluo golden immortals, and even the quasi-sages, I am afraid there will be a lot of them! Facing such a scene, the entire Qilin clan, up and down, It was all joy and joy, and it was boiling, and everyone’s eyes flashed with radiant light.

Sibuxianghe Tongtian looked at everything in front of him, with a mysterious color in his eyes, connected to the sky, facing such a fairy house Sacred Land, he was also surprised, and nodded again and again! Haji Qilin looked proud and looked at it. The whole clan has a satisfied smile! As the Clan Leader of the Qilin clan, he led the 30 Qilin clan to become stronger and dominate the Ancient World world. It was his life’s wish! Soon, hundreds of thousands of Qilin clan came to the end of the week. The fairy mountain peak, seeing the fairy mountain towering into the clouds, directly into Nine Heavens, it is very Sacred spectacular.

The main peak of Buzhou Immortal Mountain spans hundreds of millions of miles, and there is no end, as if it stretches endlessly and majestic! The clouds are shrouded all the year round, and a red light reflects hundreds of millions of miles, with fairy sounds lingering on it.

There are flying cranes, walking spirit beasts, countless strange flowers and weeds, and strange trees and vines.

A Feitian waterfall descended from the sky and fell into a huge lotus pond.In the lotus pond, there are large green lotus, crystal clear and translucent, Spiritual Qi, lingering, very magical and magnificent.

Under the green lotus, in the lotus pond, there are countless golden carps swimming in the meantime, so happy and unhappy! “It is indeed a celestial mountain, it is a sacred realm of heaven and earth!!!!”

“From now on, my Qilin clan will live here for a living.”

Hajime Qilin looked at this majestic and towering Buzhou Immortal Mountain, with infinite emotion in his heart! Soon, the Qilin clan began to move around, preparing to build residences, palaces and mansions on a large scale! Within, it belongs to the territory of the Qilin clan! And from now on, the Qilin clan has truly taken a crucial step to dominate the Ancient World continent. Mai is also flying to the undead volcanic mountain range in the south, sitting on one side! At this time, the Zulong returned to the Zulong Palace in the abyss of the East China Sea, and is summoning all the dragon elites, preparing to conquer the four seas and unify the Ancient World sea clan! The big beast god led the three races and officially opened the prelude to dominate the Ancient World world! Opened the era of the ancient world of the same tribe! Xiaotongtian also came to Buzhou Xianshan with the four phases to live temporarily, on this Buzhou mountain Traveling around the mountains and water, it’s so lively! On this day, the four things are in the family.

, Xiao Tongtian was alone in the Buzhou Mountain Range.

The Bu Zhou Mountain range is endless, as if there is no end.

He stayed in Buzhou Mountain for several months, for a long time.

It’s just that I’m familiar with the main peak of Buzhou Xianshan, and I haven’t been to other places.

On this day, he stepped into the clouds and lifted into the sky, taking advantage of the pleasure of playing in the sky above the Buzhou Mountains.

Because he was on the mountain of Buzhou Mountain, the Lin clan all respected this little guy very much, and everyone didn’t care about him much.

“Well, there is movement ahead”

Xiao Tongtian’s ears moved, and he paused

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When he came down from the top of the cloud, he curiously walked into a mountain forest.

This place is located in the depths of the Buzhou Mountain Range, usually inaccessible. Few people from the Qilin family come here, but I don’t know who is surrounded by towering old trees, densely dense, covering the entire mountain forest. It’s gloomy.

And in this gloomy depths, there is a piece of shimmering light flashing slightly in it.

And before this light shines, there is a small figure, pulling something laboriously in it.

There was a hoarse sound in his mouth, obviously using the strength of feeding, but in the end it didn’t happen.

In the end, she had to sigh, and simply sat on the ground feeling lost, sighing long and unhappy.

Xiao Tongtian walked over, fixed his eyes, and saw a little girl sitting on the ground.

This little girl was dressed in a red dress with two croissant braids behind her back. She had a small mouth and looked upset and disappointed, but she was still cute and playful.

“what are you doing”

Xiao Tongtian couldn’t help but asked curiously.

The opening of Tongtian suddenly shocked the little girl! She jumped up from the ground with a plop, and looked at the sudden appearance of Tongtian with a vigilant look: “Who are you?”

Xiao Tongtian scratched his head: “Hello, my name is Tongtian, from Kunlun Mountain.”


“What a strange name.”

“But I have heard of Kunlun Mountain. It seems that there are great people who live there.”

The little girl frowned slightly, she was a little cute, she muttered in her mouth: “It seems to be called the ancestor of Ancient World or something, I can’t remember it.”

The little girl murmured.

As soon as the four characters of the ancestor of the 950 Ancient World were spoken, an invisible and intangible strong god-tier thought instantly enveloped this space.

The probe is monitoring everything around here.

But when the spirit of God enveloped the little girl and Xiao Tongtian, neither of them felt anything.

In a mysterious space somewhere on the Kunlun Mountain that is not so far away, Ye Tian slowly opened his eyes, and a smile hung on the corner of his mouth: “This little Tongtian, I did not expect to meet her, it is also a fate.”

Ye Tian smiled and was about to take back his divine consciousness, but suddenly wanted to find something.

His eyes lit up involuntarily, and the divine mind instantly enveloped the gleaming and moving things in front of the little girl.

“I see!”

Under the shroud of divine thought, Ye Tian slowly nodded, and soon knew what those shining things existed.

“It seems that this can be regarded as a good fortune, and those who should be destined get it.”

Ye Tian smiled slightly, and immediately withdrew the divine consciousness that had been shrouded in a stretch, then slowly closed his eyes, and continued to fall into a deep sleep.

Not at the bottom of Xianshan Mountain.

Tongtian looked at the little girl in red on the opposite side, and asked curiously: “What’s your name?”

Everyone can guess who this little girl is.

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