Chapter 160 : Little Nuwa? Purple Guto! Innate Lingbao’s little Calabash! –Please support!

Then he stuck out his tongue at Tongtian, made a grimace and said, “Why should I tell you! Humph?”

Xiao Tongtian couldn’t help being speechless.This was the first time he had encountered such a situation, and he was suddenly a little slumped.

He couldn’t help sighing, and said helplessly: “You shameless little girl suddenly raised her eyebrows, her eyes widened, and her hips akimbo angrily said: “Who are you talking about?”


Xiaotian stared at him in an instant, and he couldn’t think that this little girl was so fierce! “Huh!”

Seeing that Tongtian stopped speaking, the little girl in red was relieved.

She blinked her eyes and raised her small head. Then she pouted her mouth and said to Tong Tian, ​​”My name is Nuwa!”


Xiao Tongtian nodded, also thinking that the name is very special.

“What were you doing here alone just now”

Xiao Tongtian walked over and asked curiously.

“Don’t come over!”

Seeing Tongtian approaching, Little Nuwa immediately stopped him, with an aggressive appearance.

“What’s wrong”

Xiao Tongtian looked curious.

“Hmph! This is the treasure I found, but I’m not allowed to snatch it for you! Hmph!”

Little Nuwa pouted and said angrily! That’s it! Xiao Tongtian couldn’t help but his eyes lit up. No wonder this little girl looked like this. She had encountered a treasure and was afraid to snatch it by herself! “What kind of treasure I see? Look at the head office.”

Xiao Tongtian curiously said.

Little Nuwa tilted her head, her smart eyes rolled, looking at the little Tongtian in front of her, it didn’t look like a bad person.

So she hesitated, and finally nodded and agreed: “Okay! It’s okay to show you anyway, you can’t take it away!”

As he said, he pointed behind him: “Here, that’s it!”

The sky walked over curiously, and saw that among the countless old tree roots, there was an extremely thick, ancient thick vine that towered into the clouds, as if it had grown from Nine Heavens, hanging down from the sky! The sturdy ancient vines are shining brightly all over the body, and they are purple all over, and they contain extremely rich Innate Spiritual Qi.

And the most surprising thing is that on this: thick vine, there are seven 7 glittering colorful 7 Calabash! Each Calabash exudes incomparably pure energy, containing infinite Spiritual Qi , And vitality, it is absolutely extraordinary at first sight! “Calabash Vine of Innate Spiritual Roots”

“Calabash of Innate Lingbao”

Xiao Tongtian’s eyes straightened, suddenly dumb.

This is a good thing!! Especially the seven 7 Calabash on the Innate Spiritual Roots Calabash vine, containing the core, purest energy and essence of the entire Calabash vine!! These seven 7 little Calabash, each one is all. Innate spirit treasure! “Hey, your eyes are extraordinary, you know that this is the Innate spirit treasure bred by Innate Spiritual Roots!”

Nuwa was a little surprised.

“Yes, these little Calabash are Innate Lingbao.”

She walked over, and then shook her head helplessly: “Unfortunately, this Innate spirit treasure generally has intelligence and can recognize the Lord. If there is no good fortune, you can’t get these little Calabash.”


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The truth is clear to the sky, he turned his head to look at Nuwa: “So you just wanted to pick these little Calabash vines from this Calabash vine.”

Nuwa nodded, and finally reluctantly continued to sit down on the ground, and said depressedly: “It’s a pity that I have been guarding here these days. After so long, I still can’t take it off.”

“It seems that I and these little Calabash are really out of luck.”

Nuwa curled her lips, very disappointed.

“Oh, I see.”

Tongtian nodded, but then turned to look at the seven seven little Calabash on the Calabash vine.

I saw these seven seven little Calabash, each of which was shining and mysterious, but the color of each little Calabash was different.

From bottom to top, these seven 7 little Calabash, all with purple light, show a variety of different colorful colors.

There are seven colors of purple gold, purple red, purple white, purple cyan, purple yellow, purple green and purple black.

Tongtian was astonished, and his eyes lit up.

“Can I give it a try”

Xiao Tongtian turned his head and asked Nuwa.

At this time, the little Nuwa became: it doesn’t matter anymore, she directly waved her hand and said: “Try it, try it, it’s up to you, but I don’t think you look like you are lucky, alas”

Little Nuwa sighed.She has been guarding here since she discovered the purple ancient vine of Innate Spiritual Roots a few days ago.

However, I tried a few ways and used all methods, but I still couldn’t pick a Calabash from this root: wisteria.

This makes her a little depressed.

So he is not very optimistic about this little Tongtian, she hasn’t gotten it for so long, naturally she can take it off without trusting the other party.

After all, this Innate Lingbao is all about chance.

And this opportunity is always illusory, and it can be met but not sought.

Xiao Tongtian waited for Nuwa’s permission, then slowly stretched out his hand, and gently grabbed one of the purple-cyan Calabash.

As soon as I touched the purple-cyan Calabash, Tong Tian suddenly felt his hands numb, like an electric shock, as if countless small electric lights poured into the skin, making the palms feel numb.

It is indeed an Innate Lingbao, it is really extraordinary.

Tongtian secretly said in his heart that Yunnuo Li’s vitality at the moment, forcibly resisting this current, directly grasped this little Calabash firmly.

As soon as Calabash started, he felt a huge and incomparable weight sinking into his hands, which made Tongtian involuntarily surprised! Unexpectedly, this small and light-looking little Calabash was so heavy when it was lifted. A huge mountain is more than a hundred times heavier! But fortunately, Tongtian is the Cultivation Base of Daluo Jinxian. This is not difficult for him. He turned his vitality a little, and lifted the weight lightly, gently supporting this little Calabash. Palm.

Next, just try to see if you can successfully take off the Innate Lingbao’s little Calabash! Xiao Tongtian took a deep breath, and a purple light appeared in his hand.

At this time, a purple qi lingered from Xiao Tongtian’s chest, and finally slowly swam onto this little Calabash.

Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading

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