Chapter 168 : Incarnate everything and become the person in the picture! –Please support!

“This picture is the best Innate spirit treasure, covering everything in the world!”

“There are thousands of worlds inside, mountains and rivers, grotesque, sun, moon and stars, flowers and trees, birds and beasts, mountains and rivers”

“It records the direction of the landscape and veins of the entire Ancient World world, which can be regarded as a map of Ancient World.”

“However, although it is a map, it contains huge Magic power, which can be said to be infinite.”

“Superior Innate Lingbao”

“Ancient World Map”

Everyone was stunned when they heard it. It is hard to imagine what is so strange about such a painting in front of them. Innate Lingbao, who can become the best, Ye Tian looked at everyone’s faces with different expressions, shaking their heads and smiling gently:” Do you look at this painting and it feels unremarkable, so it doesn’t look like a superb Innate spirit treasure”

When I asked this question, everyone nodded hesitantly, and really didn’t see any clues in this.

Unlike the Fuxi Qin just now, as soon as it comes out, it can be immersed and difficult to extricate itself with just a slight flick of the strings.

Ye Tian clicked, and said that one thousand to ten thousand, it is better to let them really feel the mystery of this landscape of mountains and rivers.

Ye Tian spread the picture of the mountain and river in his hand and threw it directly in front of him, and the picture of the mountain and river in his hand suddenly disappeared.

“Where is the picture of the mountain and river sheji?”

In the blink of an eye, the picture of the mountain and river shrine disappeared in front of everyone, without a trace.

Ye Tian stood with his hand in his hand, smiling silently, and finally pointed to the palace in front of him slightly: “Let’s go look for it in this palace.”

“Is the hall thrown into the Great Hall?”

Everyone was puzzled, and when they said, they all walked towards the hall.

Nuwa Tongtian and others stepped into the imposing palace one by one, and didn’t feel anything unusual, and then Daddy Yuan and Hong Jun and others all followed in.

However, a circle of them searched for a circle inside, and they did not find the location of the mountain and river.

Everyone is at a loss.

“Uncle, there is nothing in the palace!”

Tongtian also looked suspicious, and he turned around, preparing to walk outside the hall.

But when he walked to the gate of the temple, he found that no matter what

No matter how he walked, he seemed to be stepping on the spot, and he couldn’t take a step out of the palace gate.

“Hmm! What’s the matter”

Tongtian couldn’t help but stunned, feeling a little weird.

At this time, Nuwa Hong Jun and others also posted something wrong. Everyone came in one after another, but they all encountered the same situation as Tongtian! Everyone was trapped in this palace and all of them couldn’t get out! “How could this happen!”

Everyone was shocked in their hearts. At this time, Ye Tian slowly walked from the front and looked at everyone: “What do you think, where are you now?”

“Where are we all in the palace on Kunlun Mountain, can we be there?”

Everyone was at a loss and was asked by Ye Tian’s question

–>>This chapter is not finished, click on the next page to continue reading


Ye Tian shook his head and smiled lightly, slowly stretched out his hand, and gently beckoned to the front: “Come!”

Under this word, Tong Tian felt that the whole world had begun to change: the sky was turned upside down, shaking for a while! Soon, in the original palace, a completely realistic painting gradually shrank, and finally flew to Ye Tian In the hands of! It turns out that the scene of this palace was turned out to be the picture of the mountain and river in the pasture! Ye Tian spread out his hand, and in the landscape of the mountain and river in his hand, all the figures of the people, all that were not lost, remained on the painting! Ye Tian Looking at the little man in the painting, he smiled and asked: “Now, do you know where you are”

Looking at the incomparably huge Ye Tian, ​​Tongtian Nuwa, Hong Jun and others, they all changed their colors and were shocked! It turned out that they had been included in the painting of this mountain and river shrine! They watched in the painting. In the same palace on Thursday and Monday, everyone looked incredulous and shocked.

“We are really in the painting”

Nuwa’s eyes widened and her face was shocked. The sight that was happening before her eyes made her feel incredible! Ye Tian held the picture of the mountain and river in his hand, and said to the little person in the painting: “Here is the mountain and river. The mystery of the Sheji map is, it seems to be true, and it is difficult to distinguish between true and false!”

“There is heaven and earth in the painting, which nourishes Deva, can transform all things, and can also confine others.”

“The boundless Spiritual Qi in this spiritual treasure has nurtured hundreds of millions of living beings, and it is between birth and death. It has everything, as if there is a real Minor World in the picture.”

Everyone was shocked when they heard it.

In the painting, it really looks like a real Minor World.

Speaking of this, Ye Tian turned and looked at the people in the painting: “You all try to see if you can force 950 from this painting with the peak combat power of your Daluo Jinxian and even the quasi-sage. Get out of trouble.”

Everyone looked at each other.

“There should be no problem, right”

Most of them are the powerful strength of Da Luo Jinxian, and there is even one of the strongest quasi-sage Hong Jun Daoist, whose strength is already the most powerful existence in the entire Ancient World! If they join hands, I am afraid that the entire Ancient World world has not been able to stop them.

“The ancestor-sir, or forget it, if it is broken at that time, it would be bad.”

Little Nuwa smiled sullily.

A little embarrassed.

You know, this mountain and river shrine map was given to her by Ye Tian.If it is destroyed by a bunch of random attacks by the people, then where will she go to reason?

“Don’t worry! It really is destroyed, I will give you a better spirit treasure!”

Ye Tian said with a smile.

“You haven’t seen the greatest mystery of the pictures of mountains and rivers.

“Now you are all ready to take action, and use your strongest blow!”

“It’s also good for you to appreciate the true power of this mountain and river shrine map!”

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