Chapter 169 : Nuwa Depot! The hope and future of the human race!

Nuwa and everyone heard it, so they had to act accordingly.

All of them took out the most precious things they were in, exerting the greatest attack power, and Hong Jun even used the fragments encountered by the good fortune! Then they shot one after another, and the whole mountain and river shrine was inside the map. , There was golden light everywhere, sparks, and the scene in the picture turned out to be very lively.

However, even so, under the joint attack of everyone, the picture of the mountain and river was only slightly shaken a few times, but there was no more violent reaction behind it.

And these people in the painting, naturally, did not split the Restrictions of the mountains and rivers, and they are still trapped in this scroll! At this time, Nuwa Tongtian and others tried their best in the scroll and couldn’t get it from Among them, Hong Jun Daoist, who has escaped even the deepest Taoist, has the blessing of good fortune jade discs, but only slightly shakes the scrolls, and can’t completely escape.

“Unexpectedly, the entrapment Restrictions of this mountain and river shrine map is so strong! The strongest force with all of us, but it can’t break the barrier here.”

Tongtian and others were shocked and couldn’t help but sigh.

Hong Jun Daoist finally stopped at this time, echoing with emotion: “Even if I use my peak power and want to break the blockade here, it will take at least thousands of years to get out of trouble.”

Everyone was secretly shocked, even the strongest Hong Jun Daoist was like this, let alone these people.

I am afraid that I want to get out of it with my own strength, let alone how long it will take.

Everyone in the painting feels helpless at this time, and finally feels the power of this mountain and river shrine! This painting not only embraces everything, but also can be fake and true.

The sacrifice can disappear completely in the air, and the Restrictions are placed silently, so that people are unaware and guarded, and it is easy to get trapped in this painting.

And what is even more powerful is that their Restrictions are extremely powerful.After entering this painting, if you want to go out again, it will be as difficult as reaching the sky! Ye Tian looked at the expressions of the people in the painting, and it was almost time to see them.

With a light wave of his hand, he withdrew the painting of the mountain and river and freed everyone from the painting.

The silhouettes of everyone came out of the painting, and finally fell on the top of the mountain.

Feel the mountains under your feet, look at the real Ancient World world in front of you, and then think of the scenes in the painting just now.

They seemed to be dreaming just now, but if they hadn’t just passed by, they would have been unable to imagine the reality in the painting just now.

At this time, Ye Tian slowly gathered up the pictures of the mountains and rivers, and explained: “As long as you enter this painting, you can be the Daluo Jinxian or the quasi-sage. Don’t even want to escape and leave.

“Even if Hunyuan Sage enters it, without a treasure in his hands, it will be trapped for at least hundreds of years.”

“If it’s Sage’s palm, you can only get out of trouble.”

“Here is the most mysterious and powerful place of this mountain and river Sheji.

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After listening to Ye Tian’s explanation, everyone took a breath and nodded again and again.Just now, they all had a deep understanding.

This picture of the mountain and river shrine is indeed mysterious and mysterious. It is extremely powerful and worthy of a real Innate superb spirit treasure! It is really well deserved! The little Nuwa can be described as excited now, with a look of joy on his face.

I didn’t expect to come to Kunlun Mountain to get such a mysterious and powerful treasure. It really is a worthwhile trip! This Ancient World ancestor is really great! This is too generous! Nuwa secretly Thinking about it.

This little girl jumped directly to Ye Tian’s side, and a little embarrassedly tilted her head and asked with a weird smile: “The ancestor, this picture of the mountain and river, will it belong to me in the future?”

Ye Tian looked at this quirky little girl, just like treating Tongtian and them, his eyes were full of spoiling.

“Well, it will be yours from now on.”

Ye Tian said and handed over the scroll of mountains and rivers in his hand.

“Nuwa thanked the ancestor for the gift!”

The little girl bowed and thanked, and immediately took it over carefully, holding it in her hand like a treasure, for fear of a slight damage.

At this time, the little Nuwa can be said to be satisfied, and she has already thrown away the depressing things about the little Calabash just now! For Nuwa, she already has a little Calabash, and the picture of the mountain and river in this hand, It is more precious and important to her.

At this time, the little Nuwa’s face was full of joy, and his eyes were almost narrowed with laughter, and he was very satisfied and happy! At this time, everyone on Kunlun Mountain looked at Nuwa with envy. .

I couldn’t think of such an extremely precious and powerful treasure, but Ye Tian gave it to her in the end.

This Nuwa is indeed a little girl with deep blessings and good fortune! Fuxi, as Nuwa’s Dage, also has a happy face at this time, and feels very happy for own Little Sister Nuwa to get such a treasure.

Seeing the little girl in front of her started laughing like this, Ye Tian was also relieved by Yinuo Li’s face at this time, and she felt that she had also become a lot younger.

Both Fuxi and Nuwa are hostages with great kindness and origins to the human race in the future.

One is the descendant emperor of the human race, and the other is the mother of the earth, the creator of the human race.

These two people will be the future and hope of the human race in the future! Now, the two brothers and sisters have obtained the Fuxi Qin and the Shanhe Sheji Tu, both of which are the highest grades of Innate.

This also allowed Ye Tian and the two to forge a good relationship, and also connected countless Karma in the dark.

“I hope I can reach both of them.”

“It’s equivalent to that, I’m helping the human race in the future.”

Ye Tian secretly said in his heart.

To this day, he still has an obsession with Human Race.

Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading

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