Chapter 172 : The dragon and the phoenix contradict, and the Feng clan will fight! –Please support!

At this moment, Ye Tian is traveling through the heavens and worlds, looking for the remnant bloodline left by Pan Gu.

But in the main world of Ancient World, undercurrents are also surging, and it is not calm.

After Ye Tian left, Nuwa and Fuxi stayed on the mountain for a while.

In the end, the two people reluctantly returned to the foot of Buzhou Mountain and moved their residence to the Fengqi Mountain mentioned by Ye Tian.

As a result, the entire Kunlun Mountain became much quieter than before.

And this vast Ancient World world, I don’t know how many years have passed in a flash.

The entire Ancient World world is now governed by three races, and with the continuous advancement of time, the speed of the three races multiplying faster and faster.

Among them, the Qilin clan that reproduces the fastest, the number of ethnic groups has reached tens of millions, plus the “nine-five-zero”

The group of beasts surrendering to them is huge, as if there are hundreds of millions of people.

The Feng clan guards the south and gathers the bird race between the heavens and the earth.The number of birds is also broken by tens of millions, and it is still growing.

As for the Dragon Clan that unifies the Sihai Sea Clan, it has developed the most powerful one.

The Dragon Clan annexation, the Four Seas, and the entire Four Seas Sea Clan are under the jurisdiction of the Dragon Clan, so the strength of the Dragon Clan is the most powerful. The number of all race groups in the entire Four Seas Seas area adds up to more than tens of millions! Soon, the strength of the three races has developed to One of the biggest peaks, the entire Ancient World world is respected by the three races. Don’t dare not follow it! And with the passage of time, the local resources of the Ancient World continent, Spiritual Qi, are relatively scarce and unfavorable for cultivation. Just about to move.

Therefore, for many years, the frictions and conflicts between these three tribes have also been constant.

At this time, in the South China Sea of ​​Ancient World, countless sea people rushed onto the land and slowly marched towards the landing place.

Today’s Sea Clan has been unified, and the number is unknown.The current branch is a branch of the Nanhai Dragon Clan.

This branch is located in the South China Sea, where it has been long and remote, Spiritual Qi, scarce, and there are many tribes, and it multiplies too fast, so this dragon family is no longer satisfied with this narrow sea.

Then the entire South China Sea was the territory of his own family members, and he was unable to fight for it, so he finally turned his gaze to the Ancient World continent! In the southern continent, there are also countless fairy mountains and spiritual veins, which are also extremely suitable for cultivation. , So many sea races were moved.

At this time, as many sea people came ashore one after another, the sea water in this sea area gradually became taller, and it soon overflowed.

The sea is constantly flooding in, trying to slowly erode the Ancient World continent, unconsciously turning the land into the sea.

Soon, the hundreds of millions of miles in front of this land are gradually being submerged by the sea.

Originally, this is nothing, the hundreds of millions of miles of land is not worth mentioning on the whole land, and no one cares at all.

However, as time goes by, that clan has become more and more intensified.

The maritime territories of the Southern Sea Clan are constantly expanding crazily, and the area is too large to know how many times!

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In just a few million years, this Ancient World continent, I don’t know how much it has been submerged and corroded by the dragon clan.

When the Feng Clan guarding the south of Ancient World noticed this problem, the entire southern Ancient World land had been swallowed by the sea clan by 1%%%! “It’s worth it!”

In the Great Hall of the Feng Clan, an Elder came up with an angry look! “Today will occupy an inch, and tomorrow will invade one foot 0. If things go on like this, how can it be done? We must teach them a little lesson!”

The other Feng clan elders in the other Great Hall also agreed and nodded in agreement! “Yes! They must all be driven into the sea and retake our original land, so that they can understand that our Feng clan is not…to be bullied! ”

“That’s right! If you don’t teach them a lesson, I want to pour this seawater into our undead volcano in the future!”

Soon the entire Feng clan seniors in the Great Hall reached an agreement and prepared to send troops to the sea area to drive all the sea clan who came ashore back to the sea! “Everyone Elder, this matter is very important, and it involves our relationship with the dragon clan. , Do you need to report to the ancestors for instructions”

Someone in the Great Hall suggested that the ancestor in this mouth naturally refers to the Clan Leader of the Feng family, which is one of the three god-tier beasts, Yuanfeng! At this time, Yuanfeng is generally no longer asked. The trivial matters of the clan, living in the depths of the volcano all the year round, there are no major incidents, and the average clan will not talk about her.

“The ancestor is cultivating in the mountains, so there is no need to bother ancestors and her elders!”

“Yes, we can handle such trivial matters by ourselves!”

“Well, this time we must give these sea people some lessons, so that they never dare to take a step on land again!”

The Feng clan seniors in the entire Great Hall were all filled with outrage and finally reached an agreement! As for who to let go, these people have already planned in their hearts.

The senior officials of the Feng clan looked at the two little girls in the Great Hall together.

These two people are compatriots and sisters, and they are both the most outstanding young generation in the Feng clan.

At a young age, he has both stepped into the middle stage of Daluo Jinxian. It is unique and enviable! This age and Cultivation Base, even if you look at the entire Ancient World continent, are considered to be a talented generation, only better than the sky. The original and others are a bit worse.


In time, it will inevitably be another quasi-saint power in the Phoenix clan! “Fire Phoenix, Lingfeng!”

The elder of the Feng clan shouted, and the two sisters stood in awe.

“This task is left to you!”

“Lead our army of millions of birds of the Phoenix tribe, and drive all the marine tribes who have come ashore back into the sea!”

“Taking back the land that originally belonged to us, if they dare to resist disobedience, kill them directly, don’t be merciful!”

“I vowed to let them know that the Feng Clan is in the same line, but it’s not…to be bullied!”

The two sisters Huofeng and Lingfeng suddenly looked solemn, and they all led their orders: “Yes! Big Elder!”

“We will never disappoint everyone’s expectations!”

“I will definitely raise my Feng Clan’s prestige!!!”

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