Chapter 173 : The Million Army! Go back to the sea?

As a result, the Feng clan went up and down to prepare for battle! Under the immortal volcano, countless Feng clan gathered, and countless bird tribes attached to the Feng clan joined them.

The entire Feng clan mobilized an army of a million and marched from the undead volcanic mountains to the south coast! The Feng clan’s subordinates, all of the family of birds, soon came to the south coast.

At this time, the former southern edge of the continent has been completely submerged by sea water, and the huge waves have become a new paradise for countless sea people! In the distance, the overwhelming Phoenix flies up, and behind him is a black bird tribe! The entire southern sky , I was completely obscured by countless figures in an instant, and the entire sea area became a dark one! Soon, the sea clan who found the clue came out, and countless sea clan slowly emerged from the bottom of the water, looking over the top of the head. The Phoenix clan! “This, this is the Phoenix protoss!”

Countless sea races looked at the countless dense flying shadows above their heads, with horrified expressions on their faces.

“What, why did the Phoenix Protoss 30 come here?”

“Moreover, I have brought so many bird feather tribes. What is this going to do?”

There are also more and more sea races slowly emerging from the bottom of the sea, and they are all shocked! Seeing these endless, densely packed bird feather races in the sky, there are at least hundreds of thousands of people! The vastness, covering the sky and covering the sun, shrouded the entire sea area, bringing up a powerful pressure of speechless terror, making all the sea races almost breathless.

Countless sea races began to tremble with fear, trembling, and these countless Phoenix races in front of them were so powerful that they couldn’t help but feel shocked.

Now that the four seas are unified, under the rule of the dragon clan, all the sea clan are subordinate to the dragon clan, and a complete set of organizational systems has been established.

With the emergence of countless sea races, in the deep center of the entire sea area, countless shrimp soldiers and crabs began to slowly appear.

These crabs, soldiers and crabs will all emerge from the bottom of the sea, each holding weapons and wearing armor, looking extraordinary.

The head crab general held a steel fork with a solemn expression, frowning and looking at the Phoenix family in the sky.

His name is Black Crab, and he is under the Dragon Palace in the South China Sea.He is a general under the jurisdiction of a branch of the dragon clan in this small sea area, who is in charge of the defense of this place for hundreds of millions of miles.

“Phoenix clan, why offend me in the South China Sea!”

“This place is within the territory of the Dragon Clan imperial family, please retreat quickly, otherwise you will be against the Dragon Clan!”

General Black Crab said loudly.

He has the Dragon Clan behind him, so even if he faces the Phoenix Clan, he has a little confidence! Although the Phoenix Clan is the same as the Dragon Clan, one of the Protoss, but as we all know, the overall strength of the Phoenix Clan is far inferior to the Dragon Clan! It is also the line of the Dragon clan, these hundreds dare to invade the origin of the Phoenix clan! So even in the face of the millions of Phoenix army in front of him, this little black crab dared to speak so big! Hearing the black crab move out In the entire sea area of ​​Liaolong, all the creatures of the Sea Clan who were originally worried are also slightly relieved.

After all, behind them, but the royal dragon led by Lord Zu Long.

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With the Dragon Clan backing up, I am afraid that even the Phoenix line, which is also one of the Protoss, would not dare to rush around at will. Thinking of this, the Sea Clan creatures feel that they are dependent in their hearts, and their nervousness has dissipated a bit.

In the sky, the Phoenix clan who went up again in the sky heard the words, but they were all annoyed into anger! “Presumptuous! What a madness!”

“Just relying on your account of crabs and ants, you dare to breathe like this!”

The Phoenix family in the sky slowly separated by a path, and two figures stood out from the crowd.

The two are really outstanding generations of the Phoenix clan, Huofeng and Lingfeng two sisters! These two people are now transformed into human bodies, one in red and the other in green. They are very gorgeous.

It was Big sis Huofeng who was talking at this time! Huofeng is a fiery-tempered existence in the Phoenix clan, and the Crab General who saw the bottom dared to speak like this, she suddenly became angry, and she didn’t get angry! She looked at the crab general on the sea. The opponent only had a real immortal Realm, so she didn’t put it in Huofeng’s eyes at all! “An ant-like crab general is just looking for death!”

Huofeng didn’t say anything, his eyes glared, and two lines of fire spurted out of a pair of beautiful eyebrows, and they fell directly from the sky! The line of fire instantly enveloped the opponent, and the black crab general did not have time to do any resistance, and he split instantly. Flying ash, even the screams were too late.

Under a single strike, directly obliterated a member of the Sea Clan Crab General! This is what Huofeng gave to the Sea Clan’s power! When all the Sea Clan had not yet reacted, it was only at this moment, the Black Crab General It has completely disappeared! Seeing the black crab’s death and destruction, all the other sea creatures’ complexions changed drastically! The shrimp soldiers trembled all over, for fear that the fire and phoenix would fire them all in one shot! The sea clan began to become: restless, everyone began to be afraid, trembling all over! “The Phoenix clan actually did it directly!”

It seems that the Phoenix clan has come for real this time! Ignoring the dragon clan and directly obliterating the crab generals under the dragon clan, all the sea clan in this sea area are shocked, and they are all shocked! “This Phoenix clan , What the hell is it!”

“Do they really dare to go to war with the dragon clan”

Countless sea creatures underneath talked about it. Many active sea races have quietly dived into the sea and turned back to the Dragon Palace to report it! After killing the Black Crab General, Huofeng’s anger subsided slightly.

She looked at the countless sea creatures below with cold eyes and said in a cold voice, “The territory here was originally owned by my Feng Clan!”

“Er and other sea creatures, for millions of years, they have repeatedly eroded our land and land and flooded the land. This is really a heinous crime!”

“Today, my Feng Clan’s millions of troops are here! The army is prosperous, and its sharpness is revealed!”

“Nian in heaven has the virtue of living well, don’t pretend to kill!”

“Ling’er and all the creatures of the Sea Clan will immediately withdraw from my Feng Clan’s territory and go back to the sea. No moment can be wrong!”

“If you dare to disobey, you will kill without mercy!!”

Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading

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