Chapter 189 : Zulong’s suspicion! Can’t detect Zhoushan at night!

This Luohu killed the dragon and phoenix people, and immediately returned to the Western Ancient World with the four great demon generals.

What he did has caused turmoil in the Dragon and Feng tribes! With the disappearance of the Dragon King and Tianfeng in the South China Sea, the two tribes have all exploded, and all tribes and tribes are looking for their whereabouts. However, after half a month, the two clans still found nothing! The whereabouts of a few people were not found! Finally, the Clan Leader of the two clans could not help it! Since several people went to the Qilin clan to participate in the celebration and disappeared, all the current two clans Clan Leader came directly to Bu Zhou Mountain! On this day, Zu Long and Yuan Feng came to the foot of Bu Zhou Mountain one after another, trying to find out the whereabouts of a few people.

Hajime Qilin went down the mountain personally to greet the two.

After the previous war, a few of them were not mentioned in tacit agreement.Now the three races coexist peacefully, and everything is treated as if everything happens, so after the few people meet, they can be regarded as friendly, and nothing has happened.

Now that a few people are not going to the top of the mountain together, Yuanfeng and Zulong said that they were all shocked by the purpose of this visit! Tianfeng first mentioned the disappearance of Tianfeng and others. When he spoke, the face of Zulong over there changed drastically! “Tianfeng and they are gone.”

Zu Long came up with the crime. He thought that only the people on his side had disappeared.

Following Zulong’s reaction, Yuan Feng couldn’t help being surprised, and looked at Zulong suspiciously: “What you mean is that someone from your dragon clan is also missing.”

Zu Long frowned, nodded solemnly, and said: “Yes, my second brother and my son three came here to observe the ceremony together, but after they came here, they never returned to the East China Sea and completely disappeared. .

Until now, his whereabouts are still missing!”

“So I came this time with the same purpose as you, just to find a clue to their disappearance.”

Yuan Feng was startled when she heard it: “So that’s it, this thing is so weird!”

Zu Long nodded: “Yes, my second brother Nanhai Dragon King and your clan Elder Tianfeng are all quasi-sage masters, but ordinary people can’t help them!”

“Why are both missing this time? There is no clue at all”

The three of them 3 are all thoughtful, and their faces are suspicious.

“After the ceremony was over that day, I personally sent them down the mountain and saw them leave one after another with my own eyes.”

“I thought they had all returned to the clan safely. I didn’t expect this to happen. It’s incredible!”

Hajime Qilin sighed slightly and shook his head.Now that this kind of thing happened, and it was caused by the other party coming to observe the ceremony, he felt a little uneasy.

Yuan Feng and Zu Long didn’t think much at the moment, and they were puzzled. Where did these top masters in the world go? A few people discussed and discussed it, but there was no result. Yuan Feng and Zu Long did not get anything useful. clue.

In the end, Yuan Feng and Zu Long both said goodbye and went down the mountain, preparing to inquire about the whereabouts of several people.

Hajime Qilin watched the two people leave and frowned.Although he was surprised, he didn’t take it as a matter. He turned around and went back to the palace to practice.

And here, Yuanfeng and Zulong both left, and they were together for a short distance, and the two were still discussing.

Yuan Feng frowned and said, “Zu Long, I see the situation today. They may be too bad for them alone.

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I’ve been killed!”

Now that it has been so long, and no one has been found, the situation must be bad.

Zu Long also nodded, and finally hesitated and said directly: “I think in my heart the same as you, this time, I am afraid it will not be easy!”

Yuan Feng frowned and looked at Zu Long, not knowing what Zu Long wanted to say.

Zu Long turned his eyes and said in a deep voice, “Yuanfeng, with the strength of my brother and Tianfeng, there are not many people who can hurt them in this Ancient World today!”

“So this person should be easy to find!”

After Zu Long said this, Yuan Feng nodded involuntarily.

“Except for the line of the ancestor on Kunlun Mountain, who does not ask about the world, I am afraid that there are not many people in the entire Ancient World.”

Zu Long said solemnly.

“However, the ancestor-sama and others have no reason to act on them.”

“Then there is only one person who really has this ability and is more motivated.”

After Zu Long’s words were finished, Yuan Feng couldn’t help but his eyelids twitched.

Obviously, who is the person Zu Long said.

“You mean Yuan Feng squinted his eyes, and this thought and possibility flashed in his heart! Zu Long nodded solemnly and said, “That’s right!”

“Only Hajime Qilin!”

“But he has no reason to do this, why?”

Yuan Feng asked back.


Zu Long sneered, “Killing my brother, Tianfeng and others, can cause turmoil between the two clans!”

“Moreover, we can also take the opportunity to weaken the strength of our two races and sit firmly on the throne of the first Protoss in Ancient World. Why not he?”

Zu Long paused, and raised his eyebrows: “Moreover, among the three clans this time, our two clans have both disappeared, but his Qilin clan has nothing to do!”

“Don’t you think this is too weird”

Facing Zu Long’s words, Yuan Feng also fell into contemplation.

Zu Long’s remarks really made sense, and she couldn’t help but start to waver, wondering if Hajime Qilin had heard Yuanfeng from it. Zulong sneered: “I didn’t go back to the beginning before. Qilin thought about it, but after coming here, he realized that your Phoenix Clan Tianfeng was also missing.”

“That’s why I can’t help but become vigilant. It’s really scary to think about it carefully!”

“It’s so weird only for you and me. Isn’t it obvious enough?”

Zu Long’s remarks are justified and well-founded, and they are almost like an enlightenment, which shocked Yuanfeng’s heart! “But we have no evidence. What you are saying right now is just a guess. You can’t talk nonsense.”

Yuan Feng said in a deep voice, after all, Yuan Feng is closer to the Qilin clan who once helped them than the Qilin clan.

Therefore, there is no conclusive evidence, and Yuan Feng is not good at making a conclusion.

Zu Long couldn’t help but sneered, his eyes were cold: “As long as the evidence is made by him, there will be clues, absolutely! There is absolutely no escape!”

Yuan Feng frowned and looked at Zulong: “What do you mean by that?”

Zulong’s pupils shrank, and he turned to look at the Bu Zhou Mountain that had been far away, and his eyes were violent: “Tonight, we will not be able to see Zhou Mountain at night!”

Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading

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