Chapter 190 : Do not Zhoushan, let’s kill!

The night is getting darker and the stars are faint.

At the bottom of Bu Zhou Mountain, two figures quietly peeked out from under the night.

The two are really Yuanfeng and Zulong! The two of them nodded tacitly, and then they split up! The two of them sneaked into the various tribes of Qilin, searched for the news, and saw if there were clues to Tianfeng and others! Zulong and Yuanfeng two People concealed their breath, quietly shuttled between Qilin’s ministries, listening and investigating one after another, hoping to find clues.

But what I heard and saw was all about the internal affairs of the Qilin clan, and I didn’t get the slightest clue.

In the middle of the night, the two finally returned to the mountain to meet each other, but they both shook their heads helplessly.

Gained nothing.

“Maybe this matter really has nothing to do with Qilin”

Yuan Feng frowned and said that at the moment they had not found any clues, and it was indeed impossible to doubt that it was the work of Haji Qilin.

Zu Long also frowned and remained silent.

“Am I really suspicious?”

Zu Long secretly said in his heart.

At the moment, the two sighed softly, and had to escape quietly, for fear of disturbing the Qilin family.

Then just when they left the foot of the mountain, Yuan Feng stopped suddenly and frowned tightly! “What’s wrong?”

Zu Long stopped and looked at Yuan Feng with a puzzled expression on his face.

At this time, Yuan Feng looked solemn, slowly raised his head, staring at Zulong, and said with a complicated expression: “I seem to sense the breath of Tianfeng!”

“What! Where!”

Zu Long was shocked when he heard it! Yuan Feng suddenly turned around and looked at a dim corner under Bu Zhou Mountain.

Zu Long’s eyes lit up, and the two immediately walked away.

This is a barren grassland under Buzhou Mountain.

Zu Long’s face was solemn, and he looked at this slightly strange little soil slope: “This is a newly renovated land, I’m afraid it’s weird.”

Yuan Feng’s expression at this time is complicated.She and Tian Feng are sisters, and they interact with each other.

She was standing here right now, and she could clearly feel that Tianfeng was here.

Yuan Feng’s expression was a bit astonished, her eyes widened, and her expression a little sad, because in her induction, she could no longer perceive any Tianfeng’s vitality.


Yuan Feng murmured, feeling a little sad in his heart.

Zu Long frowned involuntarily, looking at Yuan Feng’s lost expression, he was a little uneasy, he tentatively asked Xiang Yuanfeng: “It’s definitely here.”

Yuan Feng nodded sadly and silently. Zulong suddenly understood, and immediately waved his sleeves, and the earth was turned upside down! This entire plot of new soil was completely lifted up as the surface of the soil was opened. , The people under the soil suddenly fell in front of you! I saw several figures lying in the deep pit! Among them, the Phoenix Clan’s Tianfeng, Huofeng and Lingfeng 3 were among them! In addition, the missing three of the dragon clan 3, the Nanhai Dragon King, the son of Ancestral Dragon, and Nanhai

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Hailong prince! The corpses of the three high-ranking dragons were also buried in it, and the whole body was bloody and torn apart. It looked terrible! The six people who disappeared from the dragon and the phoenix were all buried here at this moment! This is not Zhoushan! That Yuanfeng had already sensed it, but when he saw this, his eyes widened, and he couldn’t help dripping a few tears, and screamed: “Tianfeng!”

On the other side, the Ancestral Dragon, who had nothing to do with him, was shocked at this moment, and he was shocked by this scene! His huge eyes were red, and he roared wildly: “Second brother! My son!! ”

The two of them lost their way and screamed wildly! This scene hit them too much! You know, in the war of three races billions of years ago, they only killed and injured some of the lower-level clansmen! Like this kind of clan descendants His blood relatives have never fallen in the original war! But I didn’t expect that they would be beheaded and buried here today!! How can they accept this!! And with the roar of these two people, the whole thing was instantly destroyed. The Qilin clan at the foot of the mountain awakened.

Countless Qilin people gathered around one after another, looking at the two people who were roaring and sorrowing down the mountain, they all looked blank! Seeing countless Qilin people running, the anger in Yuanfeng and Zulong’s hearts surged! “The Qilin clan!”

“It’s really deceiving!”

Zulong and Yuanfeng roared, and their grief was turned into hatred! At this moment, the corpses of several people were found in the territory of the Qilin clan, and they naturally took the account to the Qilin clan’s head! Directly in their hearts It is believed that this matter is what Hajilin Qilin did! So at the moment, the two of them were furious, hated fiercely, and directly attacked the Qilin people around them!

Under the anger of the two god-tier beasts, they did not leave their hands at all, and it was straightforward. The phoenix fire and dragon flames suddenly bloomed, the flames rushed for thousands of miles, the fire was filled, blazing, and the heat was hot! At this moment, there are countless surroundings. The Qilin clan members all turned into fly ash and disappeared instantly! Countless Qilin wailed and screamed under the fire, and the flames stretched for thousands of miles! The dragon and the phoenix rushed directly into Buzhou Mountain without leaving their hands, and directly faced the entire Qilin clan and began. Killing frantically, raging more than ever! In this short moment, I don’t know how many Qilin beasts died in the hands of both of them! Just when the two of them slaughtered and killed wanton, the Qilin clan’s Clan Leader veteran and others finally They appeared one after another! Faced with Yuanfeng and Zulong, who opened the killing ring here, Hajime Qilin who had just arrived was also shocked and suspicious! Seeing countless deaths and injuries among the clansmen, he immediately shot and blocked Yuanfeng. In front of He Zulong, he said angrily: “Yuanfeng, Zulong!”

“What do you want to do!!”

Facing Haji Qilin’s questioning, seeing Haji Qilin finally appeared, Yuanfeng and Zulong became even more furious at this time! “Ask us what to do!”

“Hajime Qilin, see what good things you have done!”

“You despicable villain, die!”

In the Yuanfeng Zulong’s anger, he slashed to Haji Qilin!! Haji Qilin was shocked, and he was shocked! It seems that not many people are watching, haha, I don’t know why, who can say it? See the underlined version Please download the novel and fly

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