Chapter 191 : Dragon and Phoenix rise up! Three races war!

When the two of them joined hands, how Haji Qilin was able to defeat him, and Haji Qilin retreated thousands of miles in an instant!! He really didn’t understand why Yuanfeng and Zulong turned their faces like this! Now Haji Qilin’s anger also followed. That’s it! “Yuanfeng, Zulong!”

“This is the territory of my Qilin clan, don’t go too far!”

Hajime Qilin roared! “You are the one who is too much! You despicable villain!”

Zu Long roared: “Kill my second brother and Tianfeng and the others, you hypocrite!”

Both Yuanfeng and Zulong blushed, and they directly slayed Hajime Qilin and slayed other Qilin people frantically while besieging Hajilin Qilin! Hajime Qilin was shocked when he heard this! His thoughts were swept away. Then I realized that the few corpses lying in the pit were from the Dragon and Phoenix clan! Hajime Qilin couldn’t help being taken aback! He couldn’t figure out why Yuanfeng and Nanhai Dragon King were buried. Below this! His eyes widened and his face was full of shock! He finally understood now that the misunderstanding lies in the middle!! “You misunderstood!”

“It’s not me! It has nothing to do with me!”

Hajime Qilin explained! However, at this moment, Zulong and Yuanfeng can’t even hear it. Seeing Zulong and Yuanfeng are in a state of madness and killing, but the Own clan fell one by one, with countless deaths and injuries! Hajilin understood, The other party can’t listen to the other party’s box! “You two stop!”

“I said I didn’t do it! If you don’t stop, don’t blame me for being impolite!”

Hajime Qilin threatened! “Why are you planning to kill us now?”

“If you have a kind, come here!”

When Yuanfeng and Zulong joined forces, Shi Qilin was defeated in an instant! Shi Qilin’s blood was surging, and his anger was finally ignited at this moment! He carried this black pot inexplicably, and he was not an angry master! Facing the two opponents’ reluctance and frantic killing, Qilin couldn’t help it anymore! “This is Buzhou Mountain, it’s the territory of my Qilin clan!”

“Don’t be too arrogant!”

Hajime Qilin roared and ordered directly! “Open the big formation, all go!”

With an order from Hajime Qilin, the whole seat was not opened! However, this time it was opened instead of the formation, but attacked the formation! And the elder of the Qilin clan, Elder, all moved together! The masters above the quasi-sage, There are only four or five, and there are so many positions, all of them swarmed up, and began to counterattack Yuanfeng and Zulong! This time, Zulong and Yuanfeng were attacked, and there was a Qilin who was watching, and that was not Zhoushan’s attack. Formation, but not weak, and extremely powerful! Countless lightning and thunder lights rolled down from all over the mountains, directly attacking Ancestral Dragon and Yuanfeng, with great momentum and amazing power! Countless golden lights swarmed down and fell directly on Yuan. Feng and Zulong are on them! “Huh huh!”

With a muffled groan, the two of them retreated a thousand miles, and their blood was tumbling! After all, this is the home court of the Qilin clan. The two of them are single-handedly, and they are really not the opponents of the Qilin clan! So the two are angry, but they are angry. It can only be helpless! Yuanfeng

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He and Zulong are both anxious, looking at Shi Qilin with great resentment, wishing to kill him directly! “Shi Qilin!”

“We will settle this account with you!”

Yuan Feng roared angrily! “Just wait and see!”

“Just wait for the anger of our two clans!”

“Zulong is also crazy now, roaring! The two see that there is nothing to do with each other. If they continue to fight, it will only be their own two who will suffer! The two of them looked at each other and waved their hands directly. A few corpses were all put away, and then they immediately rose into the air, and disappeared in the mountain in an instant! “Haji Qilin! We will make you pay the price!”

The two men left these words viciously, and then disappeared in front of them in a blink of an eye, and the words of the two of them resounded throughout Bu Zhou Mountain! Hajime Qilin and other people waited to look at the direction of the two people, and couldn’t help but wrinkle. Frowned.


“This time there is going to be a storm again!”

Hajime Qilin couldn’t help but sighed slightly.

He really felt inexplicable! He had just carried such a black pot on his back, and now Yuan Feng and Zu Long are so furious, they will definitely not be kind.

I am afraid that next, the Qilin clan will face the crazy anger of these two clans.

Thinking of this, Hajime Qilin frowned involuntarily, turned and ordered to go down: “The whole clan prepares for war, defend carefully!”

“This period of time, I am afraid it will be uneasy!”

As the order was passed on, the entire Qilin clan in Buzhou Mountain began to be on guard.

Today, the Qilin clan is completely grieving with the dragon clan and the phoenix clan.

Hajime Qilin sighed in his heart, but he couldn’t figure out why things got to this point! Who killed the Dragon King and Tianfeng, and blamed them on the Qilin clan Hajilin was puzzled, and finally helpless. He shook his head and left directly, preparing for a crazy cultivation! Because he knew that there was not much time left for him now.

Soon the Feng Clan and the Dragon Clan will take action. When the time comes, the pressure and danger that the Qilin Clan will face will never be lightened! As time passes, soon, not long after, the news from the front will be passed on. The Ancestral Dragon Society went to the East China Sea and gathered all the Dragon and Sihai Sea tribes. From the shore of the East China Sea, they marched directly towards Buzhou Mountain! And the Feng tribe was also led by Yuanfeng, and all the feather tribe birds all came out. Ordered to come and kill them all! The dragon and phoenix armies sent troops at the same time, and finally united to advance against the Buzhou Mountain. The momentum was huge. There were tens of millions of people, and it was the power of the two clans! And Qilin was listening. After receiving this news, he was also shocked.

He instantly summoned all the terrestrial beast races of the entire Ancient World Central World, all assembled in Buzhou Mountain, ready to defend against the enemy! In this way, there are tens of millions of people under the entire Buzhou Mountain, and they are waiting! The atmosphere of the entire Buzhou Mountain It is extremely nervous and terrifying, and people are panicking! It is conceivable that a big battle is about to begin! Another tribe battle! Feilu reminds you: Three things to read, please keep this paragraph, otherwise it will be banned IP–>

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