Di Jun did not expect Gui Yuan to appear in the heaven, and was shocked.

Infinite Bagua Dao rhymes erupted from Fuxi's body, sealing off the surrounding areas. Hetu Luoshu appeared around the emperor's body, and the demon emperor's dharma body, which ruled the world, appeared in it.

Taiyi grabbed the East Emperor Bell with his hand, his starry eyes were extremely cold, and he felt joy in his heart. He did not expect to meet Guiyuan here.

He used the Donghuang Bell to kill Donghuang Taoist, and his strength reached a new level. Although Guiyuan had to reverse the record of killing the quasi-sage, there was still a gap between the quasi-sage and the quasi-sage.

The difference between the quasi-sages is not only the laws they understand, but also the spiritual treasures used to entrust the three corpses.

Although the king of the game is also a guest in Zixiao, there is still a bit of a gap between the guests.

When he was in Daluo, Taiyi killed him as easily as killing a chicken. After becoming a quasi-sage, perhaps the gap between Panwang and the other Daluo Golden Immortals has widened.

But after Taiyi became a quasi-sage, it can be said that only a few quasi-sages can compare with him, mainly because the spiritual treasure he used to kill corpses was an innate treasure.

The gap between low-grade innate spiritual treasures and innate supreme treasures is as big as a huge amount.

So he didn't have the slightest fear that Guiyuan could kill Pan Wang, because he could do it, and most of the top innate saints actually saw that Shen Fei must have used many methods to kill Pan Wang.

Compared with the ease with which Guiyuan killed Da Luo before, it was obvious that the Quasi-Sage was no longer someone that Guiyuan could easily kill.

We must keep him this time!

Shen Fei stared at the three of them. Each one's aura was overwhelming. They hadn't even separated out their bodies yet. The wind, water, and fire exploded all around. The five elements were in chaos, and time and space were faintly collapsed. He said, "I didn't expect such a coincidence."

However, Di Jun stopped Tai Yi who wanted to speak, and said quietly: "Fellow Taoist Guiyuan, in fact, we don't have much hatred at all. The incident with the gourd was just because Ling Bao was in front.

It can be regarded as each relying on his own means.

But it is true that you humiliated us, if you can agree to join the Demon Court. The cause and effect between us can be regarded as being wiped out, and the position of the leader of the ten demon gods is reserved for you.

Join the Demon Court and you can lead the demons. "

When Taiyi heard Di Jun's words, he didn't say anything. He just controlled the Donghuang Bell and stared at Shen Fei.

Shen Fei glanced at Taiyi. To be honest, only Taiyi's Donghuang Bell can pose a threat to him here. Taiyi now is definitely not as simple as he was in Daluo.

Of course, he was not as simple as that back then.

"If you want me to join the Demon Court, there's still a big difference between you two brothers."

When Emperor Jun saw this, his eyes narrowed slightly, "Do you think you can still be cruel this time? Now that our three quasi-sages are here, our strength is not like King Pan."

"If you want to fight, fight!"

Shen Fei said calmly that he had tested his defense methods from Pangu's physical body. It could be said that he could completely ignore the attacks from Di Jun and Fu Xi, which meant that he only needed to be wary of the Donghuang Bell.

That's nothing to be afraid of.

At most, he can't cause effective harm to them. He can't kill them, but it's not that easy for Di Jun and the others to kill him.

"Guiyuan, now I have become a quasi-sage. The cause and effect of the last time on the top of Buzhou Mountain has been resolved this time!"

Taiyi said coldly.

After the Donghuang Bell became the sustenance of his own body, his refining of the Donghuang Bell reached a new level. What happened when he was fighting with Shen Fei before would not happen again.

In an instant.

The Donghuang Bell began to vibrate, as if there were earth, wind, water, and fire circulating in the heavens. Chaos and grand mist flickered here, and the immeasurable divine light shone with the power of the thirty-third heaven.

In an instant, the vast river of time divided into countless timelines. Taiyi used the East Emperor Bell to bombard Shen Fei in the past, present and future in an instant.

The long river of time seemed to be stirred by supreme power, and the sound of the bell alarmed many great powers in the ancient world.

"This is... the chime of the Chaos Clock. Who is that guy Taiyi fighting with?"

"It's Guiyuan! This Guiyuan's ability to cause trouble must be too strong. He just killed King Pan of the Immortal Courtyard not long ago and ate an ax from those twelve barbarians.

Are you fighting Taiyi again now? "

"But where are they now, and their location can't be calculated?"

"In a certain cave heaven paradise, there is a shielding position of the innate formation!"

"It seems like we are fighting for the opportunity."

In the long river of time, figures emerge one after another. Through the long river of time, this battle has some expectations. One of them is the most powerful person in the ranks of the top innate saints and quasi-saints.

The only one who can compare with him is Sanqing, and even his eldest brother Di Jun is at least three points behind him in terms of personal strength.

The main thing is the Donghuang Bell he masters, which can be said to be the most powerful magic weapon in the prehistoric times. When the realm is similar, the law is one aspect, but the magic weapon is also another aspect.

A handy magic weapon can greatly enhance the user's attack power.

As for the innate treasure, let alone aiming at the saint, it has an effect on Hunyuan.

Another person, Gui Yuan, was the most mysterious Da Luo in the prehistoric times and the first turtle in the world. His heels were so ancient that many of them could not compare with him. Even the Taoist ancestors bluntly said that Gui Yuan was on the road to prove the Tao through force.

His Da Luo is different from other Da Luo.

His energy, spirit, and understanding of laws are extremely terrifying. He has all kinds of laws at his fingertips. He uses the body of Daluo to kill the quasi-sage and realize the Tao with his strength.

The foundation is terrifying. If some Daluo uses low-grade innate spiritual treasures to kill three corpses, they may not be able to match his accumulation. The slight gap in the rules can be filled with the other two aspects.

Shen Fei instantly transformed into his true form at this moment, and the world's Dao Fruit emerged. Facing Taiyi's attack, he did not dare to be careless at all. He faced Taiyi's bombardment in the past, present, and future at the same time.

Palms and clocks collide.

The void shook, cause and effect were reversed, and countless rivers surged in time, but were quickly calmed down by a supreme power.

The muscles and bones in Shen Fei's body roared together, rumbling wildly, and the tortoise-shell Qingyun transformed by the eternal immortal appeared on his body instantly. There were two layers of passive, one active, a total of three layers of eternal immortality that continuously counteracted the chaos clock blasting into his body. strength.

Countless bells seemed to be vibrating from all directions, from the physical body to the mental to the true spirit.

"Not bad! Your turtle shell is the best in history!"

Taiyi's eyes narrowed. If an ordinary Da Luo had taken his blow, it would have been blown to pieces long ago. All traces of the past, present and future would have been wiped away, and there would be no trace of this person anymore.


Shen Fei did not retreat but moved forward, his huge body like a giant mountain slamming into Taiyi, and growled: "Come again!"


Taiyi's eyes filled with fighting intent, he controlled the Donghuang Bell, and Donghuang Taoist appeared instantly. The two bombarded Shen Fei wildly. Shen Fei's Golden Aojia had already emerged, and the Chaos Golden Aojia appeared again.

Turtle Claw also burst out at extreme speed, constantly fighting Taiyi and Donghuang Taoist.

The rumbling sound exploded throughout the thirty-third heaven. In an instant, Shen Fei was at a disadvantage and was driven back wildly. The Chaos Bell was a defensive treasure among the three treasures of Kaitian, integrating offense and defense.

As soon as the bell rang, it could shake the earth, wind, water, fire, chaotic stars, and the Hongmeng light continued to explode, destroying the surrounding space and killing Shen Fei.

Chaos Golden Ao and Eternal Immortality blocked one after another. After the attacks landed on Shen Fei's body, they kept leaving white marks, and the sound of bells kept blasting through Shen Fei's hard tortoise shell and into his body.

When the two are fighting, black holes are constantly flowing out of the earth, feng shui and fire, as if the world is being destroyed and the world is re-created.

"If you give up and join the demon clan, your previous karma will be wiped out, and you will avoid the danger of your own death. Your turtle shell will not be able to stop you for long."

Taiyi sneered, the mana instilled into the Donghuang Bell increased, and its power was even greater. Shen Fei did not speak, but continued to fight, while Guixu in his body was frantically refining the star power that had been absorbed into his body.

Increase the mana in his body.

Moreover, his consciousness of heaven in many worlds is constantly comprehending his own nine laws. As he continues to collide with Tai Yi Fighting and the Chaos Clock, his perception of the laws is also rising.

He also used the consciousness of heaven to refine the thirty-third heavenly talisman he had just obtained.

The Thirty-Third Heavenly Talisman contains the Way of Heaven, which is probably related to a certain great power from the ferocious beast period, and has something to do with Heavenly Dao. The consciousness of Heavenly Dao can refine these Thirty-three Heavenly Talisman very quickly.

The three hundred and sixty-five star gods are helping Shen Fei refine the star mirror.

As long as he can persevere, after refining these several things, he will be able to repel Taiyi, and fighting the Donghuang Bell will allow him to realize the opening of the Heavenly Dao of the Donghuang Bell. This is the Three Treasures of the Opening of Heaven!

Not everyone can be beaten violently by the Three Treasures of Kaitian.


Seeing this, Taiyi and Taoist Donghuang's attack became even more terrifying. They instantly penetrated the defenses of Jin Ao Jia and Eternal Immortal, and the bell literally hit Shen Fei's body.

'when! ’

Countless bells vibrated within Shen Fei's body. In an instant, a big hole appeared in the area where Shen Fei was hit, and countless divine lights flowed out to fill Shen Fei's wound.

The three of them saw that Shen Fei was injured, which was a good start.

It meant that Shen Fei's invincible defense had been broken, but they didn't see the extreme calmness in Shen Fei's eyes.

[You feel the charm of the Open Heaven Dao in the Chaos Bell, and you try to integrate into your own Chaos Ax Light...]

[You feel the essence of the Chaos Clock, analyze its immortal characteristics, and try to integrate it into your own body. 】

Di Jun was about to help Taiyi when he stopped him, "Brother, leave it to me!"

"Okay!" Di Jun also believed Tai Yi.

Mysterious world.

After Alger woke up, the two of them did not act rashly. Alger asked the crew to go back to the ship to get the materials. Alger prepared Sequence 9 and Sequence 8 of the 'Three Pathways of Source Castle'.

In an instant, Shen Fei cut out the 'Mysterious Corpse', which had three pathways of Sequences 9 and 8. Alger looked at the two identical Shen Fei and felt nothing but magic.

"If you want points, I'll give them to you when I'm free. Now he's fighting a powerful enemy!"

Shen Fei said.

"Strong enemy?"

Alger was shocked. Even the leader of the group said he was a powerful enemy. What kind of existence was this?

"We need to move faster. If I can get the Red Priest's Path 2 or 3, I can add another level of combat power."

"Okay! Don't worry about this." Alger nodded.

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