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Chapter 110: Alarming the enemy, the road of the red priest

Alger also got the two pages of Russell's diary from Audrey and gave them to Shen Fei. Now he knew clearly that the leader of the group was his thigh.

Just a black turtle particle gives him such power. How can he act like a group leader?

At the very least, these black turtle particles can help him get all the Sequence 5 potions, which means that he lacks Sequence 5 potions and can quickly become a Sequence 5 perfect state.

The true body of Shen Fei in the mysterious world continued to entrust several black turtle particles with the help of those two pages of the diary, and the giant turtle lurking outside Bansi Port became huge again.

His few black turtle particles should be enough to deal with the Saint level, which is Sequence 3.

After all, the secret system is special because the gap between mid-sequence and high-sequence can be called the gap between humans and immortals.

And high-sequence is one step at a time.

However, it is precisely because of this world that the incarnation in this world can quickly improve its strength.

Especially in conjunction with the method of "fitting the body with the Tao".

The two passed by the telegraph office, which was already controlled by the Medici family, and behind the depths was the source of the Red Priest's path, the City of Disaster.

To be honest, this thing is the only one that can reach the sky in one step, but the problem is that this thing has been sealed by Tianzun, and Shen Fei can only deal with the fallen bishop and the Medici family before going to see the situation.

Come to the still extremely majestic and sacred Church of the Storm.

Alger's face became more serious. This time he was going to face a bishop with the same sequence as him.

And this bishop has fallen.

"Let's go, this is just a side dish. And there is me, even if it is Sequence 3, where is my true body?"

The two walked into the Church of Storms and walked into the dark corridor.

If it had been before, Alger might not have noticed anything strange.

But now that he has practiced martial arts, things like true energy can strengthen people's five senses, and he can already smell a bit of blood.

After walking through the dark and dense aisle, the two of them stepped into the large prayer hall and saw a man in a bishop's robe half-kneeling in the front row, quietly looking at the huge "" symbol on the altar composed of symbols such as strong winds, waves, and thunder. Holy Symbol of the Storm".

"I wonder why Captain Alger is here?"

A low voice sounded, and when Shen Fei heard this, Miller was not surprised to recognize Alger.

They must have been targeted as soon as they got off the ship. After all, the Blue Avenger was flying the flag of the Church of Storms.

Compared with Alger in the original work, he acts in a low-key manner.

And knowing the development of the plot, he relied on the name of the Church of Storms to continuously search for various magical items and sequences.

According to his plundering method, if he hadn't used the name of the Church of Storms, he would have been slaughtered as a fat sheep as if he didn't know anything about it.

"kill you."

Alger had already smelled the smell of blood. This guy must have been reduced to a cultist.

While Alger was speaking.


Countless strong winds blew out of Alger's body, holding up his clothes.

Whoosh whoosh!

Wind blades were shot out intensively, all aimed at Miller.

Miller also crazily activated the wind blades in his body in an instant. Countless wind blades collided crazily in an instant. A series of collision sounds were heard. Miller stared at Alger and growled: "What are you doing! Fighting with your colleagues for no reason is against the law." Canonical!

Aren't you afraid of the punisher? "

The bishop is the nominal leader of the Church of Storms, but he actually performs the rite of enlightenment.

The real fighting force is the punisher.

Since there is no Ocean Singer, these are the fighting forces that can be fought for. Using Alger's words, the Punisher can be used as bait to lure out the Medici family.

If that doesn't work, bring in the Church of Storms, speed up the plan, and have the two fight each other to see if he can get something out of the fire.

"You have already become a cultist. If you say you have alerted the punisher, then you will kill me or you!"

Alger sneered.

Miller's eyes flashed with surprise and confusion when he heard what Alger said.

"What are you talking about! Also, when did you become a Wind Blesser?"

Miller didn't expect that he would be discovered not long after he became Medici's subordinate, and there was a trace of panic in his eyes.

Countless wind blades began to rush towards Alger, and they had to kill Alger before alerting the punisher.

But Alger moved extremely quickly, with agility beyond Miller's imagination.

After dodging the wind blade, successive wind blades continued to erupt from Alger's body.

Miller was nervous. If the stalemate continued, it would only alarm the punisher.

A strange scepter suddenly appeared in his hand, bursting with red light, but in an instant, countless wind blades slashed Miller's body in another direction.

Miller suddenly burst into violent screams.

It was cut into pieces by countless wind blades, and the scepter in his hand also fell to the ground, and a crystal clear crystal emerged from Miller's body.

At this time, it seemed that the violent screams also alerted the punishers below. Several people hurriedly ran up and saw Miller who had been chopped into pieces of meat.

The leading punisher stared at Alger and Shen Fei and growled, "Who are you? How dare you kill the bishop of the Church of Storms?"

Alger took out the Church of Storms' emblem with his backhand, which symbolizes the identity of the captain who chooses to go out, "Are you the captain?"

"Alger. According to the information I received, the blood sacrifice of the former weather god in Port Bansi appeared again. In addition, I lurked here for a few days and found that the local Church of Storms did not investigate this matter at all.

I came to the church and found that the bishop was actually a degenerate! "

"Are you Alger? And the bishop is a degenerate?"

The leading punisher was stunned and asked the person next to him to quickly check Bishop Miller's body. The fallen could be seen from the body.

"Captain, he is indeed a fallen one...and there are traces of other ways on his body."


"Red Priest."

"Red Priest?!" Comien frowned when he heard this. As the punisher stationed here, he naturally knew that Banxi's former weather god was a Sequence 2 weather warlock among the red priests.

Alger listened to Shen Fei's message to him and nodded secretly: "You can go and investigate.

Recently, there have been many more blood sacrifices in Banxi, as well as traces of living corpses, which represent the reappearance of traces of the former weather god.

And this bishop actually concealed these activities, I'm afraid there are forces behind it..."

Comien frowned after listening to Alger's words. Banxi has been peaceful for so many years, is there going to be trouble again?

"I will report it to the church first and then investigate! A bishop's corruption must be known to the church."

"Proceed with caution, I can hear that this Bansi seems to be related to a former king of angels."

"King of Angels?!"

Cormien was stunned, and he was horrified. What kind of person is the King of Angels?

Shen Fei seemed to be a transparent person next to him. This was what he asked Alger to say. Now they probably don't know that the telegraph office has been controlled by Medici.

He just wants to strike a chord, and these punishment agents are the sticks used to strike grass.

Once the information about the King of Angels appeared in the telegraph office, don't think that they wouldn't read it just because it was from the Church of Storms. Miller was what they threw out to attract the attention of the Church of Storms.

Originally, after the Church of Storms dealt with this matter, they did not pay attention to Bansi anymore.

If there hadn't been an old man who saw the evil spirit formed by Medici, the Church of Storms would have turned its attention long ago. Who would have known that Alger knew from Klein that the King of Angels' family existed here.

Alger reported directly to the Church of Storms without going through Banxi.

Maybe the Medici don’t even know when they were exposed.

They were also tricked by their ancestors, so they could not talk about it and gave this information to Klein, the sixth child.

"Yeah. Red Angel, Medici!"

Cormine felt that something was serious, and the punisher next to him gave Cormine a look at the scepter left by Miller and muttered a few words.

"I will go to the telegraph office to report the situation now! Before the church's instructions are received, Captain Alger is asked to stay in Banxi and wait for instructions at any time."

Cormien nodded. The church should know more information than him. Now it is time to report this discovery. Moreover, the magical prop left by Miller actually corresponds to the Red Priest Sequence 8 ‘Arsonist’ characteristic.

If it had been before, Cormien wouldn't have thought too much, but combined with what Alger said, there might be a lot contained in it.

Cormine handed the scepter in his hand to Alger. It was his trophy, but he took away the extraordinary characteristic extracted by Miller. After all, it was a Sequence 6 extraordinary characteristic.

Before leaving, Comien glanced at Shen Fei, but didn't say much. After all, there were many extraordinary people, and Alger was trustworthy. In addition, he also dealt with the fallen bishop this time.

If Red Angel's information is accurate in the future, it can also be used as a qualification for Alger's promotion. By then, Alger's future may be even brighter.

It’s better not to offend Alger because of this.

After these punishers left, Alger looked at Shen Fei and said, "Group leader, are we next?"

"Wait, a strange phenomenon will happen in Bansi soon. Medici was completely caught off guard by Klein.

If they knew that their location was leaked, they would definitely plan to deal with these punishers. "

Shen Fei said calmly.

"Group leader, this."

Alger handed the scepter in his hand to Shen Fei. Shen Fei took it and disappeared in his hand in an instant. He passed it back to the real body, and the real body digested it instantly.

Red Priest Sequence 7, ‘Arsonist’ is obtained!

This magical item is made of extraordinary properties combined with various special metals. It is also the most important way for other extraordinary people to master the power of other sequences.

And most extraordinary people use this method to deal with the extraordinary characteristics in their hands.

After all, not everyone can tolerate multiple approaches, unless they think they will live longer.

Please read it, this is really important to this book

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