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Chapter 111 Medici Family, Confrontation between Saints

Shen Fei and Alger walked out of the Church of Storms. Shen Fei said, "This Medici's movements are not slow. But they are exactly what I want."

Because as soon as they walked out, they saw countless thick fog suddenly appearing outside. Shen Fei quickly divided into two, "Let's approach the telegraph office first. The punishment agent will definitely come back soon to get the sealed artifact to fight."

The interior of this Church of Storms should be a high-sequence sealed object. Otherwise, it would have been impossible to break through the formation formed by Miller's blood sacrifice.

And there was no damage.

When the Medici family and the Punishers clash, it will be good for us no matter which side is severely weakened.

On the way, we waited for an opportunity to hunt down Medici's extraordinary person. The extraordinary characteristics he extracted allowed me to quickly digest and master the Red Priest path! "

Shen Fei was recalling what happened in the original work. Miller had already made a blood sacrifice formation, but the Church of Storms still had the ability to break it. The most likely way was to use a sealed object.

There are sealed objects in every church to avoid certain emergencies. Extraordinary teams like the Punishers use certain costs to eradicate threats.

Just like Miller's blood sacrifice in the original book, the Punisher team solved it by themselves. Needless to say, it must have relied on the sealed object. They relied on the sealed object to break the formation, but they could not kill Miller with their own strength.

Miller was seriously injured and escaped, but finally encountered Klein's vest Gehrman and was beheaded.


Alger nodded. As for the Church of Storms, in the original work, he was a young man, and he had no feelings or belief in the Church of Storms.

Otherwise, he would not have chosen to go to sea instead of staying locally to teach.

Moreover, the Church of Storms treats non-direct descendants like them very poorly.

Otherwise, in the original work, a piece of information involving the descendants of the King of Angels actually only allowed him to be promoted to Navigator, and we would know that the Church of Storms suppressed them.

Even following Klein is better than following the Church of Storms.

The three of them moved forward quickly in the thick fog, and soon saw the sounds of fighting in the place they passed before. They heard Comien yelling just now: "Damn it! You are all looking for death! How dare you offend the Storm Lord?" Powerful!"

"Wait a minute!"

Another strange noise sounded, and soon several people rushed out of the fog and rushed towards the Church of Storms, followed closely by several figures.

Flames streaked across the sky.

One of the leaders had a pale and delicate face, "Who exposed us? Just tell us and we will let you go!"

"Go away!" The badge on Cormien's chest shone brightly, "Conspirator! It seems that he is really the Red Priest!"

And this performance also fell into the eyes of the three people hiding in the fog.

"Are you going to kill him?"

Alger asked, the three of them working together would definitely be able to keep these people behind. The conspirator's conspiracy ability can indeed increase the combat effectiveness, but he also needs to be given enough time to set up the trap.

But the appearance of the three people, Alger was probably what they expected, but the two clones of the group leader were definitely not in Medici's consideration. The three of them together were enough to kill the conspirator.

"There's no rush. Let's follow! This conspirator will definitely die without us taking action."

'Secret Shen Fei' opened his mouth and said, his body bursting with strong control and followed him, while 'God Shen Fei' and Alger ran forward and returned to the church not far away again.

as expected.

In an instant, terrifying thunder suddenly erupted in the church, and countless screams began to sound. Comien said coldly: "You guys, how dare you chase us! You are seeking death!"

And just then.

Figures suddenly appeared in the surrounding fog, those gentlemen and ladies, but they were all pale now, with blood at the corners of their mouths. The red figure headed by them was extremely masculine.

The aura of terror filled the air, and when Alger saw this figure, two words came to mind.

'Demi god! ’

'Secret Shen Fei' and 'Secret God' blocked this aura. This demigod was indeed as he imagined. He was already a demi-god, and his body began to have a Taoist charm that could affect the surroundings.

"Sequence 4 Sealed Artifact?"

This figure said coldly: "You want to make trouble in front of me by relying on the sealed object? You should never find out something you shouldn't know!"

"Iron Knight?!"

Cormien didn't expect that even Sequence 4 would appear, and the living corpses appearing around him would be connected with this guy's aura, causing him to erupt with an extremely terrifying aura. Cormien held a staff tightly in his hand and roared: "You guys These cultists!

In the face of the storm, you will all be destroyed eventually! "

"This group of people in Spain is our territory! You are the outsiders!"

Medici Eli said coldly, and immediately rushed towards Comien after saying that. Even if he could use high-sequence sealed objects to succeed, the cost of using sealed objects beyond the level would be extremely high. This guy resisted It won't be long.

Cormine waved his staff, and countless strong winds emerged, and tornadoes rolled up around him and spewed towards Eli.

Eli didn't care at all about the tornado that rushed over. There were countless wind blades in this tornado, which were enough to cut through everything, but when it fell on Eli, it didn't seem to cause any harm.

Some of the living corpses around him were injured.

One of the Iron-Blooded Knight's abilities is that he can distribute the damage he suffers to his subordinates!

Comien and others retreated step by step, retreating to the interior of the Church of Storms. As soon as they retreated, a more terrifying wind emerged than before, blocking the living corpses and Eli outside the church. The church's Holy Emblem of Storms was faintly glowing. .

"Damn it! There is actually the power of faith in it!"

Seeing this, Eli rode as fast as a thousand, and rushed towards the Storm Church in an instant, trying to break through the defense formed by Cormyn's strong wind, but he felt that the living corpses around him were being consumed at an extremely fast speed.


Eli shouted.

"It seems that it needs to be resolved as soon as possible, otherwise it will definitely attract the Church of Storms, or the Church of Storms may have received the oracle."

At this time, a figure appeared. When this figure appeared, the entire world was filled with a strong pressure. The surrounding beings lowered their heads, not daring to look at the emerging figure.

"do not look."

‘Secret Shen Fei’ reminded Alger, looking at the figure that appeared, there was indeed a saint.

Will there be angels in the Medici family?

After all, a source of essence is of great value to an angel.

Forget it, whether it exists or not, a saint will suffice.

The moment this figure appeared, Comien knew that something was wrong. What was going on with this class? There was a saint behind it. You must know that saints are cardinals and archbishops in the church.

Even if there was a weather god in Banxi, nothing else was found after being dealt with. Otherwise, the church would have plowed the place long ago.

Now a Sequence 3 actually appears?

Captain Alger is right, there must be a bigger secret behind this.

And at this moment, the figure in the sky suddenly looked at a place in the fog, frowned and said: "How can such a thing exist, with three major sequences at the same time?"

The figure in the sky grabbed it with a big hand, and at this moment, the sky that was still a little bright suddenly became extremely dark.

Medici Lane looked up and saw that the power he had accumulated was directed at the giant palm blasting from the sky.


Ryan's power was shattered instantly, and the huge claws directly slapped Ryan's body.

The figures that existed everywhere in Banxi shattered crazily and turned into blood mist. At this time, figures began to appear everywhere. After being blasted to the ground, Ryan raised his head and said, "Saint!"

But he was quickly stunned, because this was not a human being, but a huge turtle floating in the air, and the palm just now belonged to him.

Is this a mythical creature?

At this time, Shen Fei did not stop. Countless seawater turned into terrifying waves and bloomed in the sky, blasting towards Ryan, carrying the power of Shen Fei's several incarnations of black turtle particles.

Although his power is similar to that of a saint, his understanding of the laws is not comparable to that of these saints.

This incarnation of Shen Fei is like falling from Sequence 0 to Sequence 3. Although his strength is similar to that of Sequence 3, in the final analysis, his combat power is much stronger than that of Sequence 3.

"Waves! Are you from the Church of Storms?"

The ability of the Saint ‘Sea King’ of the Church of Storms is to control the waves.

Ryan roared, and with the help of the figures around him, he instantly transformed into an army and crashed towards the waves.

Like two armies fighting, countless water mist exploded around them and turned into rain. At this time, flames and strong winds appeared, and 'Mysterious Shen Fei' and 'God Shen Fei' took action together.

The wind helped the fire, and a wind blade carrying flames shot towards Eli.

"Don't do it yet!"

"Secret Shen Fei" shouted, and Comien reacted instantly. The scepter in his hand also burst out with countless violent winds, and some thunder swept towards Eli, "Assist the Lord Saint to kill the enemy!"

Cormien has already regarded Shen Fei who took action as a saint from the Church of Storms. This power that controls the sea water can only be the Sequence 3 Sea King.

All of a sudden.

Eli also reacted. The surrounding living corpses formed an army and rushed towards the attacks. At the same time, there were figures appearing one after another. Sequence 9 hunters, sequence 7 arsonists, and sequence 5 reapers all appeared.

Kill towards the Church of Storms.

In the sky, Ryan and Shen Fei were constantly colliding. An illusory army collided with the waves. Shen Fei suddenly felt a force emerging from his body.

It was 'Secret Shen Fei' who used flame jumping to take away the extraordinary characteristics of the 'conspirator' who just died.

Let him digest it instantly.

He does not need to follow the order. The so-called potion system is just for better digestion and progressive control. High-sequence extraordinary characteristics often contain low-sequence extraordinary characteristics.

The convenience of the potion system is here, as long as you can hold it, you can reach the sky in one step!

Shen Fei instantly became a Sequence 5 Red Priest.

"Damn it! How could you have so many abilities!"

Ryan was a little stunned when he was fighting with Shen Fei. Shen Fei not only used the ability to control the waves, but also had extremely strong strength. Every time he used his army to attack the waves.

Facing the bombardment of this huge giant turtle, he could only fight with his body.

In every confrontation, countless living corpses would explode instantly. If this continued, he would probably lose to this giant turtle!

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