Ryan was a little skeptical about his life. In his long journey to the extraordinary, he had never encountered such a situation. Even a mythical creature had no possibility of mastering so much power.

Not only were there waves, but there were also wind, rain, thunder and lightning. They didn’t look like Sea Kings, but like weather warlocks from their Red Priest path.

This extremely tyrannical body may not even be comparable to the Sequence 3 of the Giant Path.

But Ryan had no choice but to keep resisting Shen Fei's attacks, "Damn it! I have to use this power!"

Ryan growled, and an extremely primitive staff suddenly appeared in his hand. It looked like it was made of wood, but there were blood-like lines on it clinging to the staff.

This is what the ancestor left behind.

Sequence 2 magical item, weather staff.

The moment the weather staff came out.

Ryan immediately began to use the power of the staff, and all the wind, rain, thunder and lightning appeared, blasting towards Shen Fei. It seemed that the weather god appeared again in Banxi, with strong winds, heavy rain, thunder, and lightning all appearing together.

The waves broke through Shen Fei's control and hit him, but only left a little white mark.

"Sure enough, there is Sequence 2!"

Shen Fei felt happy, this was convenient, and he continued to shoot the huge turtle claws. Sequence 2 was almost all Golden Immortals. This relic of the Golden Immortals was almost similar to the Tao Fruit.

There is still something to say. Shen Fei kept using his turtle shell to block Ryan's attacks, waiting for opportunities to strike!

At this time, something happened on the battlefield below. Eli was constantly resisting the power of the sealed object used by the punisher of the Church of Storms.

Countless tornadoes rolled around, causing huge potholes to appear on the ground.

But Eli had already switched from offense to defense, relying only on his own army to resist Comien's attack. Under the heavy siege of the army, Eli sneered and said: "Let's see how long you can use this sealed artifact! "

The other punishment substitutes also used sealed objects, but these sealed objects were not high-end.

They could only barely resist the attacks from the rest of the Medici members.

Cormine's face became increasingly pale, and the scepter in his hand had begun to cause hallucinations. The strong wind in his body began to become chaotic, and he felt that the pollution in his body continued to spread under the influence of this 'disaster scepter'.

"Damn it! Who will take over the Disaster Scepter!"

Cormine yelled, but the punishers around him were fighting with the others.

Moreover, they are all using sealed items and cannot take over, and it is unlikely that they will take over, because not everyone can use this high-sequence mythical item.

But now I can only rely on this thing to resist this iron-blooded knight.

"give it to me."

At this time, Alger's figure appeared beside him, stretched out his hand and said.


Comien was overjoyed. Alger was also a wind-blessed person. He could use this 'Disaster Scepter' to exert stronger power and resist stronger pollution. He handed the scepter to Alger.

But Alger made a move that surprised him extremely. He gave the scepter in his hand to a person next to him, a person who had followed him before.

"What are you doing?! This is a sealed artifact of the church, how can it be given to an outsider for use!"

Cormine was in disbelief.

"This is to save us!"

Alger just finished speaking.

After "God Shen Fei" took over the disaster scepter, the disaster scepter seemed to melt in an instant. "God Shen Fei" casually threw some precious metals to the ground.

The core of this disaster scepter, the extraordinary characteristics belonging to the Sequence 4 disaster priest, were instantly integrated into the body of 'God Shen Fei'.

Shen Fei did not expect such a harvest. He had only thought that there would be the extraordinary characteristics of the Ocean Singer. Who knew that there would be the extraordinary characteristics of the Disaster Priest here.

When Comien saw the extraordinary characteristics of the Disaster Priest, they immediately poured into Shen Fei's body. He shouted anxiously on his face: "If you directly integrate such high-sequence extraordinary characteristics, you will lose control!"

But he could no longer stop it. Countless disasters appeared around 'God Shen Fei'. 'God Shen Fei' smiled slightly. He felt that his spiritual body, etheric body, and mental body were all growing at an extremely terrifying speed.

He was feeling the wind, rain, thunder and lightning in this world, and it seemed that countless disasters were emerging in his mind.

His perspective rose in an instant, as if his inner world was pulling the rest of the world, but it was not so high that it was just rising above Banxi.

In the eyes of 'God Shen Fei', the heaven and earth seem to shine with three-dimensional and layered mysterious symbols one after another. They penetrate higher levels, connect to the underlying laws, and intuitively express weirdness, madness, change, power, Abstract concepts such as knowledge.

'This is the law of this world...'

'God Shen Fei' murmured, and as expected, becoming a saint has already begun to come into contact with the real laws of this world, the crazy and chaotic laws, building his own order amidst the chaos.

Countless chaotic roars sounded in his ears, and these roars seemed to have extremely chaotic power.

From his center, a strange force appeared, provoking the laws nearby, and tsunamis and earthquakes followed one after another.

On 'God Shen Fei''s face, neck, back of hands and other places, light-colored flesh buds stood out one by one, as if they had their own vitality and continued to grow outwards, turning into light blue tentacles. Under the clothes, there were also wriggling movements. The traces rise and fall.

It seemed that in the next moment he would become the monster with tentacles.

Cormine stared at Alpha and growled: "Look what you did! He will definitely lose control, and then we will have an additional enemy! And the Disaster Scepter is gone, how to deal with that guy!"

Eli on the opposite side did not expect such a change to happen. He felt the strong wind falling around him and laughed loudly, "Have you completely given up on your own life?"

After saying that, the countless living corpses in front of Eli suddenly turned into a neat army and rushed towards the church. Cormyon looked desperate, but Alger was indifferent and joking.

How could the group leader be stopped by this?

next moment.

'God Shen Fei', who seemed to be out of control, instantly returned to his original appearance. Countless winds, rain, thunder and lightning emerged in an instant. In an instant, a huge earthquake occurred throughout Banxi, "Boom!"

The house collapsed, the ground cracked, and countless seawater in the distance turned into a huge wall and surged in like thousands of troops. When Ryan, who was still fighting with Shen Fei, saw the tsunami, he yelled: "Why? What’s going on! Why did a tsunami suddenly appear!”

If it were normal times, a tsunami would be a tsunami.

But now, after he used the weather staff, the giant turtle that appeared has been suppressed and beaten by him, but this tsunami will be a boost to the giant turtle.

Sure enough, all of a sudden.

Shen Fei caught the phenomenon of heaven and earth caused by "God Shen Fei" when he took the magic potion. The tsunami instantly became Shen Fei's help. He was waiting for this opportunity.

In an instant, the tsunami shattered Ryan's thousands of troops. The huge wave seemed to overturn the entire Banxi, and exploded most of the entire Banxi with a 'boom'.

The combined force of heaven and earth, coupled with Shen Fei's own control of the law, caused the consequences of the Church of Storms in the original work. Half of Bansi was directly shattered, and Ryan was directly blasted into a deep pit in the ground.

All the living corpses belonging to him in Banxi were blown to pieces, and even he himself suffered great trauma, "Damn it!"

Ryan didn't expect such a thing to happen suddenly. His whole body seemed to have broken bones, the weather staff fell behind him, blood flowed from the corners of his mouth, and his chest was sunken, as if there was a big pit.

"You can die!"

Shen Fei said lightly that Ryan, who controls Sequence 2, should be the strongest member of the Medici family. Otherwise, the real Sequence 2 would have come out by now.

Moreover, the Pope of the Church of Storms is also Sequence 2. If the Medici family still existed in Sequence 2, it would be impossible for the Church of Storms to destroy Bansi in the first place.

In other words, even if Sequence 2 exists, he should not be able to escape at this moment. Either he has gone deep into the City of Disaster, or he has been so polluted by the City of Disaster that he cannot even move.

With Ryan's face of despair, a huge turtle claw slapped Ryan like a giant mountain.


The earth shook and the entire Bansi was once again broken into a large piece.

The weather staff fell into Shen Fei's air, and the giant turtle in the sky disappeared in front of everyone.

On the other side, "God Shen Fei" who became the "disaster chief priest" controlled wind, rain, thunder and lightning with ease. Countless thunders struck Eli wildly, and the living corpses around Eli continued to shatter, and finally screamed in the thunder.

Finally, a dark red crystal precipitated.

The hands of 'God Shen Fei' moved gently, like playing beautiful music, and with every finger falling, a member of the Medici family died, revealing extraordinary characteristics.

In the end, only the punishers from the Church of Storms and two Shen Fei were left on the entire battlefield.

Comien looked at the waves rushing up. The Bansi in front of him was already in a mess. It seemed that half of Bansi had disappeared in this battle.

He swallowed and looked at Alger and the two people around him. He was not stupid. Looking at the actions of Alger and the two people and the giant turtle that appeared, it was obvious that he was prepared.

And they are part of the plan.

Lead out the descendants of this angelic family.

"This...is this your plan? That sir?"

Alger said quietly: "This is a church secret. Are you sure you want to know?"

Comien smiled bitterly. Sure enough, he had been used as bait. He asked cautiously: "Does it need to be reported to the church?"

"No need to report it. I will report it."


Comien didn't think it was strange. The church often had secret missions, and some secret missions were affiliated with the vice-pope, or the pope, or even the oracle.

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