The ancient world.

Shen Fei suddenly gained a little strength and a lot of insights, and the tortoise claws in his hands kept hitting the Donghuang Bell that was blasting towards him.

But the power of the innate treasure on the Donghuang Bell was too powerful. After it shocked his body, the true body flowing with Shen Xi bloomed, and drops of blood that were heavy enough to penetrate the void spilled out.

Shen Fei just persisted silently.


The understanding of the laws of the 'Red Priest Path' and the 'Tyrant Path' made Shen Fei's understanding of the four laws of wind, rain, thunder and lightning as well as the law of Yang rise crazily.

The speed of many star gods refining the heavenly symbols has gone even further. Not only that, but the four phenomena of heaven and earth have also transformed into entities to assist the star gods in refining the heavenly symbols.

The consciousness of heaven is also helping, using the thoughts of countless living beings to attack the restrictions of Lingbao.

at this moment.

The thoughts of many creatures in the subordinate world that became Shen Fei's inner world became Shen Fei's weapons, weapons used to refine magic weapons.

At this moment, something flashed through the minds of countless creatures in many attached worlds from time to time, but they were quickly ignored.

Suddenly, the heavenly talisman in the inner world shone brightly.

outside world.

Taiyi saw Shen Fei losing ground in his hands and said softly: "This is your last chance, if you don't agree again, this will be the day you fall!"

When Taiyi saw that Shen Fei was still silent, a ruthless look flashed in his eyes, "Since you are looking for death! Then kill him!"

Having said that, the heavens shook, and a great sun emerged. A great sun also appeared in the sky above the heaven. This was the Hongmeng Star, transformed from Pangu's left eye, the head of the vitality of the heaven and earth, and the existence that commanded all the stars in the sky.

A golden crow with a body like the sun and a wingspan of thousands of feet emerged. The vast scorching sun reflected the void. Time, cause and effect, and destiny seemed to be disrupted by the power of the sun.


Taiyi cries, and the power of the sun falls on it, while the Donghuang Taoist next to him merges into the Donghuang Bell, and the Donghuang Bell instantly rises in the wind, becoming huge and boundless.

Tai spread his wings and struck the Donghuang Bell violently.

'when! ’

The sound is loud, but the elephant is invisible.

But all the innate saints who watched this battle through the long river of time were shocked. They all saw in this special space, an infinite and huge clock appeared, where Etai Yi and Guiyuan fought.

Countless black holes emerged in the void, and even the heavens were penetrated at this moment.

The earth, wind, water, and fire are mighty and powerful, swallowing up the sky.

The long river of time seems to be swept away, and the long river of time rushes into countless waves from the past, present, and future, carrying the aura of eternal grandeur, and the existence trajectory of countless living beings carries extremely terrifying power.

'boom! ’

The golden turtle on Shen Fei's surface was completely knocked away, the spiritual light flickered in and out, the shadow of the chaotic golden turtle was directly shattered, and the terrifying power once again instantly penetrated the tortoise-shell Qingyun transformed by the three "eternal immortals".

The fairy light is broken and the purple clouds are dim.

In an instant, the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth were reversed, turning into a Yin-Yang Tai Chi diagram and continuing to crazily offset the power from the East Emperor Bell, while a series of spiritual lights exploded in Shen Fei's body.

A Xuanzang Monument, which was like a condensed mass of countless mountains, appeared. A drop of shimmering blood with a slightly chaotic color was rolling on the Xuanzang Monument.

In an instant.

A figure that spans across the vast wilderness and looks like the sky appears in the void, rolling up the vast galaxy, and the Avenue of the Sun is shaken at this moment.

"Ancestral dragon? Why is the aura of the ancestral dragon here!"

"Guiyuan actually has the essence and blood of the ancestral dragon in his hand, and the Xuanzhong tablet in his hand seems to be the accompanying spiritual treasure of the son of the ancestral dragon!"

"I've never heard that the ancestral dragon has a causal relationship with this ancient giant turtle!"

After this figure appeared, everyone's hearts froze. Anyone with a bit of inheritance knew this appearance. Isn't this the ancestral dragon?

The protagonist in the last great catastrophe, one of the three main protagonists in the Dragon, Phoenix and Han tribulation, was willing to put himself down to suppress the eyes of the world in order to retain the last trace of the dragon clan. Although he may not have truly fallen, he is not alive either.

Even if you want to recover, you must at least repay the cause and effect caused by the dragon clan to the prehistoric era.

Why did the form of the ancestral dragon suddenly appear?

[You observe the shape of the ancestral dragon and begin to deduce the mystery of the ancestral dragon's body. The ancestral dragon takes the shape of water and follows wind, rain, thunder and lightning...]

[Combined with his own understanding of the law, you have realized the great magical power - to call the wind and rain]

Countless insights emerged in Shen Fei's mind. This calling for wind and rain was not only calling for the ordinary wind and rain, but also the nine-day wind and the cold rain of the netherworld.

The shape of the ancestral dragon rolled up on the Xuanzang Monument and collided with the attack of the Donghuang Bell.

Countless time and space.

In Jiutian, in the four seas, in the wilderness, the sound of bombardment sounded from every corner.

The Xuanzang Monument flew away upside down, but at this moment, the Xuanzang Monument underwent a strange change, and a dragon rolled around the Xuanzang Monument.

At this moment, Donghuang Bell's attack was also weakened a lot.

next moment.

A round of orbs turned into wheels and emerged, and countless seawater rushed out. Among them, there were many water droplets like stars, containing extremely terrifying power, piercing the void.

The orb emits multicolored light, suppresses the heavens, and transforms into twelve oceans that continue to crazily weaken the power of the East Emperor Bell.

to the end.

A white mark appeared on Shen Fei's turtle shell, and Shen Fei didn't even move his body.

"Fuxi, do it!"

When Emperor Jun saw this, the River Map and Luoshu instantly appeared in his hand. The vast ancient river road surged out, carrying the power of the water veins of heaven and earth. The phantom of the ancient world moved towards Shen Fei with the power to suppress the mountains and rivers. Crash away.

Fuxi also used the power of the Eight Diagrams of Heaven and Earth to block Shen Fei.

But Shen Fei had already been prepared. When the final blow of the East Emperor Bell fell, the heavenly talisman suddenly appeared in an instant.

The power of the entire heaven fell to the surroundings, and Fuxi's eyes were shocked. Using the power of heaven and earth was his best method, but at this moment, all his heaven and earth gossips were frozen.

The world around him instantly rejected him.

And Di Jun's Hetu Luoshu was also solidified by the power of the surrounding heaven and earth, not only the shape, but also the spirit. The time and space of this world at this moment seemed to be frozen.

A slap instantly penetrated the heaven and earth Bagua that Fuxi had previously enveloped, and the laws of space emerged.

"not good!"

Taiyi was about to strike again, but Shen Fei had disappeared without a trace at this moment. Their understanding of the avenue of space was completely inferior to Shen Fei's.

In the end, they only heard a faint smile from Fang Tiandi, "Want to keep me? You're not even close!"

"Escaped? Did Guiyuan escape?"

"This, what is Guiyuan's last resort? Once Taoist Fuxi's Heaven and Earth Bagua is blocked, how can he be able to stay still unless he is a quasi-sage who follows the same path."

"No! It's very wrong. Not only did Guiyuan receive Taiyi's attack, but he also managed to break through the blockade of Di Jun and Fu Xi!"

"Now Guiyuan's reputation has become so great that he actually escaped under the siege of Taiyi, Dijun, and Fuxi."

On the long river of time, many innate saints were shocked when they saw the final result of this battle. They were shocked once by Guiyuan not long ago, and now they are shocked again.

Guiyuan actually escaped under the siege of three people. Although it was Taiyi who took action at first, anyone who has seen Fuxi take action knows how powerful his world and eight trigrams are in blocking time and space.

Once you fall into it, heaven and earth will be against you.

Some people even think that Fu Xi is the second strongest person in the Demon Court, because Di Jun has not made a move for a long time, and most of them are Tai Yi and Fu Xi.

But Fuxi's Eight Diagrams method was actually broken?

Di Jun looked at Fuxi. He was also wondering why Fuxi's magical power was broken.

In the past, Fuxi's magical powers could be said to be invincible.

Even if Taiyi wants to blast away, he needs the help of the Donghuang Bell.

Fuxi frowned, "The information I got from this side of heaven and earth is the origin treasure of heaven that emerged from Guiyuan just now.

This heaven is very special. It was condensed from the ancient world with the help of the power of the stars in the sky and the origin of a great supernatural being.

Each heaven is a top-level cave heaven and blessed land, but it also leads to a treasure that condenses the origins of the great supernatural beings in this heaven and earth. This treasure is connected with the origin of heaven. "

"In other words, Guiyuan was relying on the power of heaven just now?"

Di Jun soon understood what Fuxi was talking about.

"Now that this thing has fallen into Guiyuan's hands, isn't this heaven the place where Guiyuan keeps it for himself?"

A person who can use the power of heaven anytime and anywhere. He originally wanted to transfer the demon clan to this place. After all, it is far away from Hongmeng.

But now, if Shen Fei gets in, he can overthrow their demon clan in an instant.

Fuxi shook his head and said: "Not necessarily, but compared to before, if we want to turn this place into our own private land, it will be a lot more troublesome.

Not only must the formation be imprinted, but Your Majesty must also connect the fate of the demon clan to it, and use Your Majesty's fate to suppress the origin of the heaven.

At least the spiritual treasure in Guiyuan's hand has not been nourished by heaven's luck, so it is almost impossible to mobilize the power of heaven. "

Taiyi's eyes narrowed and he said coldly: "I'll go find him. If he can hand it over obediently, spare his life! If he doesn't hand it over, don't blame me."

And that's at this time.

Suddenly, several voices were heard outside, "Come out of the two miscellaneous birds inside. How dare you go to the top of Buzhou Mountain and offend the majesty of Father God Pangu!"

"Oops, Na Guiyuan may have expected it. The foot of Buzhou Mountain is the territory of the Wu Clan. Although the Wu Clan couldn't watch the fierce fight just now, Zhu Jiuyin and Di Jiang must have noticed it."

Fuxi's eyes condensed, and the Eight Diagrams of Heaven and Earth were instantly blocked. He looked at Taiyi and said: "Donghuang, it seems that you can't go to Guiyuan to trouble you. At this time, you need your Donghuang Bell to suppress the surroundings to prevent the Emperor Jiang from breaking the formation. enter!"

Taiyi's eyes flashed with unwillingness, but he could only nod, "Okay! Kill that guy next time!"

Di Jun took a deep breath, looked at the Heavenly Court and said softly: "No matter what, this Heavenly Court must be controlled by us. This place is the place where our demon clan thrives."

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